Food Addicts Support

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  • Quote: Just chiming in here...I'm new to 3fc. I have been in and out of OA for years but, with the help of my therapist, decided to leave because I couldn't agree with everything and was tired of trying to fake it. Anyway, I'm here looking for support because I do need support.

    I find I do well when I don't eat sugar or wheat or processed foods. I have also met with a nutritionist a few times and am working at a 30% fat, 30% carb, and 40% protein plan of eating. I did it today - yay!
    Hi Melissa, Apologies! I totally missed your post. That's how quiet this thread has been! Please do drop in for support and let us know how it's going. I tried OA and also found that it just didn't quite fit. There are some support threads that I read on 3FC but not one specifically for self-acknowledged food addicts. The term seems to stir up controversy on 3FC

    I'm going to use this quiet thread as a place to check in regularly & invite fellow food addicts to do the same.

    Besides check in, I'm interested to hear your thought on things like: What to do around foods that trigger you to want more more more? Is abstinence the best way? Is it effective to use artificially sweetened things or do they just make you want more? Or, abstain most of the time and have a bunch occasionally? Do you kinda enjoy the roller coaster of restrictive eating followed by guilt-free binges or are do you aim for steady & consistent? Are you affected by seasonal things like sunlight? And so on.

    I think I have some hard wired tendencies toward addictive eating. Most of my relatives, at least those I have met or seen in photos, are overweight. When I eat something--almost anything at all---it's as if a light switch goes on that makes me want to keep eating. But I doubt overeating steamed cauliflower ever made anyone obese. My triggering foods are, as David Kessler describes in the End of Overeating, various concoctions of sugar, fat, salt (SFS). I also get hooked on certain music and will listen endlessly to a single song or composition for days until it no longer evokes pleasure.

    So my first check in will be unstructured, just to say it was a no SFS day. No exercise--had a sore back from work yesterday. I meditated for 29 minutes. Trying to build up to a longer sitting time in anticipation of a 5 day retreat in July.

    Have a good weekend!
  • B broccoli omelet 7 vanilla whey shake w coffee
    L Broiled chicken breast on lettuce & veggie salad
    D Broiled chicken breast, cabbage steaks, steamed fingerling carrots
    S Choc whey shake/espresso, protein hot choc
    2 L herbal teas-infused water
    Craving something sweet this evening so had the last protein hot choc. Last night I woke up and had one in the middle of the night even though I had eaten plenty of food.

    Meditation will be this evening
    Physical activity ~7500 steps
  • B Broccoli omelet & vanilla whey shake/coffee
    L Salad with chicken/sauteed zucchini
    D Broiled chicken breast & carrots
    S Choc Whey shake/coffee, a few bags of Quest chips
    2L cold herbal tea, Yogi Cinnamon Vanilla
    No sweet cravings. Working to eliminate artificial sweeteners, but for now I have the heavy duty ones out of my diet. very fond of my whey shake, stevia drops in the tea, WF dressings. But that's about it. I think sweetness whether it's from a real or fake sugar makes me crave sweets.

    Meditated 10 min
    Physical activity 6800 steps
  • Good morning Fellow Food Addicts!
    As this thread tiptoes toward the magical number of 500 posts, I'm thinking it might be a better thing to close it & continue in the Weight Loss Support forum. Some of us self-acknowledged addicts identify with or have a diagnosis of ED & others do not. So, the broader forum feels like a better fit, for me anyhow. Please feel free to join me there.

    Thank-you to everyone who has been here courageously sharing your experiences & ideas or silently 'lurking'.
  • annnndd im here. not sure where to start or what to say. Just hoping to take this one day at a time and make an effort to stay on track
  • Hi & Welcome hlfoster9290!

    Feel free to introduce yourself, check and let us know how you're doing on your plan. I'm interested to hear about your plan, what keeps you motivated, what are your challenges, what are your goals. Of course anything about food addiction, too. Sometimes I feel very empowered and optimistic when I read about mounting scientific evidence to explain food addiction. Other times I wonder if anything concretely helpful can come out of it

    Meanwhile, I'm trying to get some weight off and will be posting there daily as a way of staying focused. This thread has become quiet & I re-opened it in under the Weight Loss Support Forum: C'mon over!

    Sending you !