After I lose weight I will....

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  • Shop...clothes, car,
  • Be able to tuck a shirt in
  • This is a great thread!!!.. so glad to read everybody's wonderful ambitions...

    After I lose weight, I will.....

    *** Stop living in sweat pants & baggy t-shirts
    *** Enjoy having my photo taken &, better yet, not be afraid to send a photo to my old boyfriend (eat your heart out, guy)
    *** Go to the water park without feeling self-conscious
    *** Go on a cruise & not be surprised at getting attention from that silver-haired hunk
    *** Work in my garden without getting tired
    *** Go to my class reunion & look better than most of those "old" people
    *** Live a longer & healthier & happier life
    *** (The best for last) Be able to keep up with my lively 11-year-old grandson

  • Fit on the rides comfortably at Six Flags and Disney World!
    Oh...and buy lots of clothes and not feel like crying in the dressing room.
  • Not feeling like crying in a dressing room is a goal of mine too, Greyfaery!
  • Buying clothes cause I like them not because they fit!
  • in front of the camera instead of behind it (and when I'm in pictures I won't be in the back row!) able to see my bikini line when I shave it! TMI, sorry.
    ...reconnect with childhood friends an updated wardrobe and wear things that I had refused to get rid of despite thinking they'd never fit me again!
    ...look at pictures of myself and not cringe!
  • I start my program tomorrow. Why am I on this path?
    - Reduce my A1C to normal
    - Stop the swelling in my ankles
    - Be able to play with my grandchildren the way I want.
    - Go down the big slide at the pool this summer
    - Ride an airplane without feeling I am crowding my seat mate
    - Fit into that airplane seat belt
    - Ride a rollercoaster!
  • these are all great to read! We can do it!

    -to shop and not want to cry in the changing room
    -to be able to look AT a mirrored wall if I happen to be walking toward one, and stop LOOKING AWAY FROM IT
    -to boost my personal morale of reaching my pre IP weight, and feeling good about ME
    -to get as much weight off of these joints as possible, so that after hip surgery I will heal faster

  • I agree! these are wonderful and inspiring to read. The things I am looking forward to include:
    -not being out of breath doing laundry
    -keeping up with the grandkids
    -also joint relief
    -no more sweat pants and ugly tops
    -being alive in 10 years so I can enjoy my 4 grandsons!
    Keep up the good work everyone. I did this once and lost 50 lbs. But like a dummy I put it all on plus another 30 pounds. I'm in this for the LONG haul now!
  • Date ex-cheerleaders!

    make fun of Amy Schumer instead of worshiping her ?

    .. a fugitive from the Mens board

    16 lost... [N^2 - 1] to go.
  • For Me:

    Be a good example to my DH so he'll consider modifying his health habits
    Reduce pain in my joints
    Fit back into the stunning evening gowns I own
    Sew a complete 1930's-retro wardrobe from my vintage patterns
    Walk faster and longer distances
  • Quote: For Me:

    Be a good example to my DH so he'll consider modifying his health habits
    Same here! DH and I have gained a lot of weight together over the years and I'm finally just starting to convince him to do something about it along with me.
  • Keep at it Greyfaery! I wish you luck.

    I have an immovable stone wall to work with. He's got a huge sweet tooth, and loves carbs - and says that he'd rather die early than give them up.

    **shaking head**
  • Ladyjan I have the same problem. He adores his sweets, is on medication for diabetes and gets angry when we discuss his eating habits....stubborn Italian to the end- .....Hopefully a switch will flip soon....