Intermittent Fasting Support Thread continued

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  • nayla - I hope you managed to get through the night and morning! Safe travels to Chicago

    Chardonnay - Oh no!!! I hope you feel better. Sounds like a mild concussion, but hopefully all ill effects have gone away by now. Nausea certainly does make it easier to not eat, huh?

    Fast day went pretty well yesterday. I think starting on Thursday, I'm going to go back to measuring and weighing my fast day meals just to make sure I'm on track (including my coffee...I think I have been going overboard and those calories add up!). I managed a really good 30 min. cardio workout, which surprised me because usually my energy is a little lacking on fast days. Plus I did my grocery shopping, some cooking, and a few other errands. But the scale isn't showing the drop I had hoped for. Hopefully it is just the weekend bloat still coming off....

    Hopefully getting a replacement part for my bike tonight. I really miss it. My boyfriend went on a bike ride last night without me and I was so jealous!
  • Hi Noname, I hear you on the coffee calories...I had to start re-measuring my "teaspoons" of sugar. I still have a teaspoon in my coffee, but "my" version of a teaspoon was more like a tablespoon. They do add up, especially on fast days!

    And thanks, my head is better today, no bumps!
  • Hey ladies! Just a quick Check in from Chicago. Yesterday was a very good day overall. I traveled first class (benefit of the sacrifice - just an upgrade based on status lol) and so I broke my fast Súper early but only are protein ... as soon as I got to the hotel I went for an amazing run around the water front. It was great! Had a really yummy healthy lunch then some tacos Minus the tortillas except for one for dinner.... The downside? I had a few cocktails with clients. Boo... At the end of the day, though, my Fitbit counted over20 thousand steps for me so it was a good active day overall.

    Alright... Off to get ready! Have a great week!!
  • Chardonnay - I need to start doing that myself. We have sugar packets at work that say they are 10 calories each, so I may just wait to add sugar until I get to work so I can count the calories easier!

    nayla - What an awesome place to run! Sounds like a good day, regardless of the cocktails Enjoy your trip.

    Yesterday was a good non-fast day for me! I logged everything into MFP, an estimate at least, and am doing that again today. I'll probably only keep it up for a week or so until I can see some progress. No gym yesterday, but I did a ton of cooking (chili in the crockpot for tonight!) so I'll have plenty of time today for a long workout.

    I'm visiting my grandparents this weekend, and just got the news that my granddad is home from the hospital (he had a heart valve replacement in May and has been in and out of the hospital and rehab in relation to the surgery) and my grandmom is heading home from rehab. She broke her hip shortly after my granddad's surgery. So happy that they will both finally be home when I visit!
  • Wow, I really thought everyone was taking a break from posting--turns out I just wasn't getting the messages in my Inbox! Oh well, it's nice to hear from you two Nayla and Noname, and welcome to Chardonnay and Cactusgirly!

    It sounds like you two are doing great on your fasts! I've been struggling a bit, but at least my stomach is feeling better. That was 5-6 days of feeling gross all day. I guess it might have been related to my cycle. Depressingly, I read that "perimenopause" can cause nausea, and it can begin in the early 40s (that's me!). But I had this before a couple of years ago, and not again until now, so who knows? I just hope to avoid it anytime soon, since it sure messed up my workouts AND my fasting! Now I'm trying to get back to my low point, and today I was up about 2 lbs from there. Fasting is feeling like more of a chore lately, and I'm sure that's also due to stress--life is just so busy and hectic right now. You would think that would help, but since I'm home most of the time, it doesn't seem to. Anyway,we're leaving this weekend for a 10-day trip out to Colorado to visit family. I'll be attempting to keep to a 18/6 or even 16/8 fasting schedule, which might actually be easy, considering that the family we're visiting is all super-healthy, thin marathon runners, lol. I just won't have my scale (unless I bring it??) so I won't be able to keep track. Oh well, we'll see how it goes. I guess I have to at least be happy that I'm 15 lbs lighter than the last time I saw them!

    So it sounds like you're both traveling this weekend--I hope all goes well and you enjoy your trips! I will be off and on here while we travel, but I will try to get on and check, now that I know I'm not necessarily getting messages to my email account!
  • lightenup - Good to hear from you! I was wondering where you were but never got around to messaging you. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. I hope it's not perimenopause!!! Have a wonderful trip to Colorado. The scale will be waiting for you when you get back
  • Today is a fast day for me! Going well so far. I measured my sugar and milk this morning for my coffee *gasp* Only 55 calories so far, and I have my dinner measured for tonight so no chance of going over! Managed to go to the gym last night and I should hopefully be able to manage a third workout tonight or tomorrow.

    Tomorrow's weigh-in is looking promising for a loss in the morning! Does anyone else get really excited when they are expecting a loss? I know I'll jump out of bed in the morning and go right on the scale (well, after going to the bathroom haha). It's especially exciting because I have not been below 186.8 since I first reached it at the end of August. Crossing my fingers to see the 185s. I deserve a loss, darnit!
  • I'm with you, Noname! I'm attempting a 5:2-style fast today, so only coffee and 50 cal of chocolate so far. I won't get home until about 4:30pm today, so that will help. I have no idea how to eat only 450-500 calories tonight though--for me it's usually 1400 or so, or sometimes I've had no calories for a longer fast. I'm not sure how to keep it to 500!

    Good luck for your number in the morning, Noname! I'll be hopping out of bed to weigh, too, if I can manage to stick to today's fast!
  • What are you planning on eating for dinner? I think it's easier if you set up a plan beforehand and stick to it. Otherwise you start snacking and before you know it, you've blown the 500.... Lean meat or seafood with a huuuuuuuge plate of veggies usually does it for me! Good luck!
  • Thanks! I will definitely make a lot of veggies, but I'm not sure about what else. I have to cook for the whole fam, and a lot of days I fly by the seat of my pants and figure out dinner about 15 minutes prior to making it! We might have some salmon patties, so I could do that with veggies.

    What days do you do your fasts? Tu/Th? Or do you adjust depending on the week?
  • Salmon patties and veggies sounds like a good choice I can imagine it's hard to cook for a family on a fast day!

    I usually do Mon/Thurs unless my schedule requires me to change it (like it will next week since I have a work event Thursday). Lately I've been keeping a few things on hand that my boyfriend can cook for himself on fast days instead of me trying to figure out something that will work for both of us! So tonight he can make himself a turkey burger

    Edit: Man, I really have the fast day shivers today!
  • My big secret to fast days is homemade soups. I can't do without my coffee and glass of wine in the evening, so basically that is 150 calories right there. But I give myself a break and I eat 600 calories on fast days so I can still enjoy the wine and not feel denied. I know from history if I deny myself a little vino, I have a tendency to say screw it all and drink more than I I compensate that way.

    I make non-dairy soups with lots of veggies and rice noodles to fill me up and I usually have that for lunch and dinner. Sometimes I'll eat yogurt with fruit and granola in the morning, then the soup for dinner. So far that is working quite well and I don't ever feel hungry or like binging.
  • Noname, I do the same thing. I'm the happy homemaker so I do all the cooking, my bf is a carnivore, where I don't eat beef/pork. So on my fast days I make sure a steak or a few pork chops are thawed out for him because he doesn't want/need to fast. He bbq's his meal and I heat up my soup. We still have dinner together but we both eat what we want on those 2 days. On the other 5 days, I make healthy meals we can both enjoy together. It works quite well!

    Btw, I get the shivers too on fast days if I wait too long between meals or herbal teas. But I just feel so good fasting, I'm thinking of switching it up to a 4:3 and fasting M-W-F from now on. I'll see how it goes tomorrow!
  • Chardonnay - It looks like I will be right there with you with the Mon-Wed-Fri 4:3.

    Disappointing weigh-in this morning. 186.8...which is my low weight, that I reached at the end of August, and less than a half pound lower than last week. Sigh. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong or if it really is just a stubborn plateau. So, will try 4:3 next week (even though I know I hate it) and see if I can get things moving.
  • Noname, sorry you didn't achieve the weight you were hoping for. I'm actually afraid to weigh in each week...mine is Tuesdays. I think the 4:3 is a great idea. I think that I'm going to also look into low carb eating. Just by coincidence, I'd been eating low carb naturally for a few days then I had a pasta meal and I felt terribly bloated for days. I'd like to see how that goes with respect to my weight loss for the next few weeks.