Triumphant Thursday Beach Chat 6/26

  • Yes it is!!! Quick fly by as I am off to class.

  • Congratulations to your son, Jennifer! What a great picture, and you look absolutely amazing! What a happy and proud day for you!

    We're getting some relief from the humidity this morning after last night's rain. I think the plan is for the girls and I to go watch Cindy in a horse show today, so thank goodness it's a bit cooler!

    My niece's wedding is tomorrow, and it's going to be held outdoors, and so far the weather is looking perfect for it. All of us have been busy helping to prepare for it, and I've been getting dozens of phone calls every day. (Aunt Linda, do you have a picture of Mommom & Poppop's wedding? Can I borrow Mommom's cake stand and silver serving pieces that you have? Can you look in Mommom's sewing basket for a spool of blue thread? Etc.) LOL! I'm sure it's going to be a lovely wedding and I'm looking forward to it. My DGD Caitlyn and her boyfriend flew in last night from Wisconsin, and I'm excited to see them, too. I haven't see them since Christmas.

    OK, time to find something for breakfast, probably a smoothie, then get on with this day!
  • Good morning. What a super picture of you and your son, Jennifer. You look great. (I actually thought it you were his GF! No kidding!)

    Linda, so glad Caitlyn made it home. It certainly will be a wonderful family weekend. I sure hope to see lots of pictures. The weekend should be terrific.

    Just in from persuading Jazz to do his morning duties and am getting pretty fed up with a wet deck and steps. It's even growing moss in some spots. If we don't get a sunny weekend, I'll really be annoyed. I may even resign from the weather programme for a while.

    Was not feeling great yesterday, and the weather didn't help, but I got ti together by noon and did do the drive delivering tags. Once I got out there it wasn't too bad and the one school that had artwork had wrapped it all in plastic. Came home and decided a nap was in order. I've not done that for a long time and it sure felt good.

    Today will be an "around home" day because I am waiting for a delivery of an outhouse - not for here, but for the Island. I do have to dash off to pick up bread from our local baker. We have a busload of ladies coming to tour the Mill so we have ordered bread for today as well as Saturday. I'm sure I'll be there and back before the outhouse arrives - if it does. It didn't happen last weekend as planned.

    Wishing you a Thrilling (?) Thursday.
  • Good morning

    jen. Im with Ruth, you could pass for his girlfriend. Hope studying goes well today

    Ruth. I too am wondering if my outdoor rug will ever dry out

    Cottage. Enjoy your DGD. Wedding sounds like lots of fun

    Back from dd and so enjoyed my grandsons. The 18 month old is so much fun but boy did he keep me busy. Very frustrated. I know my dr isn't well but this is the 3rd appointment cancellation. I have been trying to see her for 3 weeks. Off to make lentil soup. Back into a routine
    take care
  • Good morning,

    It is a triumphant Thursday my DS got a job!!! right up his alley for his degree. He will be working for the St. Louis Circuit Court Attorney's office. This will give him a chance to see if he really does want to become a lawyer- they require a 2 year commitment before he can go to law school.

    Jekel- Great picture of your son, congrats to him. You look fantastic!

    Cottage- sounds like you will have a fun weekend

    Ruth- enjoy your busy day.

    Today is full of meetings and then swim meet tonight and I am volunteering for this meet to work the bullpen.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Hello chicks! I have been MIA the last day or two as my year winds down. Today was a staff breakfast and meeting, then we were done by noon. (If I had known they were going to serve quiche I might have been tempted to skip my smoothie. As it was, I got to bring home a piece of leftover veggie quiche for later.) It is awesome to close out another school year but it is hard to believe it is over. Isn't that the way life is? You keep looking forward to an event and then poof! it is done.

    Jennifer, awesome picture and congrats to both of you. It is important to stop and celebrate these milestones.
    Ruth, we are having sunshine today and it is a nice change. I need to get out and weed the gardens. Hope you get your outhouse delivery.
    Pearl, that is great news for DS. And it sounds like a good idea to have the 2 year wait before law school. That way a person should have a good idea about the career field before pursuing their degree.
    Sophie, it sounds like you had a great visit. Hope you get to the doctor soon.
    Cottage, your weekend sounds like the fun kind of crazy busy.

    Well, I think I am going to start off my summer vacation with a nap. Have a great rest of the day, everyone!
  • Hi, all.

    Jennifer - Loved seeing the photo.

    Rose - Woo hoo!!!

    I saw the hip specialist today and he surprised my by not agreeing with the diagnosis from the radiologist. He wants me to get an MRI and, fortunately, I could get in later today. Not sure when I'll hear results so it is back to waiting.

    Eating has been good. DH and I went to a vegan restaurant for lunch yesterday to use a gift certificate I gave him. It was my least favorite of the ones we've tried but a good adventure.

    Have a great day.
  • Well I wrote a post this morning but apparently it disappeared or I just hit the wrong button Oh well, nothing exciting around here. Lots of work right now, even Saturday this week. Tomorrow is our day off though so not going to think about work for the next 36 hours.

    Happy almost Friday