Where is best place for...

  • daily weight loss entries in the forums? I feel this will help me to be more accountable. Right now I started it in the mini-goal but I believe that forum is more for success stories/pics. Not sure...
  • Hello kmruby1.
    I am new here, I am sorry I cannot answer your question. It is a shame that no one has helped you on this for a month now. Maybe everybody else is in other sub-forums.
  • Generally, yes there are quite a few threads amongst the various subforums where you can keep accountability. My best suggestion is to poke around and find the one that best suits your needs.
  • Look around for some challenges that involve daily or weekly weigh ins and participate if that interests you.
    I am on a TDC weekly weigh on another forum that i have faithfully logged every Monday since starting my WOE last August. Its a good external motivator.