Tired on IP

  • I've been on program about 2.5 weeks. I feel so tired and have no energy. I feel I'm doing everything right. I've lost 8 lbs when I weighed on Wed. which would have been 2 wks. I'm 68 yrs old, and not real active, but lately I feel drained! I was hoping losing a few lbs would help. In the last two years I've had knee replacement and a lumpectomy for breast cancer. Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?
  • Hi

    Welcome, it seems like fatigue levels can be different for lots of people. I have read that people are encouraged to take the extra salt recommended and make sure that you are eating all the 4 cups of veggies and drinking enough water. Some have had different intolerances to some of the ingredients in the food like soy, whey...which may be impacting the body. I'm not sure how much you weigh but if you are over a certain weight you get an extra pack. Have you followed up with your dr? I'm glad to read that have recovered from breast cancer.
  • Extreme tiredness hits me on and off on IP. Ketosis really kills my appetite, but I don't always get the energy from it people discuss. I drink two cups of coffee (and add extra water) to help. I also split my protein into lunch and dinner. Hang in there!!!
  • I might try more salt. I need to lose 25 to 30 lbs. My doctor gave me the ok, but I haven't talked with her since I started. I am eating and drinking everything.
  • Tiredness and lack of energy hit me off and on all through P1 - I just powered through and it never seemed to last for long. I just figured my body was so busy burning fat it had no time for other things!

    Hang in there, it should get better for you. I agree with everyone else, make sure you are getting all your supplements, salt, oil, water etc., in - it can make a huge difference.
  • The diet is still pretty new for you and your body might still be adjusting. I know I can't stay up past 10 on this diet and every few weeks I just crash and sleep a lot, but generally my energy level is ok.

    Are you eating red meat? If you are sticking to really lean meat all the time, that might help a bit. Also, go back to your doc for some blood work, maybe something is low.

    The diet is very low calorie. I'm amazed by the people who still work out on this diet. Cleaning the house is my max.some days I have to push myself to walk the dog!
  • Quote: ...The diet is very low calorie. I'm amazed by the people who still work out on this diet. Cleaning the house is my max.some days I have to push myself to walk the dog!
    I agree with ChipnDip which is why, for the good of my health, I don't clean the house or walk the dog!
  • I get home fom work around 4:30pm. By the time I cook dinner, do a load of laundry, clean up, and take my bath I am ready for bed, and it's not even 8:00 yet! My DH works outside (it's extremely hot in Louisiana) so he's tired too, we were asleep by 8:30 almost every day last week. Now it makes sense, I thought I was just emotionally worn out from work. I like the thought of being tired because my body's working hard burning calories!
  • This is really your body's natural defense to lowered caloric intake:lowering the metabolism. For some, Ketosis provides an energy boost, but not for all. My energy/exhaustion came in waves. We're treating our bodies differently and they take a bit to adjust.
  • Thanks everyone for letting me know I'm not alone! Some days I feel better and other days I have trouble taking care of everyday needs. My coach mentioned that it could be caused by too much cal-mag. I'm hesitant to cut back on any supplements. Guess I'll just hang in there!