Looking for vegan buddy!!

  • Hello my name is Jessie. I am almost 400 pounds and have high blood pressure. I have been trying yoyo diets for years I would lose weight then gain it plus more. I have been watching vegan movies online for a few days now. I search online about becoming vegan and find a ton of people saying yes and a ton saying bad idea. I think in my heart it is for me but I was wanting to see if anyone would help me in the transition. I need a free coach I can run daily meals by to make sure everything is ok. If someone (vegan) would be interested in helping me please pm me it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  • Hi canadacatman, you could post your menus online? I can certainly look but I can't guarantee that I'd be able to look at comment daily. Other vegans may be able to comment as well.

    I think overall my advice would be to be kind with yourself as it is a change and a learning process.
  • Hello - I'm not vegan or a vegetarian, so I'm probably not going to help much, but I saw this 21 day vegan kickstart with really easy ways to start menu planning.

    I think when we start a new diet, the hardest thing is wandering around saying, "I can't eat that," so it's always a good idea to prepare by deciding what we WILL eat.

    If it were me, I'd probably make a few batches of soup (some kind of lentil soup is a great one - curry lentil is my favorite), and freeze it in portions so you have at least something to eat when you need a quick meal. I also keep homemade veggie burgers, burritos, dal, habichuelas guisadas, and "meat" balls on hand.

    Think simple: cheese-less pita or tortilla pizza, pasta, stir fry, veggie wraps and stuffed vegetables are quick and easy meals, and you can make them all in a variety of ways!

    Good luck
  • There is just a wealth of online vegan meals/recipes. Spend just a little time googling and you can come up with a simple, easy meal plan in a snap. There doesn't have to be anything hard or difficult about the meals!

    Plus, there a TONS of vegan convenience foods now. A great variety of canned soups and chilis, frozen meals, and burritos.

    You can get fancy and complicated as you go.

    Good luck!