Maintainers on a Losing Streak in the Summertime

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  • Michele, you are far more dedicated than me! Of course, Chipotle is readily available and if I wanted it I know where to get it. I hear you loud and clear about the extra meal. Well done on being sociable and making a graceful early exit!

    saef, I'm in the same boat this week. I'd forgotten about some unsulphured organic dried figs ... til DH put them on a salad a couple of days ago. I won't go into the details, but too many figs tends to cause other issues.

    Machu Picchu is on my bucket list, but international travel somehow doesn't appeal to me quite the way it used to, unfortunately. I'm pretty burned out on news of what atrocities my fellow humans are perpetrating on each other these days.
  • Becky-- Chipotle is right around the corner from me and luckily I had just had it a few days ago with dd so the cravings weren't too bad. And they didn't have sofritas which is my protein of choice.

    The parents have provided Starbucks coffee for us this morning and it is strong-- I'm buzzing already and flying around! Whoo!!!

    Friday the 13th!? Lucky or unlucky? My dad always felt it was a lucky day but maybe that's because he was born on April Fools Day!

    Father's Day plans? My hubby will still be gone so none for me. I will have to call FIL as I forgot to send a card in time.

    Tomorrow we are doing the Weiner Races with Dewey! Wish us luck! I'm just hoping he runs. We found hilarious youtube videos of weiner races-- some of the doggies run while others meander to the bushes!
  • We have a Chipotle not far from where we live but I've never been to that one. We went to another a couple years back and I was unimpressed. Could it be I ordered the wrong item? I hear raves about them all the time (I do like their purchasing mentality) but didn't see anything special. Del Taco on the other hand...

    I've been adding a few dried apricots to my diet. Not too many to be a problem (in any sense of the word!) but just to get a little extra potassium. I've decided bananas are off my menu. While I like them they always ripen too fast. I like mine when they still have a tinge of green and once the first brown spot appears they're too far gone (IMO) for my pleasure. I have just one left but it may end up in the garbage as I don't have the freezer space to save it for something.
  • Friday the 13th is lucky for me. I found out I was pregnant with my DS - after trying for several years on a Friday the 13th. So I always considered it a lucky day since then.

    We are going to a German restaurant and watching world cup there for Father's Day. My DH's mom is from Munich and both he and she speak German, as does my DS. I understand it somewhat, but not good at speaking. The food is not that great IMHO, but that's where he wanted to go. He obsesses over World Cup every four years which is weird because he doesn't watch it much any other time.
  • My husband took German. He can say one phrase which basically says, I speak German, but not so good. I'm the same with French.

    I took a long look at the full moon this morning when I got up, hoping that Friday the 13th with a full moon wouldn't be bad for me. But so far it isn't working. My office assistant hasn't been in all week and called in sick again today. Seems that she fell earlier this week, cut her head and/or eye to the point it swelled shut for two days. She finally went to the doctor on Wednesday and they determined she has a concussion as well. I don't want her driving if she feels dizzy just walking around in her apartment. She wants to come in tomorrow to catch up on her work and both DH and I said no. In fact we told her that if she drives here it will be for nothing because I'm boxing up all her work and taking it home. I don't want her here. Tuesday she can come in to do extra but ONLY if she feels good. And our estimator called in sick...well, he wanted a personal day. So that means it's just me and DH in the office so we don't get to go out for our Friday lunch.
  • Michele, I am looking forward to your report on the weiner dog races!

    Machu Picchu is on my bucket list as well.

    We had cake and ice cream at our team lunch today to send off a couple people who are switching to a different project and welcome a new person to our project. I ate too much. Oops.

    Not sure yet what we're doing for Father's Day. I am going to try to let DH have some time off from the babies. I took the girls over to a paint-your-own pottery place a couple weeks ago and got their footprints on a plate, with the heels together so they look like hearts, then wrote "we <3 dad" on it. I rushed through painting on the text because I was trying to hurry to get the girls home for dinner and to make sure they didn't crawl around and break all the pottery, so it looks like a 5-year-old did it, but at least it's something!
  • We are going to see my dad tomorrow, grill something I figure. Then my MIL is coming to our house Sunday to see DH, where I suspect there will also be grilling involved.

    We have had DSS all week this week - got him Monday morning, back to his mom next Monday. This is the first time in 9 years that we have had him an entire week at a time, even though the custody agreement says we are to have him four weeks a year. It has been an experience so far. Schedules go right out the window. LOL

    Jessica - it isn't supposed to look all fancy. Looking like a five year old did it is just fine.
  • Machu Picchu sounds awesome! Maybe some day...

    Allinell, I hear you about the bananas. I have the same problem with them and a lot of other fresh produce. I've taken to buying guacamole in packs instead of eating avocados since too many have ended up in my compost pile. We keep bags of veggies and berries in the freezer, but part of my WOE is starting with a "fresh" course, so each week it's a race for me to eat up the different kinds of fresh produce before they expire.

    We own a grill but haven't used it in years. We plan to eat out for Father's Day, probably Mexican, a DH fave. That shouldn't be a problem for me with my WOE (1 meal a day).

    My food is back on track and the extra weight from the reunion and salt is mostly gone. Now that the weekend is here, I'd like to get back on track with walking too.
  • I buy two or three avocados weekly as we love them in salads, in sandwiches and on top of some of the dishes I cook. Once they're the right ripeness I keep them in the fridge to control how long they survive. Sometimes I get a slight dark spot inside but rarely have to throw one out. Also, I bought these cool things called food huggers and they work really well on saving half an avocado without it going brown at all. food huggers

    I've entered a challenge myself. I aim to get exercising again. DH has kind of been on my case about it so hopefully this will make me more accountable. I'm starting off slow, just 20 minutes a day.
  • We have been going through avocados fairly quickly since the babies love them. They go in the fridge as soon as they're ripe to keep them fresh. I like to buy the bags of several small ones instead of a few individual big ones.

    My weight has fluctuated between 168-172 the past week. I'm just going to assume this means I'm approximately 170 still. I am armed with my gym bag at work today and brought a healthy lunch. W-F I have all-day training at work though so I guess I need to get my workouts in today and tomorrow. Not so happy that my plantar fasciitis is flaring up. Sigh.
  • weight = atrocious. I've moved the scales so I'm getting on them now. (Downside is that they are in the way so I keep kicking them and the units change. This morning it was all pounds. I don't mind this as, whichever unit it's in, it's all information to help me out.)

    Cardioed my way up and down some wooded paths this morning and then stood on a terrace at the top in the sunshine and did a few stretches. I'll try to do this a few times a week. And weights on the other days.

    Eating my standard 'at work lunch' of tin of fish and salad and oatcakes. But without the oatcakes. This usually backfires me into wanting more at the end of the afternoon but I feel quite full so we'll see. The end of the afternoon will be busy with builders, after-school stuff and steps towards tea, and going to Italian. If the cardio floats me through this then I'll be pleased especially as I don't think I had quite enough sleep last night.
  • Thanks for the tips on saving avocados! I may give them another try.

    Father's Day dinner out and at-home dessert has me up a bit on the scale, and I just found out I'll be eating out tonight too so I don't expect to see much progress this week. I'm not stressing, though. In the grand scheme of things, I am moving in the right direction and happy with the trade-offs.

    I got in a bit more time on the treadmill this weekend, but today I plan to break out the bug spray and take the dog into the woods. The mosquitoes really put me off my last few walks. The ticks are also very numerous around here.
  • yoyoma - mosquitoes and ticks are quite horrible.
  • Father's Day meant a round of golf with DH. DS and I presented him with a dozen really high-end golf balls; he promptly lost 3 on the course. Not his finest day. DS struggled, but I can imagine that growing about 8 inches after your last round probably throws off your swing and stance a bit. Me, I had my best opening round of all time - a 52, sprinkled with enough pars and enough great shots to make me think I want to play more this year.

    I busted out the skinfold calipers and measuring tape on Sunday to record the "befores" for the 12 week challenge. It is what it is; the goal is to get better from here. I gave myself some good workout leeway in that my "contract" reads 5 workouts a week between the pool, my TRX, or HIIT. I tossed the HIIT in there because that's my quick "out" if the schedule gets packed. 18 minutes, yeah, I can do that. DH has been devoting 5-6 days per week to his 18 minute routine, and holy moly, what a change that little amount of time has made for him in just a couple months.
  • I'm in the same challenge as Allison - hope it will help me get back on track.