All you never wanted to know and didn't ask.

  • I have again managed to gain weight to an uncomfortable, as well as, unhealthy weight. I have lost the weight on 2 occasions in the past, but I have been running into a motivation problem. I have always been able to self motivate myself, in whatever I have decided to do and I don't know if I have given up on myself (I don't think so) or maybe I am just to exhausted to care sometimes.
    I don't eat clean but I don't eat bad either. I have never cared for fruit or vegetables so I eat mostly proteins. I am going to use this forum as an opportunity to see where I need improvements, I know I quit walking 3 miles a day a couple yrs ago and I plan on getting that started back up asap.
    I am fortunate that I am happy in almost every aspect of my life, I have a great ans supportive husband of 26, I have a job that is perfect for me, I have 2 daughters yes I have trying days with them but without those what would I have to embarrass them with in my later years. They are also the reason I think I maybe exhausted we have something every evening and most weekends.
    Every now and then I just have to go to the ranch and unplug and be without a schedule just to see if I am still sane.
    This is going to be a journey -
  • Welcome and Good Luck!
  • Welcome! My advice is to jump right in on various threads and start chatting! Don't hang back! The spirit of support and community is right there, you just have to reach out and start talking!

    You can do this!