Merry Month of May Monday - the 12th

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  • Glorious morning arriving at the moment and we are going to hit 70º. I think we really do have Spring now! My tulips are blooming.

    Had a busy but good weekend with long days but survived unscathed. The BBQ with my extended family was great. So nice to see young children having good old-fashioned fun running and rolling in the grass with the dogs and fishing from the dock. The new house is gorgeous and Wendy's sister (a real estate agent) has it beautifully decorated.

    Today I start "work" at the Mill since the students start orientation. I'll be explaining the intricacies of payroll and time sheets to them - not the fun part - but will also do small tour's of our Delta area so they will know where to send visitors if they ask the usual questions like"Where can we get cheese?" "Where can we get a coffee?"

    Yesterday Jazz "escaped" from his yard and I just cannot find how he does it. There are some spots where the earth has washed away a bit but he is just wet, not muddy when he comes back. For now he is back on the long lead which he hates as much as he hates the cone of shame! The battle continues.

    Right now I am going to sit on the deck a bit before I start my day. It's going to be a beauty!
  • Good Morning

    Hi Ruth! Thanks for getting us started! It sounds like you have a lovely Spring day. Enjoy it!

    I knew this was going to happen at some point, but we were totally unprepared. Ouch. We have 14 inches of snow and it's still coming down. We were totally in Spring mode when we left our poolside spot last Friday and now there is danger of a hard freeze tonight. I have to work today and then we are driving over the passes to shut our water off. Double ouch. Oh, well. I don't believe we've had this drastic weather so late in May. We will just deal with it.

    So I'm off for coffee and a smoothie.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning!

    Ruth, I'm wondering if Jazz is jumping over the fence? Or squeezing through the opening where the gate is? That darned little rascal! Thank goodness he comes back! I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day.

    I enjoyed a very nice Mother's Day, and Jake and the kids prepared a delicious meal on the grill. The weather was just perfect for wining and dining on the patio.

    I'm anticipating a busy day ahead, and I've already started a load of laundry here since I didn't do anything domestic all weekend. There was a houseful of guests at the farm all weekend, so I'll have plenty to do there, and will probably have to go for groceries, too. I'd rather be busy, though, than sit around all day with nothing to do.
  • Ick, Debbie! Wanna come see us, it'll be 80 degrees here the next few days. I won't mention all the thunderstorms too, although who doesn't like a thunderstorm once in a while?

    Ruth, hope your orientation goes well. I think you need to put a collar cam on Jazz to see what he does.

    The weekend was great - my kids did awesome and I'll have to figure out how to get pictures on here! The bride passed out during the ceremony (is that a good or bad omen?), and apparently I've never danced in front of DH's family before. (LOL) Is it bad when his cousin's daughter tells me I taught her a few things?! OH no!

    Back the grind. This is my last weekend at my old job, although I have 3 weeks left of working. Keep it going, keep it going...

    I might even make more confetti salad, for the third week in a row! I am finding that I feel a lot better with a light lunch.

    Have a great day y'all!
  • Good morning Cottage! I hope your day goes quickly!

    How did you do, Jennifer?
  • Hi, Debbie! Goodness, snow???!!! I did see it on this morning's news. Be careful driving, and I hope it all melts soon!
  • Tammy, you snuck in, too, while I was posting. Please do post pictures, I'm looking forward to it! That's a shame the bride passed out; I hope she recovered quickly!
  • Here's Grace the LuLu -

  • And Ethan Foo Foo

  • They are absolutely precious, Tammy! Grace, especially, looks all grown up!
  • Good morning everyone! Tammy, those are loveliy photos. Looks like you had a good time.

    Debbie, 14 inches of snow!!! It's been a whacky weather year.

    We had a beautiful day yesterday (cool and breezy) but I watched it from inside. I'm still grading papers and doing end-of-year stuff, and will continue doing that today. Plus laundry. This is my third day back on the Beach, and it hasn't been hard. If I make it through today, I'm confident I'll keep on.
  • Good morning all!!!

    My coworker was in Colorado and got snow too - makes me wonder how they can issue a "winter" storm warning when it's not winter?!?!

    It's going to be 90* here today so I am staying inside. Way too warm for me.

    Awwww Tammy!!!! too cute!

    Have a good one y'all!
  • Good morning,

    Ruth I like Tywnn idea of a collar cam

    Cottage enjoy your day

    Tywnn your kids are too cute, Grace does look grownup.

    Xan this your last week of school right?

    Jenne did you get any answers from the doctor?

    Debbie I don't even know what to say 14 inches of snow holy moly.

    Well we had a fun weekend with extended family on Saturday the house was all kinds of crowded for the party we threw for DS College graduation, we had a blast. Mother's Day was super quiet as everyone had left and the good news was everything was picked up Saturday evening so nothing to have to clean up on Sunday. I take my test for my class tomorrow so I will try to get some studying done on the commute home and we have Awana tonight only 2 sessions left before summer break.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Quote: Jenne did you get any answers from the doctor?
    I start infusions on Wednesday. If I don't hear from the infusion center before then, that means insurance ok'd it and we're a go. Then, hopefully, they can start decreasing my prednisone and methotrexate.

    I got biopsy results that are confusing (eczema? Um, never had it before and these are sores that won't heal) but I won't go back to the guy. Plus, they are still infected...meh.

    Thanks so much for asking Pearl!
  • Jenn, you're really going through a lot! This can't be easy.

    Pearlrose, last week was the last week of classes, but I have two more weeks before the students graduate, which means meetings with parents, grading, etc. MUCH less stressful than teaching, though Thanks!