Christian Encouragers-May, 2014

  • Welcome Friends

    You've found a great place to come and vent, share or ask for prayer support.
    This is a great group who will be very encouraging, caring and loving....
    ....anyone is welcome to join!

    A Servant's Prayer --

    Jesus, My Jesus....How marvelous are your ways....
    Far more splendid than my mind can envision.
    What an honor to be chosen by you.
    A lowly child I am, but empowered by the Holy Spirit
    to fulfill the great hope to which you have called me.
    I give myself totally to you, Lord.
    Take my imperfect heart and make it perfect.
    Peel away the hardness.
    Close the doors I have opened to the temptations of this world.
    Gently remove the roots of painful memories, sins, doubts and fears.
    Discard anything that separates me from you.
    Lord, fill the emptiness with the light of your love that I might be a
    beacon calling the lost back to you.

    To love as you love.....
    To serve as you serve.....
    To forgive as you forgive.....
    Always mindful of my nothingness while doing great
    and marvelous things in your name and for your glory.
    This I pray, Jesus, in YOUR name ...
  • Hello, everyone! Sorry we seemed to miss making a new April thread, but here we go for May

    It's been such a busy month or so and I just can't seem to keep up with anything! Plus, our little group is getting smaller and smaller. Don't know if that's something that's affecting the entire 3FC site, with people being busy, busy, busy and not having time to come here to get encouragement and help with their life change in eating habits. I know that's been affecting me the last few weeks. But, God gets us through, even when we're not sure where the energy for the next step is coming from!

    DS2 graduates from college this week! He's so ready to get out of there! He doesn't have a 'degree' job yet, but does have his Walmart job to fall back on, so that's good. We're moving his stuff back home on Monday, so we'll have a full house again-lol!

    DS3 graduates high school next week! Although he doesn't actually go through the ceremony, since we've homeschooled, we do give him a diploma and he wanted a party, so we're planning a smaller party for the 24th. Ice cream sundae bar and cake, which will be something slightly different than most do around here -they do some really big, feed-the-whole-town-grad-parties up in this area. Our DS3 gave out 150 invites, but some of these kids invite 500+ to their parties! Plus, they cater meats, salads, desserts, etc. I don't know how the parents afford it!

    My mom is doing better, but still in the nursing home rehabbing the broken leg. She wants to come home, but she's still in the wheelchair and non-weight-bearing on the leg until the next dr. appointment on the 20th. The wheelchair simply won't fit in her hallway to get her to the bathroom, so I just had to tell her I didn't think it was possible until she's able to actually walk. Her leg is healing very well, though. Praise God!

    Hope you all are doing ok and having a nice spring!
  • Hey all, I know without the Lord's strength I will not be able to complete any of my goals so I am asking those on this thread to pray for me, my family is experiencing a really tough time and we are on the verge of breaking up into broken homes. Please pray for my family. Pray for us that we will love one another with God's love, and my children and I are sick too. Pray for me to be a good nurse, good coworker, good mother, and good housewife despite my emotions and stress. Thanks.
  • Jendiet-Prayers sent! May God bless you and your family and bring you closer to Him and to each other!
  • New Christian FC
    I'm new here, and glad there is a faith based place to chat. "I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see" I had turned to God when I lost 90 lbs way back in the day...but, I'm an emotional eater, and those that are, know what happens when u r one.
    I was on the Weigh Down Workshop, and affiliated with LA Weight Loss, but tragedy struck my life, and that all ended, as well as the loss of that 90 lbs. I'm hoping to get bk to where I was bk then.

    Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy WILL be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the KINGDOM, the POWER, and the GLORY. FOREVER AMEN!
  • Quote: I'm new here, and glad there is a faith based place to chat. "I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see" I had turned to God when I lost 90 lbs way back in the day...but, I'm an emotional eater, and those that are, know what happens when u r one.
    I was on the Weigh Down Workshop, and affiliated with LA Weight Loss, but tragedy struck my life, and that all ended, as well as the loss of that 90 lbs. I'm hoping to get bk to where I was bk then.

    Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy WILL be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the KINGDOM, the POWER, and the GLORY. FOREVER AMEN!

    Welcome and God Bless you.
  • shaund–Welcome!