How Much Water To Drink To Lose Weight ?

  • Ever wonder how to have eaten much water to lose weight.?
  • the issue is to drink water instead of other drinks that have calories or chemicals, especially drinks with added sugar. And to drink enough to keep yourself hydrated.

    You do not need to drink any more than 8 glasses a day and you don't even need to drink that much if you are drinking other drinks.

    Our bodies are mostly water and when we diet, we tend to consume less liquid so we need to drink more to compensate.

    But drinking water when dieting can also help by making us a bit fuller with a meal or to drink instead of a snack.

    However, when all is said and done the most important thing is to eat well when on a diet. Eat highly nutritious generally low calorie foods but from all categories. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit which are high in water, fibre, vitamins and minerals and other micro nutrients.
  • I used to have a personal trainer, he always said you should drink 1ltr per 20kg of bodyweight.
  • I have been advised to drink 3 to 4 litres per day and to limit other beverages
  • talking about "other beverages", if you drink coffee oder coffein drinks, ofcourse you have to adjust the amount...
  • Jolly, who advised you. It seems like a ridiculous amount of water. The standard advice is 2 litres per day in total is what we need including in our food.

    An interesting point that i read yesterday and i can confirm from my own experience is that people often thank they are hungry when what they are is thirsty. People confuse the sensation but for good reasons. So its always worth drinking some water first if the sensation of hungriness comes on when you know you've no good reason to be hungry.
  • Honestly, I don't think there's any evidence that there's any particular amount we should drink, and I think many people are given overestimates. I know of no peer reviewed research that tells us what people should drink (but always on the lookout). Even the old idea to drink at least 8, 8 ounce glasses of water really came as an idea from a doctor and became gospel. Then the amounts just kept going up!

    Yes, it's important to stay hydrated, but hydration comes in all of the liquids and many of the foods we eat.

    I do think there are other benefits many people find from drinking water (e.g., can make you feel less hungry), so I'm not saying it's bad to drink water. I'm just saying I don't think there's a need to reach a certain target if you're looking for weight loss success...
  • No there is no need to reach a target but it is good to have a rough idea of what the body needs.

    If your urine is dark yellow you are severely dehydrated.
    If you urine is clear as water, you are completely hydrated.
    If your urine is light yellow you are in the good zone still.
    If your ruins is fairly strong yellow you are dehydrated.

    Yes there is water in all our foods but the good reason i referred to above is that a lot of people depend on their food for hydration without realising it and go to food when what they need is water. I used to do that.

    we do that because we never had a water habit and trained/learnt to consume something else for hydration. What i used to do especially was feel like i needed a coffee. At that time i used to get a lot of blind pimples in odd places. Finally i switched to drinking more water and i never got those blind pimples again.

    There is never going to be an exact amount of water for all because we are all different sizes and have different activities levels and move in different climates and things. 8 glasses is a rough guide. Actually its often written as 6-8 glasses of water per day.

    As to the amount of water per day in total we need its often put as 3 litres per day which includes water for cooking.

    In the hot parts of australia bushwalkers are told they need 6 litres or even a litre an hour but that wouldn't be for 24 hours clearly.

    But i think its pretty safe to say that drinking 3-4 litres per day in normal daily living is excess to most people's needs. Just watch the colour of your urine. And opt for water before running for snacks and soft drinks, fruit juices, and even tea/coffee because it doesn't have calories.
  • I follow the same guidelines that Pattience posted.

    I don't write anything down, but I do have a 24 mL bottle that I try to fill up twice while at work. If I do and drink a cup before work and at least one cup in the evening, I know I'm very well hydrated. That's at least 64 oz. in a day. I always shoot for at least 50 though.
  • Pattience is spot on!

    "However, when all is said and done the most important thing is to eat well when on a diet. Eat highly nutritious generally low calorie foods but from all categories. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit which are high in water, fibre, vitamins and minerals and other micro nutrients."

    This really is the key!!!! If everyone put this into practice nobody would struggle with weight issues.