Beck Diet For Life/Solution – April 2014 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • I accidentally did who knows what and lost my post, so this will be brief. (Quell the hurrahs...) ... Very light food day today and I'm hungry now - will make toast or something because my stomach is growling. I went with small meals and no snacking because it was a busy day. Got in a full 9+hour workday in between everything else, getting started very early, and was able to work remotely with no issue, so that's a relief. Mondays are the busiest. I have felt so hungry the last few days, I feel like my jeans should be sliding down my legs. Alas, not the case...

    6CrowsGold - any suggestions for encouraging him to take medicine that they need, but really don't want to take? His pain meds need to be in his system continuous, but he fights it and then suffers greatly later and it takes ages to get it settled back down. If I come on too strong, he will push back stronger.

    Bill - Who do I need to talk to in order to have a plate of chocolate covered strawberries appear here for me? Sounds lucious!
  • Hi Beck Friends,

    Off to hotels for 2 nights tomorrow. I will be so happy for a 4 day weekend at the end of this week.

    Struggling over food much more than I want to be. Yesterday and today were not stellar. I know what needs to be done- slow down, make a plan, and think things through.

    Hoping to report in on Thursday that the rest of this week went better than the first part!

  • unexpected

    After the receptionist at my dentist's office finally caught me on the phone last week (I ducked her for 2 YEARS) I was in their office today for a cleaning and a checkup. Good=no cavities. Bad=bone loss, teeth "tipping" periodontal disease and no plan of action for me other than 3x a year check ups, get a waterpick, and floss and brush and keep up the routine at home and maybe, but it will be unlikely, that my teeth will remain with me if I live another 40 years.

    It was an odd visit as last time I was there they were pushing several options at me. This time, with a new dentist, who didn't even introduce himself, and a new hygienist who I liked way more than the other one-part of the avoidance of going there-they were like "oh well. Nothing can be done. We just hope to keep the status quo but don't expect you/it will happen." (BTW not what they said but how it felt). DH said it reminded him of the time he went to the big medical clinic when he got diagnosed with diabetes and he felt like everyone just wrote him off with a "here's a big fat guy and he's not going to change or do anything about his health-don't bother." I never knew he felt like that. I did feel like that at the dentist and I guess I deserve some of that, I guess, but the receptionist urged me to get a 2nd opinion and she said she would if she was me. So I probably will. Anyway all this to tell you that with my newly cleaned teeth and alarming prognosis I was very wary of what I would eat once I got home. It became clear to me, again, that sugar = poison and it just turns to acid asap and with my deep receptive pockets around my teeth it's just fuel for the acids down there that I can't reach and all that "food", all that crap food I eat, fuels all that acid that's eating my bone and what do I get out of it? Nothing. It is empty of nourishment. It gives my body nothing and in fact helps remove bone from me. Has been slowly doing that for years. So at least if this process is going to happen, no mater if I slow it down or not, at least I can choose to at least nourish. It's sort of a no brainer. And I should not be consuming out and out sugar ever. That's so very bad for me it's so obvious that I have no defense for doing that. Perhaps finally the consequences have finally piled high enough that I can't ignore it anymore. That would be a good thing and I would welcome it.

    Better go. Have a good night.
  • Lunar eclipse (shame we can't see it)

    I have had a bits and pieces day. Had to take the car for a service and sit and wait while they did it. Was going to read work but decided to start reading the Diet Fix which filled the time nicely - still not at the "Fix" section. Then worked some, then to the acupuncture session, then came home to work in the rain. Pleasant to avoid the office. Will be there tomorrow for my long, late day. Think I will take leave on Thursday to add to the Easter weekend. I am seeing the dragon lady Rheumatologist on Thursday and had blood tests done. Not sure what the results are because my copy hasn't arrived yet. I hope my inflammatory indicators are OK and I don't need to go back on steroids etc. Then we have the whole bisphosphonate issue to fight about - I really want to avoid it but have done nothing to find a counter argument yet - no time really. I am cobbling together meals this week - just hanging on for a break and some quality planning time.

    BillBE - we crossed in the ether last night. Strawberries and chocolate are pretty luscious. And very Spring. Love the idea of Easter Baskets with fruit and healthy offerings. Those products look really yummy (and very unavailable here)

    Tricia - One more pound - they are flying off. You are doing well and positive thoughts that you will reach that goal in the next 15 days.

    6crowsgold - Sorry for dramas re DS - hope they resolve. But you did really well to stay OP. LOL at the truth of "I wouldn't paste a strip of bacon on my hand if I cut it, so food won't fix this problem either!" I have to remember that.

    Gardenerjoy - Waiting for Day 10 with bated breath

    Nationalparker - you are right - your father needs to maintain stable blood levels to achieve good pain relief. Not sure how healthcare works in the States but someone on the palliative or pain management team needs to give him a talking to. Too difficult for family to draw the line. Men are so difficult with "pills". If they cloud his consciousness I understand his reluctance. He wants to be with you for as long as possible. But if they don't he needs to suck it up and take them. Not sure how you achieve that.

    CeeJay - sending good thoughts that you will have a few good days on plan while you travel. Looking forward to hear from you on Thursday

    Onebyone - dentists do like to catastrophise. But whatever it takes to keep you away from sugar - if that works grab it with both hands. Interesting that your DH disclosed how he felt at the hands of the medical profession. It is shameful that they are so stigmatising of groups of individuals.

    Ate on plan today - Yes
    Planned food for tomorrow - somewhat - still deciding what to take for lunch
    I logged food as I ate it - yes
    Weighed myself and logged it - yes
    Did planned exercises - ~8000 and 18 active minutes
    I didn't eat standing up - 90%
    I checked in with my diet coaches - Yes
    Listened to motivation recording - yes
    Made time for diet and exercise - missed gym again today. Don't feel well and had acupuncture so came home to enjoy the rain
  • Tuesday - Titanic Remembrance Day
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Set my alarm to watch the "Blood Red Moon" peak this morning at 3:00 am EDT - only to see a cloud cover. Drat. Fortunately, there'll be two more within a year or so. Hope the rest of you had better weather. (Sorry Australia, the sun was on your side of the globe for this particular dance.)

    Learned, perhaps once again, that I'm perfectly capable of self-delusion. Felt terrific all day that my pants felt loose - even though the scale isn't falling all that rapidly. 'Twas a wonderful feeling; walked with my chest out a bit and a touch of smug in my attitude. The waist is the true measure of the body's response to sane eating. I supposed it was due to my diligence in exercise - even though, according to my records, I'm only doing that good enough. Thought maybe my body was just catching up. Alas, turned out that I'd put on a pair of larger size pants - of course they felt loose. CREDIT moi for thoroughly enjoying the feeling all day.

    onebyone – Ouch for the reality of aging teeth. Kudos for facing it since diligence now has benefits despite previous history. My dentist has me using Clinpro 5000 tooth paste for the evening brushing. It has extra Fluoride but also Tri-Calcium Phosphate to help the enamel. I pay him $25 for the 4 ounce tube, but see it on line for less (despite "Prescription required").

    Joy (gardenerjoy) – Early and short response, LOL.

    CeeJay - Beck, herself, couldn't have written it better, "slow down, make a plan, and think things through." Kudos for keeping perspective.

    Cheryl (GosfordGirl) – Yay for 5 weeks without having to prepare classes. Kudos for 9800 steps - I couldn't go to bed with that number without pacing out the next 200 somewhere, LOL.

    nationalparker – A full workday on top of everything else is amazing focus. Kudos for all you're doing with a "Very light food day" included.

    Tricia (AZtricia) - Congrats on yet another pound gone forever. Thanks for the links to pictures of your common hummingbirds. It's easy to like the curve in the bill of the Broad-billed.

    6crowsgold - LOL at, "I wouldn't paste a strip of bacon on my hand if I cut it, so food won't fix this problem either!" - that's a new perspective for me. Gonna steal that one. Sending supportive thoughts for the whole cycle of drama, difficultly, good news, and no resolution with Kudos for not using food to avoid feeling it all. LOL at "dragon lady Rheumatologist" - what a great visual.

    Readers -
    day 14 Plan for Tomorrow

    what are you thinking?

    If you're having sabotaging thoughts, get ready to write your Response Cards.

    Sabotaging Thought: I can follow a diet without having to do this.
    Helpful Response: That might be true - at first - but why not maximize my chances?

    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 138.
  • Hi Coaches!

    I returned from our trip Sunday evening to snow and ice with a tweaked back. I managed to get to work yesterday morning *credit* yet we had hostess/waitress who was more than willing to let me go home. I visited my chiro and feel better today. Food was ok during our trip but more than usual. I got right back to my strict regime yesterday and will continue one day at a time.

    My newest task that DH finally wants to become techno friendly so he can email his buddy we just got back from visiting. It's been occupying my internet time. It's the first year since we sold our businesses that I haven't had my taxes done so I'll drop a check in the mail with an extension today.

    onebyone, my DH and I have both made big dental turnarounds. I found the waterpick to be extremely helpful....much easier than flossing. Routines are helpful and I found the "teeth" one to be helpful, too.

    Gotta is in 25 minutes.
  • Good Morning, Coaches.

    I am struggling with Ceejay with food. It is so disappointing to me that I went 11 days OP, overate at a couple of family dinners, and am now two pounds heavier than when I started the month. My mind is screaming UNFAIR (and whispering "What's the use. Eat what you want.")

    The healthy way to look at it is that the new food plan I was trying out was too restrictive and my body jumped way back that other way. Good. I learned something.

    I must still find a food plan that is comfortable for maintenance. I am going to investigate the new Weight Watcher's plan this morning. I am technically a lifetime member so it won't be much upfront capital to check things out.

    gardenerjoy: Just finished Galileo's Daughter. The biggest impact for me was how constrained her whole life was - cloistered at ten years old and yet she had the same range of emotional experiences as any of us. I take my freedom for granted.

    nationalparker: It is tough when great emotional weights come out in petty grievances.

    6crowsgold: cute about pasting a piece of bacon on your wound - although I wouldn't put it past my son to do anything with bacon.

    GosFordGirl: Good luck with your tests.

    Welcome back, Lexxiss.

    BBE: Lol with the pants shenanigans.
  • Still not making it to Day 10 of The Diet Fix. In the meantime, some of you may appreciate the photo of the new garden tractor with mower, tiller, and snow plow blade. This will, one day, result in a larger vegetable garden so it has something to do with my healthy eating.

    WI: -0.4 kg, Exercise: +30 705/1500 minutes for April, Food: 100%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

  • Fast Day Tuesday.

    OP so far but real stinkin' hungry!

    CeeJay : Hotels and meal plans are always tough for me!

    BBE: Yes, the "Super Size My Pants" feel good technique always works as a nice pick-me-up!

    gardenerjoy : If it counts, I just transplanted my basil seedlings--it's my "crop" this year!

    nationalparker: My Dad was very much his own man during those months; I'd offer a suggestion and wait for him, never pushed. My dilemma was trying to keep his weight from dropping and I had to hide fat in everything and hope he'd eat it.

    onebyone: Sugar is worth shaking. I wish I could (!)

    GosfordGirl: Sounds like the weekend will be a good time to regroup and re-plan. Sometimes I just look through my food journal...

    Lexxiss: Super kudos for food being better than usual on a trip. Trips are a huge challenge for me.

    maryann: That's what I like about Beck, being able to look at a plan that's not working and tweak.

    Best to everyone!
  • Hello, coaches! I feel like I've been taking and not giving on this site here lately. I appreciate the good vibes and have had another OP day. Dad had a bad night last night - I thought at one point he's slipped into a coma and was scared. Able to rouse him and today has been better. I aggravate him by focusing on his meds/times and he says that bothers him to see me worried, so I say, well, take your meds! He pushed back today and I said, oh, I know you'll do this because you LOVE ME and smooched him all over his head and he ended up half-smiling and shaking his head like, what a goofball she is. But I don't want these weeks/months to be confrontational and even more stressful for us. We'll see. It's early yet in my visit - just going on the end of the first week.

    I truly have been feeling as if my eating light (!!) here should have resulted in me dropping major pounds, but I suspect that's not the case. WHY does it come on so dang quickly and take forever to disappear? And I'm sure we've all wished worry would burn more calories, right? ha ha

    Able to get in another full day of work, but tomorrow will be dicey. I'll track it. I think I'll be taking some sick time tomorrow as we have a lot of appointments at dr. offices and some coming to the home.

    Loved the loose pants with puffed chest, Bill. Funny!

    Maryann - I'm with you on the "it's not fair!" thoughts - it ISN'T. And...well, why bother is typically my next thought, as well.

    Gosford Girl - Thank you for the insight; I don't understand pain control and am frustrated by his dismissal of it, to the point of being intelligible and confused. I hope the dr. tomorrow stresses the importance of keeping the chemicals in his system without missing doses. He's on morphine and his eyes look haunted when it's wearing off/worn off.
  • Hello Coaches,

    Today was a hungry day. I ended up using some of yesterday's neglected calories, which I hate doing. We are heading into the summer swim season and need to make some decisions this week about teams and competing. Everyone is tired here from rising in the middle of the night to see the red moon. Still have to go take pup out for his last walk of the day, then off to bed. Personals tomorrow.
  • Wednesday - National Librarian Day
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Grilled salmon steaks for dinner initiated our new small Weber grill. It worked as advertised. We grilled on 'High' then had to put them back to adjust the raw remaining inside. Turns out that there's an instruction card that suggests 'Middle' for all fish - in fact for almost everything except steaks. Certainly was easy. DW served dark green Kale and purple potatoes with it, making a visually appealing presentation. CREDIT moi for an on plan day as well. My Beck moment came when I'd served my planned three dried figs in my breakfast fruit bowl and there was only one left in the package. Every fiber yelled take that one, too. Figs are sugar bombs, however useful their role as fruit. I left it in the package, CREDIT moi, with the thought one extra being OK supports the thought that two extra would also be OK. And so on. Can't wait until peaches and blueberries arrive so that I switch away from my winter dried fruit.

    Walked, CREDIT moi, despite wind and threatened rain. Wind blew strong enough to warrant using the chin strap on my hat. Was surprised when it got lifted off my head anyway; the strap did keep it around my neck. I made it home before the rains started seriously. Then it rained all afternoon, even lightly while using the grill on the patio before dinner.

    Joy (gardenerjoy) – Super toy! Do you get your turn to drive? Why, Yes, it's a medical expense toward healthy eating - tax deductible for sure just like medical insurance.

    Debbie (Lexxiss) – Ouch for a tweaked back. I'd guess that it wasn't worse because you're such an active person.

    maryann - Shuddering at "What's the use. Eat what you want." - I recognized that one. Kudos for responding with a re-evaluation of your food plan. And by the by, Congrats for being a Weight Watchers Lifetime Member - that's a major achievement.

    nationalparker – My admiration for working so hard to find the spoonful of sugar approach to encourage your dad to take his meds. Kudos for "eating light (!!)" - your scale will get the message in its own good time.

    Tricia (AZtricia) - Yay for getting to see the Blood Red Moon. Averaging your calories over a week doesn't seem so awful to me.

    6crowsgold - Double Kudos for OP when "real stinkin' hungry!" LOL at "Super Size My Pants" feel good technique - should be a standard technique in any Feel Good About Yourself book.

    Readers -
    day 14 Plan for Tomorrow

    what are you thinking?

    If you're having sabotaging thoughts, get ready to write your Response Cards.

    Sabotaging Thought: Writing a food plan won't make me lose weight.
    Helpful Response: If the program only consisted of writing food plans, it wouldn't work. In this program, however, writing a plan is just one strategy. In any case, I won't know if I'll be successful until I try it. I may as well do everything in my power that I can because I really want to lose weight.

    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 138.
  • Wednesday done
    Hi Coaches

    This is a very quick check in and tomorrow I will switch to the morning

    It was easy to plan lunch - because there was none - it was a fast day and I had forgotten. I did stick with it today and had a small Japanese meal tonight but the salt may well get me on the scales tomorrow

    I am planning gym tomorrow as I am feeling a bit better - will go before or after the doctor appointment. Looking forward to buying some fish and getting organised for the weekend. Steps not bad (8000), food not bad (a few off plan sultanas tonight)

    Will check in tomorrow. Have a good day coaches
  • Wednesday.

    Yesterday's fast got completed and then I proceeded to eat another 250 calories. I made myself write down the three junk food servings that made up the cheat and am sitting here looking at it and reminding myself how badly I want to see a good weigh-in Saturday.

    Back at it today, but what a hungry week I'm having!
  • I went to a cooking class last night called "Strange Name, Great Taste" taught by a caterer from England. We had Toad in a Hole and Spotted Dick. They were tasty! I got thrown off my routine, but I just wrote a plan for today that looks doable.

    Still not getting back to my book. Soon.

    WI: -0.45 kg, Exercise: +30 735/1500 minutes for April, Food: 70%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

    BillBlueEyes: I did drive the tractor! One of the things DH liked about it was a normal steering wheel. The driving lawn mower he had before was steered with levers on each side and I was afraid to touch it. There are times when it will be useful for me to drive the tractor while he's doing something else so it will be handy to have me reasonably comfortable. It's still not the same as a car though! There's one pedal for forward and a separate pedal for reverse. There's a brake, but in practice you just take your foot off the pedal and it stops -- kind of like a bike. The brake pedal is more like a parking brake.