Hello, first time poster here

  • Hello everyone!

    I've struggled with my weight since I was a pre-teen. I was at my best at 16, around 130 lbs, but that was in 2008 and didn't last very long. I entered a very stressful period of my life, and my weight climbed up to roughly 200 lbs in 2010, and nothing changed until 2012. I implemented a calorie-counting regimen then and dropped 15 pounds, but didn't have the patience to keep it up. Interestingly, I didn't gain any of the weight back, but didn't lose any either.

    In July of 2013, I began consciously regulating my eating habits, and started running three times a week. Between being fed up with my lack of self esteem and finding this website, I was inspired. Greatly inspired. I committed like I never had before, but, for me, it wasn't just a lesson in commitment. I also learned to keep level-headed and patient throughout all the fast and slow progress. I've prioritized increasing my endurance, for now, and have found great joy in it. I'm extremely eager to increase my strength, as well.

    I am now 137 lbs and still losing, steadily. My original goal weight was 115 lbs, but frankly I don't really know nor care anymore. I still struggle with social anxiety, as I have all my life, but it's not even close to being as horrible as it was before, and I have bouts of just feeling ridiculously giddy about my weight loss every single day. My next step is to begin weight training.

    It has taken me way too long to begin posting in these forums. Thank you to all of you, who have unknowingly inspired me through your own countless posts and accomplishments.
  • Welcome
    Welcome to the forum. Jump around and read the threads there are many of them and you will find the ones for you! God BLess.
  • Thanks for sharing this and congratulations. I am brand new and now feel inspired by your story!