Getting out of the 190s *new*

  • I just decided to make a new thread because the other one was pretty old and long.

    Finally someone the same height as me.
    I can't wait to be out of the obese range! It's been ages.
    I'm at 201 right now, so the 190s are pretty close for me. I should be seeing it in a week or so.
  • *crickets*

    I guess everyone's really busy this weekend. I'll just keep posting anyway.

    I saw 200 on the scale today. 190s, here I come! Didn't do so well on the food side today because I was just so bored and my fiance is totally not a healthy eater. I ended up over-eating as well because I let myself get way too hungry and I just got ravenous. Whatevs. I will probably do some zumba tonight and hit the gym tomorrow.

    I'm so close to a 10 minutes mile on the elliptical. Ugh. so close.
  • I'm no longer in the 190s, but I was very recently. So I would like to wish you luck on your journey through the 190s!!

    Also, I totally feel you, my fiancé has a horrible diet. He eats extremely selectively, but what he likes is deliciously unhealthy. Sometimes it makes it super difficult, but you just have to decide to make the right choices for you!
  • I've been hanging around 193 the past few days.. Hoping to hit the 180s very soon! My husband isn't much of a healthy eater either but I've been pretty good (aside from sneaking a bite or two out of my kid's food every now and then). I cut out a LOT of things from my diet though just to get me started and I've been doing pretty well so far. Good luck to you!
  • I was at 199 until I had an extended ski vacation where I ate out for every meal.. It was not good (well it was actually fantastic but food wise not so much haha!). Hoping to see the 190s again this week!
  • Still hovering at 200.4 but I think my lack of exercise has contributed. I pulled something in my leg and shoulder on Saturday and I'm still recovering.
    krispcooley, I hope we will be seeing the 190s any day now!!!
    Thanks, sweetpeaches3388

    Congrats MrsDeenz, I hope to be where you are in the near future! I'm sure the 180s are just around the corner. I find that I plateau at every 10-pound increment. I'm sure it just does that to drive me crazy!
  • I will be so Happy to get out of the 190's, but it will be awhile.

    Hubby is not a great eater either, but I have been on him lately & he is trying to make better choices & if he isn't, at least he is not bringing it home
  • triptriptrip I find that the same thing happens to me! As I get closer to 190 the numbers start fluctuating until I finally break through. Once I get through it moves quickly until I get close to breaking through another 10 again. It's driving me insane! I was at 190.8 this morning - I'll be at 193-194 tomorrow. Watch