Going to give it a try!

  • I love bread and pasta and sugar and all the bad things and I have made an effort to reduce the amounts that I have been eating too. But I think I need to cut out a bit more!

    Looking at my food report for the last month, I averaged about 175 NET carbs a day. (193 non-net) with my lowest days, being just over 100 and highest in the 300 range!

    Last night for dinner I had a salmon fillet, half a cup of quinoa, and a cup of black bean and corn salad. It was a large plate of food. An hour or two later, I was hungry. I wasn't thirsty, I had drank 100 oz of water already. I shouldn't have been hungry! There is no reason I should have been hungry after that!

    I think it is finally starting to sink in that some (many? most?) carbs make me more hungry. I mean I knew that they can do that, I and I think I have even come to my own personal realization about this before... but I think I just might be starting to GET IT!

    whole wheat bread doesn't seem to bother me too much. Rice does. And either the beans, corn, or quinoa did it to me last night.

    Here is my question to you all who have been doing this for a while...

    Am I foolish to think that keeping my carb intake to UNDER 100g a day, would be beneficial or do I need to go way lower than that to make a difference?

    My averages of fat intake for the last month was 60g a day, and protein was about 85g day. I know that I will need to up these if I want to reduce carbs.

    I really don't want to eliminate the foods I enjoy completely... I don't think I would be able to keep that up for long.
  • Not foolish. under 100 grams is a good start, and it's not so low that you are likely to have carb flu symptoms. I find this is a good resource:

    I do super low carb (20g) because it works for me, but carb levels are a very personal thing. You've had great success and you have some room to play with the levels and find out where you're comfy and where you lose best. Start at 100 grams and work down.

    Low carb has curbed my "hungry an hour later" issues, given me more energy and aided my weight loss immensely. It's not for everyone, but it's worth a try. Don't get discouraged if you feel wonky for a little while if and when you go lower than 100. Carb flu passes, it's just your body adjusting.

    Oh - last thing: Get enough fat. It keeps you sated and is crucial in low carb dieting. I really don't recommend low carb AND low fat.
  • Oh, and get your carbs primarily from nutrient dense veggies. Spinach, broccoli, green stuff etc.
  • I hit the ground running with <20g net carbs per day (aka Atkins induction). I think it was a good decision for me but it's a hard road to go for some. I got pretty sick with the carb flu. It's pretty easy to get your electrolytes out of whack. The trick to that is broth and no-carb electrolyte drinks. Makes me feel like a million bucks. Now I can feel when I'm getting low on salt and I drink up to avoid the flu feels.
  • It's really just trial and error, but it's a place to start. I suggest if you do stick with 100 carbs, also calorie count.
  • Thanks Jane! I appreciate your advice, and that was a great link too. I really need to take a look at where the majority of my carbs are coming from and start from there!

    Driven - I've been calorie counting for quite a while now - Hence having a report of my carbs, fat and protein!

    Locke - Glad that super low carbs worked for you right off the cuff! I am hoping that I don't need to go quite that low and still keep losing! I will remember the electrolyte drink thing too!! Thanks

    Thanks for the responses everyone
  • I never went induction. But I did end up cutting all bread and pasta completely. Never in my wildest dreams would I think I could. But I did.

    This was PROFOUNDLY important for me. Once I did I started to lose cravings for virtually any kind of junk food or snack you can think of.

    Remember whole wheat has a glycemic index of 70. Higher than regular soda and many candy bars. Wheat belly also claims it has specific hunger inducing chemicals. Not sure. But I do know people are not designed to eat grains. We can tolerate them but to me they just gum up my overall health efforts.

    No nutrient in any grain you can't get from veggies fruits and feel much fuller. But not one approach fits all. And it isn't like we can't tweek, tweek, tweek again. There might be a month you feel like trying grain free and you find that it works. Or maybe you never try it.

    I think if most people get rid of sodas diet and sugar ones, fruit juices, eat more whole foods and little or no processed and fast fast food, and get over fat is bad, they will have success.
  • Quote: It's really just trial and error, but it's a place to start. I suggest if you do stick with 100 carbs, also calorie count.
    This is good advice, something you should file away.

    My guess is that whatever way you want to start will work well for a while, then your weight loss will slow, and at that point advice like watching calories makes sense if you're on a moderate-carb plan (I would categorize 100g carb as moderate, not low).

    Personally I do very low carb (20-30g) because I really like the appetite-cutting effect of ketosis, and find it pretty easy to live with - but we're all different and there are many ways that work.

    My mom had great success with a Rob Thomas' Glycemic Load diet - she got so thin she had to start eating ice cream nightly! That's a moderate carb approach you could try that still allows *some* grains. Mark Sisson's plan is good, but like all paleo/primal folks he drops all grain.