Oct. Newbies- Feeling Fabulous in February

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  • Hey everyone,

    Most bizarre weather here. Snowed all morning. PD was cancelled for the afternoon. Drove home in blizzard, lots of accidents. Then sleet, rain, sleet and now the sun is out!

    Hope that you are all doing well. It has been pretty quiet here.
  • Hi October Newbies! Hope everyone had a good Tuesday. Mine was decent. I'm hoping for a nice WI tomorrow morning. Before my WI, I have to drop off my cat for surgery at the vet to get some bad teeth removed. I'm a little wound up tonight I think because of both of those things. Wish me luck with both! I'll keep you posted.

    Slipfree- glad you made it home safely and wishing you a safe trip tomorrow and good luck at the doctor. I'll be thinking of you.

    How is everyone doing?
  • KookySuki-Good luck tom at WI. I am cheering for you. I will also cheer for your cat to feel better. I get crazy when I have to take my dog to the vet for anything. He is my baby and I want him to be around forever!!!

    So sick of this snow/cold weather. I think it is making me tired and very hungry!

    Slipfree-Good luck at the Dr. I will be thinking of you.
  • Thanks Lucci! I think I get more nervous for my cat at the vet than I do for myself at the doctor. Here's hoping for an easy procedure and healthier, happier kitty.

    This winter sounds brutal for the east coast! I hope you get relief from the snow and cold temps soon. Hope the hunger is just temporary too. I go through phases with that. I'm better when I have more things prepared, so that I eat something every few hours.
  • KookySuki - totally agree. way more nervous for me at the vet.

    You are totally right. When I prep more have stuff ready I dont think about the food as much but I have not done that recently. Maybe tom. I will.

    I tried the new BBQ chips - YUMMY!!! I got 3 boxes of them. Nice to have a new product
  • Good Morning to all the Oct. newbies,
    I've been MIA and fell off the wagon. I look all all of your losses and wish I would have stuck to it because I'd be at goal by now. I'm ready to restart and stick to it now. I want to beat myself up for stopping but what good does that do. I gotta do this.
  • Yay Jemma is back! Defeat is not starting again. Time to focus and get on your way. Your scale will be moving in no time! So happy to see you

    Kooky, good luck with both the WI and the vet. Will be thinking of Suki.

    Luccilove, this winter just plain stinks! So sorry that you are feeling hungry. I have increased my water and herbal tea while stuck in the house just to have something. I love the BBQ chips, they have been such a help on these snow days!

    So... ankle update, have been on this med. since Sat. and I see no change!!
    Appt. is this afternoon for the electrocardiogram. I am trying to just relax, but it is not working very well. Not worried about the results, hate being so exposed at the Drs. Office.

    On a good note, I am on day two of the "no weighing every day resolution" it is hard!

    Made a pretty good dinner last night- chicken, shrimp, zucchini noodles, mushrooms, spinach, cilantro, ginger, LS chicken broth, garlic, olive oil, dried shallots- at end tiny bit of LS soy sauce.
  • Jemma- Welcome back! You're right not to beat yourself up. Just get back OP and start seeing results. We're here to support you.

    Slipfree- I'm thinking about your tests and hope everything is ok. Keep us posted. On a lighter note, your dinner from last night sounds delicious. What kind of instrument do you use to make zucchini noodles?

    I had my WI today and lost 2.8 lbs. My coach and I discussed the months ahead and getting to goal. My resolutions are (with you all as my witnesses): drink at least 64 oz of water a day, stay 100 % OP, and exercise at least 3 days per week. Please feel free to check up on me. I am feeling the need to complete P1 by sometime in May, but that will require serious dedication. I'm ready for it.

    Haven't heard anything about my cat and the vet tech said "no news is good news," so I'm assuming the procedure is going well. Please keep my baby kitty in your thoughts and prayers.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • My brother and family left this morning so I am back on track. WI today, with a cold, TOM and bad eating I am up 5lbs. Beating myself up a little this morning but I am going to let it go and get back on track. I know those 5lbs are mostly water and will be gone soon. We have friends coming to visit on Friday for a few days and I am determined to stay on track while they are here. I have to figure out IP life when we have visitors, which is not often, but still haven't got it.

    So back to my brother and sister in law...I was alot disapppointed they never even mentioned my weightloss. I have told my SIL that I was losing weight before they came and then mentioned it while they are here and neither one of them said anything about how I look or if I was still losing. I am not losing weight for them but mentioning it would have been nice. Oh well. I figure the next time I will see them will be in August for my nephews wedding and I will be at goal by then. Definately insentive to keep going, and get to goal by summer!!!
  • Hi,

    Procedure over! Took almost an hour, will not know anything for a few days. I was pretty stress out, and my bp was only 117/74, that made me happy

    Kooky, great WI!

    Want2be- surprised that they did not say anything. Maybe they were being tactful, because I am sure that they noticed! Glad that you are getting back on track and have the wedding as a great motivation.
  • Quote:
    So back to my brother and sister in law...I was alot disapppointed they never even mentioned my weightloss. I have told my SIL that I was losing weight before they came and then mentioned it while they are here and neither one of them said anything about how I look or if I was still losing. I am not losing weight for them but mentioning it would have been nice. Oh well. I figure the next time I will see them will be in August for my nephews wedding and I will be at goal by then. Definately insentive to keep going, and get to goal by summer!!!
    want2be, I've had similar experiences... it turns out some people don't think its polite to talk about your weight loss... even if you mention it yourself!! Some people will go on and on and some people won't say much... its not that they aren't noticing, because they are!! Especially with your stats!!
  • SlipFree: Fingers crossed for good results!

    Kooky: Awesome WI! I love this for zucchini noodles...super quick and cheap!

  • IPN: thanks! And Kooky that peeler is what I use too.
    Bought mine on Amazon.

    Dinner: egg frittata with tarragon, dried shallots and chives
    Grilled asparagus and side salad of Boston lettuce and dukes

    What have you been eating for dinner?
  • I had 8oz lean ground beef with Mexican/taco seasoning over cukes and lettuce with some tomatoes and mushrooms

    Kooky congrats on the WI!!!
  • Welcome back Jemma. You will catch up in no time!