Upset tummy with a bit of dizziness?

  • Not vomiting though and wondering if this is a virus that's going around...anyone??
  • this is often what hunger feels like to me....when i'm TRULY hungry and not just wanting to eat something....and often I won't eat because I feel like I might throw up which just keeps the cycle going
  • I've been having a bit of that and finally figured out it was sinus crud brought on by having to run the furnance full-tilt for weeks and sucking all the humidity out of the house. I have a house bunny who's a Lionhead, and when he was running over the living room carpet this week, his mane was sticking straight out. I laughed and laughed ... then went, "wait." Sure enough, humidity was way low. Not likely to be your problem in WA, though!
  • I have the same thing for 8 days. Nasua, Diarrhea, NO fever and no vomiting.
  • Yes, if you have diarrhea.

    I had it for a few days. It really helped shift my water weight!