Marvelous Monday Beach Chat 1/20

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  • I am assuming most chicks are off from work today, so it is marvelous!!!

    Natasha way to go on P1. Glad life is falling into place for you

    Up early for no reason. Going to Joe's to have dinner with him and the kids. His DD goes back to college this week.

    My hair actually came out straight! Granted I cannot wash it for a few days and that will be the real test.

    Smoothie, coffee, doggie loving time. Have a wonderful day!
  • Move It Monday - January 20
    Since I stayed in my jammies all day yesterday, I thought the title might inspire me. I've been up for an hour but feel like going back to bed. I seem to have terminal lethargy.

    This morning I am going to switch myself into high gear and clean up a few niggles left from de-decorating. I did print off the financial report for the Mill Board so don't need to rush through that before our 1:30 meeting. I need to shovel off the deck stairs too so the furries don't have a struggle getting into the yard. We got about 5" of that white stuff over the weekend - at least it wasn't freezing rain.

    Bundle up, Chickies. Winter is definitely not over yet.
  • Good morning

    Hello Jennifer and chicks to come!

    I've already been up to the project to check the flooring and it looks great! The first bedroom was my test and will do three more tomorrow after I get off work at the restaurant. Restaurant work for me today holidays are always busy with skiers.

    Jennifer, Thank you for the compliment yesterday. You have many qualities that I strive for as well.... Especially your dedication to cycling. I'm glad your hair turned out. My hair is kinky and curly too. It used to be extremely thick but Hestand out a bit with age. Used to straighten it but now that I wear it back in a ponytail at the restaurant and have a work On the rest of the time it stays pretty manageable.

    I better get that smoothie going have a great day everyone!
  • I started Phase 1 last Mon. I am down 5.2#and the cravings are gone! I'm going to the recipe section for breakfast ideas for week 2. I love reading the posts, very encouraging. I hope everyone has a great day.
  • Welcome Amygrace!!! Congratulations, awesome job on P1. Don't get discouraged if you don't lose much the first week or two on P2. Sometimes our bodies like to take a little time off to adjust.
  • Good morning We are both working today so up at the usual Monday time. I've got a big week with our annual Lobby Day on Friday so it will be hard to stick to my 80% but I will. I'm using my holiday next week to go to NY to see my family, so just getting through the next few days. Looks like another cold week ahead too

    I am still working on my cooking from the pantry project. We could go for quite awhile without adding too much stuff. Today I'm trying Chipotle Black Bean and Quinoa Stew for dinner. I might add some shredded squash to the mix for more veggie goodness and plain greek yogurt instead of sour cream.

    It's almost time for my weekly planning call. Time to get moving.
  • Morning all. I am having computer problems and so am posting on my kindle. I don't know how you ladies post from your tiny phones! I miss my keyboard!

    Anyway lazy and snowy morning here. I suspect part of today's workout will come from shoveling but right now it is still coming down. No point in starting yet, is there?

    Jennifer glad you are happy with your hair.
    Ruth, I figure January and hibernation go together naturally.
    Hi to Natasha and glad things seem to be going well.
    Welcome to Amygrace!
    Debbie, do you ever sleep!? I am constantly amazed at the things you accomplish!

    Have a great day everyone. January is on the downhill side so spring must be coming! I can't wait to garden...
  • Cyndi, you snuck in while I was posting. Have a good day!
  • Good morning,

    Normal work day for me but the kiddos are all off from school. I am going after work to pick up a Kitty we are adopting. 2 year old male I am hoping he will be good friends with Blue.

    Jekel hope your hair turns out the way you want it to.

    Ruth stay warm and be careful with all the snow you got

    Debbie glad the floors turned out so well

    Welcome Amygrace

    Cyndi I know the temp tomorrow will drop by 30 degrees and stay that way for the rest of the week.

    Beth I don't like posting from my phone either.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • Good morning, chicks.

    Amygrace - welcome.

    Cindy - Let us know how the stew turns out.

    We did manage to get in a hike yesterday. We got to the trails only to find them closed (despite my calling the phone line earlier in the day) so went back to the place where we got tick infested last summer. We figure the ticks are gone for the winter Anyhow, this trail isn't well marked or mapped so we got sort of lost and ended up crossing trails and hiking about half the distance we'd planned. Oh well. We decided we need to go back soon while we can still remember where we want to zig instead of zag.

    I'm working out with my mom and trainer this morning. Then will maybe finish the Alaska album. I'm up to almost 60 pages so far! And that's using less than half the photos.

    Have a great day.
  • Good morning

    Ruth it must be because this winter is harsher than the previous years. I really miss the sun

    Jen. I always wished for some curls. My hair is straight as a board

    Debbie you are amazing

    Amy. Woe that is an encouraging weight loss. Congratulations.

    Beth. Enjoy your day off

    Pearlrose hope your new kitten adjusts well

    Cyndi. I should also concentrate on cooking from my stash. Safe driving

    I am runnung some errants for dd today. There is lots of things she cant get in her neck of the woods. Hope the weather is nice for our drive up
    Take care
  • Good morning everyone!

    Welcome Amy! I'm a newbie here myself, but you're already ahead of me lol. Congrats on the first 5 lbs.!

    I'm sitting here sipping my tea, reading my book, and enjoying having hubby home for the day. Yeay holidays!

    We're grocery shopping today, and I started Phase 1 this morning. Luckily I have a huge love for eggs, so eating them every morning certainly won't boher me in the least. Here's hoping this works!

    Also, hubby's finally going to fix the grill so I can have a working one while he's gone. Woohoo! Grilled chicken is to die for.

    Hope you all have a good day!
  • Thanks everyone for the welcome.

    Welcome fellow newbie Cdavidowsky. I joined 3fc at the beginning of the month, took me awhile to get started. I don't mind the eggs but I use egg beaters, I have elevated cholesterol. Enjoy your grilled chicken, too cold to grill outside where I live.
  • Ah, a minute past noon, so, Good Afternoon, everyone, and Amygrace! Such a pretty name, and it looks like you're off to a great start!

    Beth, I know exactly what you mean and that's why I rarely check in from work. I hate typing on my Kindle and phone!

    We left early this morning for errands. Jake wanted to get to Home Depot before the weekend warriors and I wanted to go to The Christmas Tree Shop for my coconut oil. They just got a shipment of it in and they have the lowest price on it, so it flies off the shelf when they have it. Plus, I can use my DS's employee discount. I end up paying $3.87 for a 16oz. jar.

    It looks like another snowstorm is going to happen tomorrow, so I may just decide to spend the next few days at the farm to avoiding having to drive in it. I'm making a big pot of Roasted Parsnip & Apple Soup for supper today and will take the leftovers with me. Soup and snowstorms go hand-in-hand in my opinion.

    I hope all that have the day off are enjoying it, whether you are doing something special or just relaxing . I plan to spend the rest of the day curled up with my book and needlework.
  • Welcome newbies!

    Quick fly by today- I'm getting ready for an interview! I hate interviewing. Is it too late to be born rich? I could totally be a Hilton.

    I'll pop back in later and let ya'll know how it went!

    So far so good with being back on the wagon. I actually wasn't hungry at all yesterday, but I forced myself to eat some scrambled eggs last night. Slept for 12+ hours too. Maybe I'm fighting off something. Whatever it is, I hope it takes fat with it!

    Have a lovely Monday ladies!!