I have SO MUCH CONFIDENCE now that I will be able to maintain my huge weight loss

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  • So after losing 76 pounds in a bit less than five months, I could feel that my body wanted a break from the severe Phase 1 calorie restriction I was on for 5 months. So I switched out into Phase 2/3 for a brief respite.

    So far it's working great as I have been able to maintain my losses and keep my weight steady. It's really recharging my batteries!

    This is giving me a lot of confidence that I will be able to maintain my losses down the line, which is a great feeling. Something that I was worrying about.

    At some point in the next month, I will dive back into Phase 1 -- and make another drive downward. But I could feel that my body wanted a break from P1 after 5 "no cheat" months and 76 pounds of fat melted.

    Boy, I am so close to goal ... If I can melt off another 40 pounds in the next 3 months on P1 (which would be just 13 pounds a month or 3 pounds a week) .... I am going to be looking GREAT for Spring.

    How much do I love low carb / low sugar / high protein diets? Lots and Lots!

    Now I KNOW exactly what I need to do and how I need to eat to maintain my weight after I am done for good with Phase 1. And that is great for building my confidence going forward!
  • Congrats Avalon! You are such an inspiration.

    This is such a great post for all of us as we're nearing phasing off and maintenance. It's great to see that the program continues to work in phase 2 and phase 3. (I've been a little nervous even though I know IP works)

    I recall that in phase 1, you had pretty much the same daily menu every day. Did you keep doing that?

    Congrats again!
  • Wow!!! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • You have done an impressive weight loss! I also like the IP low carb, low sugar, high protein way of eating. It works! I know you will do well in maintenance. It does work!
  • Congratulations Avalon! I've missed reading your progress and thoughts on things lately. Wishing you success in the rest of your journey and I'm sure it will be as gratifying and speedy for you as the first part! I too found maintaining on 2 and 3 was easy, which was what I did from Sept through Thanksgiving. Adding more carbs in December was when I saw the glycogen store replenish with a few pounds of weight and that actually did not happen until the last 2 weeks of December. Christmas!

    Welcome back my friend..you are so missed when you are not visiting us...and your experience, analysis and commentary are so much needed!

    BTW...I am using Saigon Cinnamon at every opportunity...!!
    (our local natural food store has it and sells it in small quantities...).
    We went to a low carb GF High flavor cooking class last week...and the chef used it in a "dessert"...and I felt so knowledgeable and a bit on the cutting edge since I was familiar with it! Thanks for sharing that. Every time I use it I think of you! For you Newbies...you can find info on this in Avalon's older posts. It is yummy in a hot coffee and choc or vanilla drink ...(with a pinch of cayenne pepper)..and spice teas are kicked up a notch!
  • You have done so great Avalalon - I know you'll do great on the next part of your weight loss journey too!

    And ditto what 65 said - you've been missed!
  • Thanks for all the nice feedback and support!!!

    If I didnt let myself get SO FAT I would probably be done already. LOL

    Trying to lose 136 pounds in one fell swoop is too much to ask of my poor body! So doing it in two pieces/stages just felt right.

    Stage 1: 76 pounds lost ... DONE!!
    Stage 2: just 60 pounds to go ... GEARING UP

    I am really glad I am giving myself a Phase 1 break though, I needed it.
  • Vacinyc,

    This was my Daily Phase 1 Meal Plan from late July through Christmas:

    6am: Large Mug Decaf Coffee + Stevia + heaping tsp of IP Choc Drink + Fat Free Milk + Cayenne Pepper + Saigon Cinnamon
    9am: IP Chocolate Drink
    noon: 4 oz turkey patty + 1 cup Organic Frozen Broccoli + 1 cup Organic Frozen Rainbow Peppers + 1 tsp olive oil
    3pm: IP Chocolate Drink
    6pm: 4 oz turkey patty + 1 cup Organic Frozen Broccoli + 1 cup Organic Frozen Rainbow Peppers + 1 tsp olive oil
    9pm: IP Chocolate Drink

    I am not sure many/most of you could get by with so little variety, but I am a creature of habit and I like routine.

    We all have to find our own methods and systems that work for us.
  • Way to go, you have done fabulous!!!

    I'm taking a bit of a break right now too - phased off slowly just after Christmas for a trip to Mexico in a week and a bit. I'm currently in P3, starting P4 tomorrow, but am stilling managing to lose a bit each week so I'm pretty happy about that.

    And it also makes me confident that I'll be able to maintain once I've reached goal because I could happily eat like this for the rest of my life

    Good luck when you do decide on to restart - I know you'll reach your goal!

  • Phase 2 (followed for 2 weeks)

    6am: Large Mug Decaf Coffee + Stevia + heaping tsp of IP Choc Drink + Fat Free Milk + Cayenne Pepper + Saigon Cinnamon
    8am: IP Chocolate Drink
    10am: 4 oz turkey patty + 1/2 cup Organic Frozen Broccoli + 1/2 cup Organic Frozen Rainbow Peppers + 1/2 tsp olive oil
    noon: 4 oz turkey patty + 1/2 cup Organic Frozen Broccoli + 1/2 cup Organic Frozen Rainbow Peppers + 1/2 tsp olive oil
    3pm: 4 oz turkey patty + 1/2 cup Organic Frozen Broccoli + 1/2 cup Organic Frozen Rainbow Peppers + 1/2 tsp olive oil
    6pm: 4 oz turkey patty + 1/2 cup Organic Frozen Broccoli + 1/2 cup Organic Frozen Rainbow Peppers + 1/2 tsp olive oil
    9pm: IP Chocolate Drink
  • Phase 3 is similar to Phase 2 except you are down to only 1 IP food a day.

    I left my 9pm chocolate drink on the docket since it's nighttime when I usually get sweet cravings

    The difference between Phase 3 and Phase 2 is you substitute one of the IP foods in P2 (in my case the 8am Choc Drink) with

    1 Protein
    1 Carb
    1 Fat
    1 Fruit

    From a predetermined approved list

    So basically Phase 2 and 3 are just weaning you off the IP packets and getting you back into real-world food ... but still very healthy.

    However Phase 3 does allow some of those things you might be craving when on Phase 1, like bread, apples, cheese, etc. Sort of a slow way to re-introduce some real world food.
  • Hi Avalon! I came back to 3FC after a brief hiatus to look for stories like yours. I have been on IP since May, down 65 lbs, and for the last few weeks, my body just doesn't feel the same. Like you, I can feel that my body just wants a break from being super restricted. I have been thinking about cycling through phase 2, 3 and possibly 4 for a month or so and then getting back on the wagon to lose the last 30 lbs or so.

    Do you think this has worked for you? Do you think it will be a problem to go back to phase 1? I cycled through very early on for vacation and it was no problem, but that was when I had much more to lose.

    You are doing great and your story is an inspiration! Keep up the good work!!
  • Avalon - what I like most about the steps you have just taken is that you are listening to your body and responding appropriately. It seems so much better for you to take the program to a point where you can accept it, your body feels good AND you are still OP.

    That seems to be the key to success on the program - keeping on the plan and learning to maintain where you are and not go back to bad habits and routines.

    Glad to see you posting and hope you will continue to do so on your new journey!
  • Quote: So after losing 76 pounds in a bit less than five months, I could feel that my body wanted a break from the severe Phase 1 calorie restriction I was on for 5 months. So I switched out into Phase 2/3 for a brief respite.

    So far it's working great as I have been able to maintain my losses and keep my weight steady. It's really recharging my batteries!

    This is giving me a lot of confidence that I will be able to maintain my losses down the line, which is a great feeling. Something that I was worrying about.

    At some point in the next month, I will dive back into Phase 1 -- and make another drive downward. But I could feel that my body wanted a break from P1 after 5 "no cheat" months and 76 pounds of fat melted.

    Boy, I am so close to goal ... If I can melt off another 40 pounds in the next 3 months on P1 (which would be just 13 pounds a month or 3 pounds a week) .... I am going to be looking GREAT for Spring.

    How much do I love low carb / low sugar / high protein diets? Lots and Lots!

    Now I KNOW exactly what I need to do and how I need to eat to maintain my weight after I am done for good with Phase 1. And that is great for building my confidence going forward!
    Avalon that is great progress and good info. I am a while away from maintenance and have to admit it makes me nervous
  • Wonderful, Avalon! This is what I'm planning on doing, too. 5 months, see where I am, maybe do p2/p3 for a bit before going back on P1. At least I'm giving myself that option so I don't go completely crazy on P1.

    You have had some wonderful results; thanks for being a great inspiration! Keep us posted on your progress, please!