Getting Out of the 150s - all ages and diets welcome

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  • Syckgirlsfv - mm mm mm! Pizza - my weakness. But it usually has alot of sodium so you might have a water gain.

    Valmorel - good luck on your race. That's definitely something to focus on. I never did outrigger but it looks like fun. I'm to land locked here. But I have done canoeing and I loved it.

    154.8. Keep bouncing around 154 - could be tom is next week. I already set a goal to try and be finish by christmas. I just got a new incentive. Got a family wedding on January 1. Now I really really got to focus. It would be so nice to look amazing at the wedding. I might start looking at dresses online and find a goal dress. I won't buy it till closer but it would be something to aim for.
  • somehow, this morning...151.4! second time I've see that number...once a couple weeks ago. Weeeeeeee! I'm off for Rosh Hashanah today so DH and I will go for a nice, LONG bike ride in the afternoon. 25 miles at least. It figures I would hit that low again on a FRIDAY, off all days!

    TOM is almost gone so I'm sure that is what happened - it took the water with it.
  • Syckgirlsfv - congrats on 151.4.

    Yesterday, I ate a little below calories but had soup which put my sodium really high. "Drumroll" 154.8. So I'm good with that with the high sodium

    Today was measurement day. I will try to measure at end of month. I lost 1 inch in my waist and butt. Lost .5 inch in thighs and arms. It's nice to know that the fat is coming off even though I can't always see it.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • Was back to 159.1 today but it's TOM around the corner and I'm feeling bloated and craving salty stuff so I can take the gain.

    Did a kayaking course today all day (it's night now), was lots of fun and I met a cute guy which is always a bonus (except for having to stand there in a bikini feeling less than hot and he's got a 6 pack and all haha) really looking forward to losing the weight and feeling I look good in anything even if not great! Bring it on!

    Have a great weekend all!!
  • Syckgirlsfv - awesome on the loss btw! You are so nailing this!

    Hidden star good attitude, sodium can be cruel. But the measurements tell the true story! Fantastic stuff!
  • 150.6!!! BUT...I did have a few shots last night, so water gain is a certainty. STILL I haven't seen 150 since 2006!

    We rode 25 miles yesterday, but for some reason it was rough for me. I think because my energy is down due to TOM. We'll do a shorter ride today, maybe 15 miles.
  • Syckgirlsfv - congrats on making it to 150. Hopes it stays.

    Valmorel - kayaking!!! You're really active. Is this something new or have you always been this active? You must live near a good water area -I'm jealous. Sounds like fun. for cute guy

    154.4 still here but tom is suppose to appear this week.
  • Gah TOM not my friend back to 160.0 grrr

    I'm making small changes to my diet, got rid of soft drinks and then chips, which is good as they were my biggest trigger foods. I'm making one change every two weeks, but in the absence of the others my chocolate consumption is going up. Guess that wil be the next change, next week. It will be good when the major problems are gone and the changes are adding in good things rather than removing things. Oh well patience right.

    Hidden star I am usually very active but mainly cycling. The season has just finished so I'm making the most of the opportunity to do other things I love. Kayaking is new, there is a cool meetup group here that does overnight trips out to islands and camp there. I just have to do the two courses first (so on Sunday will be another full day- and with the cute guy ;-)

    Unfortunately there is truth to the fact you can't out train a bad diet! It's 80% diet for sure! I'm useless at crash diets so am taking a different approach this time, having been a crazy diet coke addict I'm thrilled to have that gone!

    I live in Hong Kong at the moment and you may have seen on the news the massive protests here right now. Didn't go for my ride this morning as I live near the protests, but friends went and it was ok so should be fine for my ride on Wednesday (out national day and public holiday).

    Have a good day ladies!
  • 154.8. Had another good weekend where I controlled my eating.

    Valmorel - you are doing it the right way. Start with the small changes first. Soda was one of the first things I eliminated. I have been off it for over a year. A week ago I had a sip of Coke and it tasted bad. Funny how my taste buds changed. Stay safe. I'm sure it can be a bit scary with the protests. Maybe the cute guy can protect you.

    Syckgirlsfv - fingers crossed that it is 150 again or lower.
  • 160 again today. In a rush but wanted to check in. Good stuff ladies soon I'll be all alone on this thread as you go to the 140's!
  • 154.4. Tom arrived. Ugh!!! But I didn't have the craving/intense hunger before it like normally do. Hope that is good sign and feeling extra bloated. Hope I get a whoosh afterwards.
  • HI everyone

    I had some water (of course) from the weekend, but I already got 2 pounds to leave since yesterday 2 more to go...another 20 mile bike ride tonight should do it. I rode 16 miles yesterday because I got home from work later.

    Everyone keep going! We got this!!
  • Still 160, hoping for a better number after TOM as feeling very bloated.
  • 154.2. Going to workout today. Not to much else going just waiting for tom to leave
  • 152 - another water pound GONE. One to go to see my new norm of 151 and 1.5 to go to see that new low of 150.6...I won't be getting any real exercise for a few days, though...I have school tonight and tomorrow night, volunteered (with pay) to work Friday night's Erev Yom Kippur service at my job, and Yom Kippur service Saturday morning, and also Yizkor on Saturday afternoon. In between coming to work all week I have a FULL schedule!