Getting Out of the 240s

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  • I know the feeling, Wannabesomebody. I'm about 9 lbs away from the lowest I've been since high school. We can both do this!! Let's not discourage ourselves before we even get there. Let's do this!!!

    My weigh in today was a little disappointing. I gained .4 lbs, but since it's TOM it could've been a lot worse. So I'll take happiness from that.
  • Yes, must persevere!
    I gained .4 pounds today also and tom is tomorrow (i hope its been a bit erratic lately). I was really hoping to touch 239 with my toe tip but it got snatched from me.
  • I just joined but I'm currently at 240,
    so I'm just popping in to say hello!
    Hoping to get to 239 by Monday.
  • What a coincidence!!! I lost the .4 I gained yesterday, but it still leaves me at 249.4. Ugh! Wannabesomebody, Maybe you'll hit the 230's tomorrow!

    Welcome to the forum SugarFix!! Hopefully you'll be moving on soon too.
  • Crossed over to the 240's last weigh-in at 249...wish me luck on my weigh-in this afternoon. Kinda worried it won't be great because Aunt Flow is in town
  • Hope your weigh in went good, Jojo!

    After about 2 weeks of up and down I've finally lost 4 days in a row, but it's like .2 everyday. Ugh. At this rate it'll take me forever to get out of the 240's.
  • Hello everyone! I've just arrived as I came in this week at 248. It's an exciting feeling being under 250 for the first time in a VERY long time. I hope I don't stay here too long though. My goal is ONEderland this year.
  • I hear you@ NjPants. I think I am so excited to be a lower weight than I've ever been that it is stealing some of my drive to be even smaller. It's like once the danger is over (in my mind) I relax and forget how I felt at 300+ lbs. or even at 270, 260, etc. but I still have this spark that tells me to keep going, like the North star in my heart guiding me on my journey. I have been binge eating a lot lately, not sure if it's hormonal or just old habits dying hard, but either way, I am super thankful that I don't keep a lot of the crap around that would have spelled a horrible gain for me. Now when I binge, the food is medium calories vs. high calorie so it is harder for me to do as much damage.

    Today I weighed in at 244.2 and I can't wait until I can post in the thread lol, I will be ecstatic. 5.2 lbs. to go, the closest I've gotten is 241.6 on 2/1/2015 which is my lowest in my adult life, but even before the binges/overeating my weight began creeping up, almost like a rebellion against weight loss or something .

    I just wanted to add I hit the 240's on 11/27/2014 according to MFP, so it has been nearly 3 months in this decade, time for a change, wanting the 230's and 220's bad! <3
  • candid, it looks like you have gotten yourself even closer to the 230s. Keep up the great work! I weighed in at 244 today. I can't even recall the last time I was that low! I'm just going to follow the trail of shedding fat you've been leaving behind all the way to the 230s. So close!
  • I've been holding steady at 239 for a few days now. I think it's safe to say that I'm in a new decade now. Guess it's time to move into another forum.
  • I feel that the biggest benefit that I have gotten out of losing so slowly is that I have gotten to know so many great ladies here in this 240 lbs. thread.
  • Hello.....just weighed in today at 249.8

    Sooo happy to be moving down. Looking forward to being part of this thread while I work through another decade.
  • Hi guys, can I join the group? I just weighed in at 249 this morning. And, my ticker finally said I have less than 100 pds to goal! It's a double bonus.
  • Hello! I'm happy to say I'm joining ya'll today! 249.4...I'm happy to be here but sure hope I don't stay too long!
  • 246.8 today...happy with it since I was on a camping vacation for 4 days I only had a 1# gain...after drinking water, it was gone by the next day. =)