Where's all my tall gals?!

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  • This thread is great!! I feel so ,ich better, I've always thought I was so abnormal!

    I'm 5"11 nd 202lbs and feel like a frumpy giant, but I also know that people wouldn't look at me in the street and think 'woah she's fat' - I feel massive myself and am bigger than most of my friends but I do feel like being tall makes you carry it so much better!

    I was so conscious of going back home after travelling, having out 25lbs on over the year, but my honest friends said I really didn't look different...my family noticed a bit but not as substantial as if a shortie put on that much weight! But I notice the changes so much more.

    I'm so ashamed of my weight, I'm currently in France but don't speak much French, and I'm scared of going to get the pill with my boyfriend (who speaks French) because I'm afraid they will weigh me. We were also looking into this zip wire course that looks really fun but again I was afraid they'd weigh me in front of him. Anyone else ever feel like this?
  • Ugh, weight vs height disparity is so annoying. Just because I'm a woman does not mean that I should weigh 115 lbs. As a 5'10" human being, I feel good in the 150 - 170 zone.

    Quote: While most of the time I like my height, I do get annoyed when I hear people telling you to go by how your clothes feel and not the scale…Do you know how freaking long it takes me to see a difference in my clothes? I have to lose like 15-20lbs to drop a size or gain a size - if I went by how my clothes felt I'd never get anywhere!
    Totally agree - however, measurements are pretty awesome. Get a tailor's tape and you'll see where you're gaining/losing easily.
  • Ugh yes. Being tall is great in that no one would guess that I weigh as much as I do. But it also sucks because it takes that much more weight to make it look like you have a lost a darn thing! Glad I'm not alone out there lol
  • It's true ladies. I'm down about 16 lbs from where I started back in December, and I am just now starting to see a difference in my pants. And I am going to estimate that it will probably be another 5 lbs or so before I am officially down a size.
  • Bless this thread. At 5’10” highest, 300 with child, and starting my WL journey at 260 something. I had to almost get to 200 before anyone really noticed on me.

    I see some before and afters of someone who looks bigger than me, losing 20lbs and then looking like a model, and then finding out they were 5’1”. Frustrating.
  • You guys!all of these struggles are so real, and so very near to me... Hence the starting of this thread! I understand the struggles of putting on ten pounds as a teeny short thing, but my god, it's lost in like a month and they look fantastic and the journey is over! It's like a day trip, and our journey is akin to a carriage-drawn tour across the United States!!
    ....least that's how it feels! Haha.
    I am truthfully thinking nobody is going to see a damn thing unless I obliterate thirty pounds plus, and that's really a LOT to get the recognition you need to keep pressing forward some days!! I bought >$60 worth of active wear today like a size smaller than I can ACTUALLY wear. Because I need a real goal to work for, and I REALLY want to wear this awesome gear! Full force ahead!!
    Time to hitch up the ponies and head to Colorado (I'm from PA. That's literally how I feel this journey is bound to go... Haha)
  • I love this thread!
    My best friend is convinced that I don't look any different from the day we met 10 years ago. She is sure I've only gained 10 pounds or so. Well, the reality is I've gained 60!!!
    Even though us tall gals can have our weight evenly distributed and easily disguised, it certainly doesn't mean it feels good to have all that poundage hanging on!
  • It great to read all your stories and realise I'm not alone. I recently asked a friend of mine to try and guess my weight (she was horrified when I said I wanted to lose about 50lb in total) and she guessed 40lb under the mark... I know I'm tall and my nutritionist confirmed that I have a very dense bone mass, but it still feels weird having a goal (170lb) that by many is still considered to be overweight. I guess I'm just going to try my best to get down to it and see how I feel then. :-)