Not waiting for the new year!

  • Hi all,
    I had my first baby in April and looking to lose about 30lbs, 20 which i gained from my pregnancy. I had high hopes after i was cleared to exercise again, and do get some in, but a full time job, baby and household chores leaves little time for exercise! I hope to clean up my eating and find some effective exercises so that in the little time i do get, I can make it count.

    I feel gross now and really don't want to continue through the holidays like this so starting now instead of making it a new years resolution. Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • Hi Alicia! Oh, how I remember not being able to wait until I was cleared to exercise again after having my first child! Unfortunately, losing weight again, even with exercise, was not a miraculous transition. I've learned now that diet is the key to weight loss. Exercise is important. It will help you to become fit, but what you eat is what controls your weight. It's good to have you here. You'll find lots of support! Good luck!
  • As someone who was going to "start tomorrow", "start next week", "start in the new year".... good for you for making it today!!

    Congrats on your first child!