Flying thru the 260s and 250 with fun! NEW!!!!

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  • Yay, Susie!!!! And Thanks, Honey!!! (And they really need a chorus line of dancing carrots option, I think. . . )

    Slash, I'm a compulsive weigh-er myself. . . for me it's encouraging. (I saw 268.7 this morning and will absolutely be using it as motivation to keep it up through next Tuesday.)

    I want that 20lb achievement!!! C'mon 266!
  • Quote: 267.0 Down 20lbs. and half way to my first mini-goal
    This is SO awesome!!

  • 265.9 Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
  • Looks like there are some good losses on here today! Good job everyone! I'm just happy I can post some good news too! I am down 5 pounds, finally had a whoosh on my official weigh in day! So, I'm at 250.2. Really close to 240's! It's been a long time since I've been there, so looking forward to it. Hopefully by next weigh in!
  • Quote: So, I'm at 250.2. Really close to 240's! It's been a long time since I've been there, so looking forward to it. Hopefully by next weigh in!
    Congratulations! I'll bet you're outta here before the end of the week
  • Way to go, Slash! That's AWESOME!

    I'm going to officially call today at 269.2, which is a major victory for me, even if it's up from my 268.7. I've been seesawing all over the place for the last week and a half (last Wednesday I was at 276? Srsly?) so I've been doing a lot of deep breathing, letting the number go, and reassuring myself that what the scale says right now is not what it has to say tomorrow.

    Also got my grocery and workout pattern disrupted last week, and once that goes so goes the water intake, so that probably didn't help.
  • Cam asked this question on the 270s thread, but I would love to hear what you groovy cats have to say about it . . .

    What do you feel like is really working for you right now? What's the most powerful weapon in your weight loss arsenal? Do you have a go-to exercise that you love? An app you swear by? A daily affirmation that keeps your mind right?

    Spill! What's been one of the keys to your success?
  • So, I'm not out of the 250's yet....

    I'll answer your question, I think MyFitnessPal has been great for tracking calories. It keeps me in line!
    For exercise, I love my spin bike classes. I feel like I get the biggest calorie burn from those. But also my body pump classes for the weights. I am seeing muscle tone where there hasn't been anything but squishy for forever.

    And last, my two favorite motivational sayings:

    ---- Motivation only gets you as far as the start, Dedication is what takes you to your goal.

    ---- Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
  • What's working for me is a daily walk; writing all my food down & tracking it with My Fitness Pal.
    I'm keeping focused on a mini goal everyday.
    The mini goal is I'd like to see 199 on New Year's Eve - however I don't think that's quite realistic given my age.
    But who knows? I suppose anything can happen
    I weigh around 263 now and a few extra 3 pound losses a week might get me there
  • I hit 254 this morning! I would've been here sooner if I hadn't taken that Atkins detour and gained 4 lbs. Got me a new mini-goal for next week too that seems doable. I want to seriously work on my goal of walking on my treadmill every night, or at least 5 nights out of 7 in the week. Some nights, I'll get on there and pound out 30 minutes in no time, but then other nights, it just seems to be all I can do to walk from the sofa to the bedroom. I've been letting myself get away with it, so I am going to promise myself 10 minutes, just 10, every single weeknight.
  • Quote: I hit 254 this morning! I would've been here sooner if I hadn't taken that Atkins detour and gained 4 lbs
    Fantastic! Did you gain on Atkins? I ditched Atkins because Induction gave me heart palpitations and I didn't really lose all that well.
  • Yes, susiemartin, I did gain on Atkins. 4 LBS! I was even watching the calories and keeping it between 1000 and 1100, and keeping the carbs at 20 net carbs. My blood sugar went crazy too. I thought that keeping the carbs down would keep my blood sugar down, but I had numbers all over the place. Sometimes too low, but mostly too high. So, now that I'm back to 800 calories a day, my sugar stays in the normal range with the minimum medication.
  • Nice work, Honey! And 800 cals--whew, that takes dedication!

    Oh, and if it seems like it took me a long time to post today, I was distracted by updating my profile.

    :tosses hair casually:


    I got my 20 lbs!

    I'm at my parents' house this week, and then vacation next week, and I always lose during that. Maybe I can whoosh and get down to 261/260 while I'm here.
  • Thanks, KTG. Good luck on your diet at your parent's and enjoy the time you're there.
  • 260.0 this morning 250's here I come!