*One Reason to Stay On Plan Today~November*

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  • Because I don't every want to weigh over 300lbs again!
  • Because this is working and why mess with success?
  • I took my weekly rest day yesterday and ate to the edge of my calories, expecting a gain today. Down this week 3 pounds. Hoping I'm unstuck and still able to get to onderland by Christmas.
  • Because I consider myself very lucky to not have gained any weight in the past few weeks, despite having lost focus, and as I start a two-week vacation at home, it's the ideal time to get back in control.
  • Because I want to continue getting stronger.
  • Because I am finding a way of eating that I can live with forever.
  • Because I dealt with being surrounded by a ton of fatty foods today at work and instead of overindulging, I cut a small portion of a brownie and had one small piece of pizza, I was proud to be able to have a small amount and walk away without loading up my plate with a ton of food I would just regret and not feel good about physically later!
  • I accidently put on my husband's jeans yesterday and they fit!
  • I weigh at the doctor's office tomorrow and I know that a high carb day will add one to two pounds.
  • Ok! Time to get positive again! I have a NSV to celebrate today! Four years ago, I bought a pair of jeans two sizes too small with the intention of wearing them shortly after. Well, it never happened. A month ago I tried them on, and they were still too small. I could get them on, but I couldn't breathe or move. Flash forward to today; I am wearing those very same jeans at work today! They are a little tight but, I can wear them in public without being embarrassed!

    I will stay on track today because I want to see more victories like this and I know that my weight will start moving again.
  • recoveringfatchic that is a wonderful NSV!!!! Way to go!!

    Because I am doing this for me, I feel better overall when I eat mostly healthy and exercise when I can!
  • I know that I will be a little off plan this holiday weekend so it is important to stay completely on plan on these days leading up to Thanksgiving.
  • because even though I feel stuck I know I'm still moving forward.
  • Because if I don't, it will be easier to make excuses tomorrow. And we all know where that leads.
  • Because I am allowing myself extra calories and carbs on Thursday.