300+ Chat Thread: November, 2013

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  • I might live!! Lol! Two days without pain meds and 4 pounds of water off!!! I managed to swim three days but pool was closed today.

    Work is crazy! I'm distracting myself planning a trip for my bf's 30th in March. Thinking Cancun.
  • Good morning!
    Fi, I went and read most of the thread that you recommended. I think I may be an overeater but often use the term binge. I also went to her Brain Over Binge blog and found it useful. Once again thanks for sharing what you have learned!
    Jane, it is so good to see you! Glad you are feeling better. I live in a northern state so Cancun sounds like a GREAT idea.
    I woke up this morning so calm. I have done so much to get rid of stress for holidays but they still get to me and I use it as a time to overeat.
    I gave in to my monthly weighin thing and jumped on the scales. It was a huge relief that I only gained a few pounds and not the 20 I seriously thought I had. Yesterday I read a thread on 3FC about phantom fat. So true I will always be 300+.
    I feel so much better mentally and in control somewhat again.
    How is everyone doing?
  • Good morning all. Just quickly checking in with my favorite ladies to say hi. Thanksgiving was great with lots of noise and food. I've given myself 3 "free" days each year -- Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and Easter. The grands are spending the weekend here with us (my BIL across the street, my other nephew, and myself) while their parents have a delayed 10th anniversary celebration in Victoria. So much fun, so so tired.......this is why young people should have kids -- I can honestly say I just can't imagine what it takes for those grandparents who end up raising their grandchildren -- hats off to them.

    Sorry I'm not commenting on everyone's thread -- the trainer to teach me how to use the home coumadin testing machine (this is why health care costs are so out of control in this country!) is due in about 10 minutes and I should probably at least get dressed.

    Will check back in on Monday -- Have a great rest of the weekend.
  • Ubee— I, too, have been unsure about whether I am a binge eater. This is one definition, from the National Library of Medicine website: "Binge eating is an eating disorder in which a person eats a much larger amount of food in a shorter period of time than he or she normally would. During binge eating, the person also feels a loss of control." That's Binge Eating Disorder (BED). If someone purges afterwards, by whatever means, then they do not have BED: they have Bulimia.

    I have also noticed, in reading various definitions, how often they refer to the secretive nature of binges, and how the binger feels shame and disgust in the aftermath.

    Taking all of that into account, I am ready to say I have BED. I remember my very first binge, as a skinny 9-year-old. On a Saturday my mother had gotten all over my case because I made myself a peanut butter & jelly sandwich as an afternoon snack. She shouted, "If you eat like that, you're going to be FAT!!" The next day, when my parents were sleeping in because they didn't go to church on Sundays, I secretively and quickly ate a whole jumbo-size box of Cheerios, putting lots of milk and several spoonfuls of sugar into each bowl. I remember being angry at my mother for what she had said to me. I was uncomfortably stuffed afterwards, and I felt ashamed & disgusted with myself.

    And so it has been, for nearly 50 years: repeated episodes of binge eating. I can definitely say I would not be fat today, were it not for binging. I don't tend to overeat in general, and I rarely do fog eating, where I'm not aware of what I'm doing. The secretive/solitary nature of the behavior is so prominent, for me, that I literally cannot binge if anyone else is around. If my husband is in the house, I have to go binge in my car. Even though it makes no difference at all to me whether he knows about it, I have to be alone to binge.

    Why am I going to all this trouble to admit that I have BED? Because I think it will help me be more honest with myself, more self-accepting, and better able to find the books/websites/forums that will be of help. It's a sober-making step to take! I'm amazed it has taken this long. I guess when I thought about eating disorders, I always thought: "Anorexia and Bulimia, Anorexia and Bulimia—no, I'm not either one of those."
  • I think binge eating comes in many different forms; I never thought of myself as one, but now that I'm a little more in tune, I see the signs.

    Had a nice long workout, feeling good about that today. As crazy as it sounds, December will be my back on the horse month.
  • Betsy, glad you are having such a good time!
    Fi, I really think all of us trying to figure things out about ourselves gives others a lot to think about. I think I have to have a eating disorder to get over 300 pounds. I agree with Jane that it may take on many forms. Even in one person there may be different forms depending on life.
    Jane, we sure get a lot of exercise climbing back on that horse. I had a good day and am starting to struggle so I am back here.
    Thanks for being here everyone!
  • Another day of Atkins, another day without a binge. It's funny: now that I'm eager to try out Kathryn Hansen's technique (from Brain Over Binge), I'm not having any urges or cravings at all. Maybe with all my reading & thinking about binge behavior, I scared them away! =laugh=

    It's good to see you posting, Jane, and I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and getting back in the saddle!
  • See you in the December thread.....................