Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - November 2013 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Diana: I prefer weight training! I DO like cardio if it's something fun like rollerskating, or a group fitness class, or a fun dance workout video like Hip Hop Abs. I dread cardio workout videos for the most part though. I guess we're the opposite. I know what you mean about an hour-long video being a lot to get through.

    Good News/Bad News today. Weighed myself and I'm 128.6, which is great after weeks of binging and then just one week sticking to plan.

    Other good news, my calories for the day were 1,340

    Bad News: I have a strange pain in my leg. I think I strained a muscle or something. Also, I'm so exhausted today. The only exercise I did was Denise Austin's Personal Training Ab Workout for 10 minutes. Oh well, tomorrow I'll make sure to at least get a walk in or something. Hopefully the leg feels better.
  • Today I had:

    -light banana cream pie yogurt
    -a cup of raspberries

    -leftover meatballs in tomato sauce
    -about a cup of raw veggies (cauliflower, carrots, sugar snap peas) with a little bit of ranch dip

    -2 T peanut butter
    -a chocolate chip cookie (my husband baked cookies!)

    Um not exactly the most nutritionally complete dinner, but the PB is good for you. I ate the peanut butter before I realized there was going to be cookies, otherwise I'd have picked something more vegetable-y to offset the cookie! The cookie was the first I'd had since last Christmas. It was worth it and I was well under my calorie allotment for the day, even with the cookie.
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Last night I added on: Tamilee Webb's Total Body Stretch (standing)

    Calories for yesterday: 1380 +
    Weigh In: 161.2
    Down: .8

    Have a great day!
  • Quick Post...

    Yesterday's Calories: 1940
    Today's Weight: 173.2

    Did an hour of cardio at the gym. Burnt over 350 calories, but ate them back and more at Texas Roadhouse. Dinner itself was healthy (Portobello Mushroom Chicken w/ Green Beans & Mixed Vegetables), but its those dang rolls that get me.
  • Hey
    Good morning everybody!!

    Hope all is going well for everybody. I stepped on the scale this morning and my lowest weight. 179.4 WooHoo!!

    I have been doing the south beach diet but I have also been keeping track of my calories. It is amazing what that will do for your eating habits!

    Hope all have a good day!
  • hi all!

    I'm sorry I keep popping up so randomly...I'm really busy these days but still want to keep up here.

    I got Bs on my first 2 midterms at the university level...not too bad considering I felt like I choked! It's a good sign...your first tests are usually the worst.

    Ok - food

    B - 2 eggs with fresh steamed broccoli
    S - fiber cake w/peanut butter
    L - salad made with romaine lettuce, chickpeas that I cooked myself, avocado, and pistachios. Balsamic vinaigrette (light)
    D - will cook something from Omaha Steaks...either pork or chicken, maybe a filet mignon...with a baked sweet potato and yellow squash sauteed in coconut oil. That's the plan so far, anyway!

    Gym after work - shoulders, arms, and some cardio. Hope you all are doing well
  • Diana, we had some great cauliflower from a nearby farmer's market, it was awesome. We ate it raw then roasted what was left with some broccoli and peppers. DH bought a bag of red, yellow and orange peppers, there were a couple of those left that needed to be used so I put them, broccoli, carrots, and garlic in casserole and roasted them. Brussels sprouts are good roasted, too.

    Syckgirlsfv, congrats on the Bs, some of my best grades were when I thought I choked, I actually started to get more nervous when I thought I did well

    Zima, hope your leg feels better soon.
  • kelijpa - I totally agree! Thanks!
  • Lost a pound!!

    Had a weak moment and had leftover rice heated with butter and melted cheese. Yummm!! Let's hear it for weak moments!

    Did a workout from one of those free exercise apps. Clunky and funny and good for two workouts, but did the job! LOL

    Had my 64 oz. of water.

    In a couple hours will make a "Waldorf" in the Nutri-Bullet ~ romaine, carrot, cucumber, green apple, lemon juice.
  • Hi Everyone!

    Novangel So Jillian literally makes people sick? Good job on that workout!

    Zima I hope there's nothing serious wrong with your leg. How did you feel today?

    HuggerBunny A husband that bakes cookies! OMG! Cookies are a favorite of mine! Good job keeping it all in moderation. (even the peanut butter! I couldn't do it. Great job!)

    Psychic We ate at Texas Roadhouse tonight! I walked by the case tonight and you could smell the yeast rolls wafting out of the kitchen.

    Happygal Congrats on the new low!

    Syckgirlsfv Congrats on your exams. Pop in when you can. We understand that you have a lot going on. Keep up the great work!

    Kelijpa I will need to get some brussels sprouts! Those will be awesome! I have had them roasted out before and they were very good.

    Inkrid Congrats on the pound!
  • Total Approx 1380 Calories +

    Breakfast (395 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Vegetable of choice
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (385 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
    Honey mustard/Lettuce 25 calories
    Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 100 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (600 Calories)
    Grilled salmon 400 calories
    2 orders steamed veggies 200 calories

    KCM's 30 MTF Start Here Cardio Sculpt and Upper Body Weights w/#8's
    4 Mile Mall Walk
  • Diana, he'd been saying for months that he was going to bake cookies! Then he did! They are the best chocolate chip cookies around, and I'm a tough critic when it comes to cookies.

    Here's what I had today:

    Honeycrisp apple (the best kind of apple)
    light banana cream pie yogurt (third day in the row of this, the container was a 4 pack and expired yesterday so I had to finish it while it was still good!)

    bowl of chicken enchilada soup (the recipe made a LOT!)

    another bowl of chicken enchilada soup
    a quesadilla made in the toaster with a low carb tortilla and cheddar cheese
    about a third of an avocado

    Very full after dinner! The chicken enchilada soup is quite brothy, ended up having the last of it for dinner tonight. The plan was to make a Greek salad, but we didn't get to the store in time so that will be tomorrow's dinner. I would have done avocado instead of the quesadilla except the quesadilla was already in the toaster when I found the almost overripe avocado. Didn't want to waste it! This is the first day in several days that I've come near my 1200 calories a day though, so it's not so bad (I've been going under that number).
  • Quote: After several days of being consumed w/ some things I dusted myself off and put in Jillian. I felt like I was going to vomit and pass out after so I'm lying down and checking in on my cell. She has that effect on people.

    Alaskan, any word on the creep? Sorry if I missed anything I'm too lazy to read back right now.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I'm feeling better now so off to shower and bed.
    there was a call placed to my room phone last week where he started to say something....I cut him off and read in a forceful voice exactly what police had told me to say about the phone lines being tapped etc...he hung up before I could finish...since then I haven't been working at the same school, as I manage a different school on days when school itself is not in session....so tomorrow will be the first day back at my usual school and we'll see if anything else happens...I need to get ahold of the officer in charge of this case and see where it's going
  • because I had such a strange schedule and busy day today, I got up at 5:45 a.m.(!!!) to make DH his coffee and go to the gym early....I had a good workout and then went to little son's parent conference and then worked all day with no breaks with 83 students and very little staff....then I continued working by going to an interview (I help hire staff) and then ran errands and did MORE work lol....i'm finally home for the night...I was HUNGRY today too and ate slightly over my allotted calories not crazy over but man I was hungry today
  • Diana- Thanks, I hope not either. I was really tired again today, but managed to work out.

    Food: 1,290 Calories

    Exercise: Hip Hop Abs Cardio Party = 40 minutes

    kelijpa Thank you