Two-teens Into One-derland, a Land of Wonder!

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  • BuffieLynn - that was a great game wasn't it? I do think it's funny though, that we have Denver and Seattle in the SuperBowl now. Hubby said it's gonna be the 420 Bowl. lmao!
  • "420 Bowl" CRACKED me UP!!!! Nice that your coming back to check in on us, Lilleth!

    Wow, I see I haven't checked in here in a few days. Consider yourselves spared from all my scale drama! Hit my ticker weight 2 days in a row (Yay!), but I'm up 2 lb today (murderous Grrr!). When we do our spring yard cleanup, we put all the yard waste in boxes and bags that are picked up by the city for mulching. I usually get my son to climb on the top of the boxes to stomp everything down and make room for more leaves and branches. I need a stomp-down strategy to get below my ticker weight.
  • llilithMy hubby said the same thing about the 420!

    I feel stuck at 210 ...I guess my body is fighting me. DH and I had to buy new "place holder" wedding rings. Our rings are falling off us, so we have matching thin bands now until we are closer to goal and we can re-size.
  • Hi Elladorine!! Welcome to the thread! That’s amazing that you’ve dropped most of the pregnancy weigh in 5 weeks! Well done to you!

    Hope you feel better soon AwShucks!! Being sick is the worst when you also have TOM, and I bet the last thing you feel like doing is dieting, but great to hear you still worked out, that’s a real achievement when you’re feeling bad so well done for that!!

    Hey SeeMyFeet! I didn’t get what you meant at first about my skinny friends (lol) but I guess the other 190s have gone on down….I might stay here awhile yet, as I have 3 other threads to update already what with January weigh ins and challenges so I don’t know I could handle another one just yet! Good luck with your ticker battles, I’m rooting for ya!!

    Great NSV with the rings BuffieLyn! Focus on the positives and all the changes for the better, but here’s hoping for a whoosh as well!!

    Well, my husband had the day off yesterday so we had a family day and I didn’t get a chance to go on here but I did weigh myself and was fully expecting a no-loss week but was very pleasantly surprised by a loss of 1.8lbs, so now I’m down to 196.2! Itīs such a great feeling to be very much into onderland now instead of balancing precariously within a 2lb edge. But, that does not mean I can relax! Still exercising every day, and although we did a lot yesterday activity-wise as we went for a bike ride, I still went to the gym in the evening just to do a little upper-body work and have a little me time too.

    Keep going everyone, we can do this!!!!
  • Yesterday I didn't get much sleep and felt an ick coming up, so I tried to focus on napping and sleeping. I hope it works cause I can't afford to be sick! Today I weighed in at 215.6. So close to my low weight.
  • I amble toward the scale this morning for my daily weigh-in...get the same reading 3 times (my ticker weight!)...go dry my hair....weigh three more times and now I'm 0.5 below my ticker weight. Ha. My hair doesn't hold 0.5 lb of water! so here's hoping that the scale is moving down.

    I think I caught Daimere's disease, so watch out, ya'll. Must be a computer virus. Actually, a head cold...but I am fighting it off!!

    Well, jennyb, sprinkle your magic, Onderland fairy dust on us, and we'll let you stay! magic wand is broken!
  • Yay for getting below your ticker weight SeeMyFeet!!! That is awesome - I'm hoping that is contagious, cause I'm still above mine. But my butt is starting to look amazing LMAO j/k. 130 squats today - I must be a sadist.

    Hi everyone and happy wednesday!
  • Quote: I feel stuck at 210 ...
    I'm stuck at 218! I've been good all week, to no avail. It's incredibly frustrating!
  • 218 today. I hooped for 30+ minutes. I want to enter the curvy hoopers contest and win but there is no way I am taping outside. It was -5 this morning. Although some of the entries aren't ideal in my world. But whatever. I'll see if I will win.
  • Goodness gracious, lilleth, you're about to enter a new decade! How's your A1C holding up?

    -5 will keep your butt wigglin', Daimere!

    Don't know if this morning's loss will hold. Stepped on the scale tonight and 2lb above ticker. That was before I ate my apple + low cal Havarti snack with tea. I've never tried low cal Havarti. That was a baaaaad combination, imho.
  • Morning!!

    This week I am down 2 more pounds to 216.8!! I was hoping for more since I have finally started to incorporate some exercise , but then I remembered this morning that TOM is due any day now . So I am happy with 2 pounds gone!!

    Daimere stay warm!! Good luck on your contest!!
    Elladorine you are an inspiration!!
    Wahine keep up the good work~I know a WHOOSH is coming soon!
  • Hey everyone. I'm restarting (again) after falling into the holidays pit of food. I was down to 196, but I'm back up to 204. Hoping to get right back on track because my wedding is a year away and I want my pictures to look amazing. I've already gone to the gym a few days this week and done some of the squat and ab challenges on the days I didn't go. It's my TOM, so I've been bloating like crazy.

    I'm glad to be back and hello to everyone
  • Wahinebythesea and Buffielynn, I totally understand your frustration! Sometimes I have what I think are great weeks and not only do I not lose, but actually go up a little. Then other weeks that don't seem so successful will end in a loss. It's so unpredictable, but if we stay the course, the scale will eventually move!
  • Welcome Triptriptrip!

    Thank you all for the encouragement about feeling stuck! I will just stay the course with you all! I know we will break through!
  • Sluggerbean and Francis - thanks for the encouragement! Fingers crossed I do get my whoosh.

    I've even started going outside for brisk walks (and it's cold here!)