
  • First post as I just joined 3 chicks. Lurked for a while and must say some previous posts really help me make the decision to commit to IP. After some success, I feel like I'm now in the phase where support will keep me moving towards my goal. So thanks in advance for reading!!

    Been on the program for 35 days and have lost 27lbs...consistently though my hydration reading have ranged from -5.3 to most recently -4.1....yes, those are negative numbers!

    My starting weight was 282 lbs and now I'm at 255, with my goal of 222. The IP log book suggest a min of 64oz of water daily, but i believe that is far too low, mainly because of my readings. Most hydration calculators suggest, at minimum, double that qty. Yet, by only doubling it to say 128oz, I cant see how that will put my hydration reading up into the range of +40%. I'm thinking I'll have to chug 3x's this to get into this range??

    I may try flavoring the water with NUUN tablets (or the like) which make taking in that much water easier. I'm more challenged by getting my hydration up as opposed to being concerned on how to drink that much water....I'm curious if my hydration has always been this low since i don't think I've ever consumed 2.5 liters in one day, regardless of how many sources its from! That may explain the periodic headaches, etc..??

    Any thoughts?
  • Curious...what's a hydration reading?
  • You can drink too much water - and get water poisoning. I also am not sure what the hydration reading is, but if your blood pressure is not too low and you are generally feeling ok, I would be cautious. Are you getting the proper amount of sea salt?
  • I may be calling it by a different name, but the hydration reading I'm talking about is the reading printed out during weekly visits with my counselor. Once she plugs in my weight, you hold that funny looking steering wheel thing to obtain Lean Body (muscle) mass & % body fat
  • Those biometric scales are notoriously inaccurate.

    Your hydration levels will change as you lose weight.
    Just keep drinking at least 64 oz water/day (I usually do 80-150)

    If you're following the protocol, you're doing just fine.
  • My coach says at least the 80 ounces a day, so I normally stay around there.