Miss America weight loss inspiration

  • This was just the push I needed, I've been dawdling on the last 20 for a year now. Apparently the current Miss America lost fifty pounds to get to where she is now I love stories like this!

  • Wow! She looks fantastic now! Thanks for sharing =)
  • Wow, that's awesome. Good to see some public figures going through the same thing we are
  • I did a google search, and her pics bef/after are super inspiring. that quick google search also showed she called last year's Miss America "fat as f***".....so it kind of put a damper on her story. still amazing before and afters though...
  • Oh wow, I didn't know she said that
  • Quote: I did a google search, and her pics bef/after are super inspiring. that quick google search also showed she called last year's Miss America "fat as f***".....so it kind of put a damper on her story. still amazing before and afters though...
    It appears that those are unsubstantiated rumors and apparently they did investigate whether she said that or not. It sounds like someone in her room may have said that at the time.
  • you're right, may be it was her, may be it wasn't. so many blogs and "news" is hearsay or just not really truth. Hopefully she didn't say it. Still think she looks great though
  • She's super lucky she has no stretch marks...I have so many that I may never look good in a two piece
  • Quote:
    She's super lucky she has no stretch marks...I have so many that I may never look good in a two piece
    I know. I'm so big that that sort of story isn't inspiring to me. I'll never look good in a two piece and losing 50 lbs isn't that inspiring to me. When people lose 100+ or more, that inspires me. Which is why most the tumblr reposts that I see aren't super inspiring for me.
  • She's still inspiring to me I just wish I didn't have stretch marks
  • I think it's inspiring no matter how much weight she lost. We all know how hard to can be to lose even 5 pounds so to see someone lose that much and gain so much confidence is incredible!
    Great story!
  • Quote: She's still inspiring to me I just wish I didn't have stretch marks
    I feel you. I had stretchmarks from my weight gain (all lover my hips,stomach) I hate them. Even though I am pretty close to goal, I will never be able to wear a bikini even though I have a pretty flat tummy. It's something I guess I have to deal with. I doubt they'll ever go away because I've had the stretchmarks since I started gaining weight (high school).
  • Have you tried Bio Oil? Apparently it's really good to reduce stretch marks.