I'm bored and curious!

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  • How are you going about losing weight?
    Share as much or as little about your lifestyle change as you'd like!

    (As usual, this thread has been done before, but... Lol)
  • I'm a calorie counter and a daily weigher. Right now I'm subsisting off 1200 calories a day and it sucks! BUT.. The scale is moving down which is making me very happy!

    Although to be honest, I've been looking into low carb...
  • i calorie count and try to not go too far over 1500 LOL....i seem to maintain at up to 2000 calories and lose if i hit 1500 or less a day...i also weigh daily but mostly to understand how and why my body fluctuates and to catch it if it starts drifting upward too far...my body looks better when i'm exercising although the scale tends to slow or nearly stop....i was running about 5-6 times a week (hard runs, HIIT intervals etc) for almost two years and then i messed up my foot recently so have switched in the last month to weight training and, yes, i train nearly every day despite the advice to take a day in between....i'm seeing a difference already in my body that running couldn't have done...

    in terms of lifestyle, i pay WAY more attention to what i eat and how much of it that i eat...i try to eat when i'm hungry and not when the clock says i would....however i'm also trying to learn to be okay with feeling hungry, that it wont kill me, that food will be available soon....i have some psychological need to ALWAYS have food available and im not even sure why, i never grew up starving or anything....and i'm trying to eat what i need to feel "no longer hungry" and not just stuff myself....and i try to not eat after dinner because that's when i start nibbling away far over my calorie limit
  • I just started, but I'm limiting my calories to about the same as yours and looking into purchasing an elliptical for my hubby and I. So far I've lost about 12 pounds, feeling great. My biggest struggle is that I seem to think about food a lot and in the past its just been a habit to grab something to eat (mostly whatever is in reach). And.. I work at a desk job all day so it's pretty easy to get distracted. I've just been keeping fruits and healthy snacks within reach and I've been managing to keep on track - also, keeping myself so busy that I forget to eat.
  • Calorie counting and daily weigher. Over the course of each week daily average 1500 calories. Thats it nothing else.
  • I am doing WW and have lost 50lbs
    but I've been plateauing for 6 months
    so I started mixing up my food, making sure my heart rate is up when exercising and started jogging
  • I'm a calorie counter and a food addict so it's always on my mind. I used to weigh daily but now, I just weigh when I feel like it because usually, it's too discouraging. To keep calories where they should be, I sometimes do IF (Intermittent Fasting) but only when it feels right.
  • I'm a calorie counter, I eat about 1200 a day. I try to avoid trigger foods (like peanutbutter or nuts or chocolate), but nothing is off limits (that throws me off even faster than a trigger food).

    I weigh daily, if I don't weigh that morning I struggle all day. I know it's a mind over matter thing, but if weighing keeps me on track, then I will keep doing it.

    I exercise every day... at least 30 minutes (2mi WATP) and would like to find the time to hit the treadmill downstairs more than just on the weekends when hubby is home to keep the kids out of my hair (I do an hour Saturday and Sunday on the treadmill). We have an extensive wight room down there, but for now I'm not hitting the weights at all beyond what is in my WATP videos.
  • I am busting my ar$e. I have got the key to the lock and am seeing how far this baby will go.

    After 38 years, I have finally worked out how my body works.

    I overtrain. I try to do weight training 4-5 times a week. And I try to run 6 miles every day. I also try to play squash once a week. And walk 2 miles a day to/from work.

    But the real deal is the diet (I lost my first 60lbs without any extra exercise).

    I skip dinner (drink beer instead) but have the most elaborate, large salads I can for lunch. My focus is on getting as much nutrition as I can from my lunch salad. Important parts of that include a wide variety of vegetables and some fruit with high-protein, low calorie fish often canned. Today's salad was combined with a can of mackeral and a can of smoked clams.

    I don't calorie count. I have just learnt what foods my body responds well to. It's not just about weight loss any more, but muscle development, how my skin and hair look, what foods make my joints feel better after a run etc. That's a real diet. And I am going to take this sucker to the end...

    I think about food all the time. But only now what delicious, healthy low-calorie options I can add to my next salad. You get a lot of time to think about salad running 6 miles.

    I weigh every day. That was a day-one must for me.
    1. Low carb - no specific diet. My macronutirents are about 15% carbs, 30% protein, and 55% fat.
    2. My carbs are almost exclusively from veggies and fruit. I rarely eat grains, but when I do they are wheat free. My body hates grain carbs, especially wheat.
    3. I use the "link carbs with protein" rule from the IR Diet.
    4. Calorie counting. My range is 1,300 to 1,500 calories a day but I'm almost always on the low end of that.
    5. Meal planning. Every weekend, I plan every meal for the week, using the food tracker on sparkpeople to make sure I hit my target macronutrients for each day. I also try to prepare foods in advance to make eating right through the week much easier.
    6. Big breakfast. Little (or no) dinner.
    7. I try to eat as clean and whole as possible. I make almost everything from scratch and use only a few processed foods.
    8. Moderation not deprivation. If I want to eat it, I do...but in controlled portions.

    *I should confess that sometimes I can be a real slacker about the meal planning.
  • I just eat less now. I can't calorie count (I just don't know how to figure out how many calories are in home cooked meals since I don't cook myself), but basically I've been cutting my portions in half, so whatever I would normally eat, I just take less. I've also cut out nighttime bingeing as much as possible. I only allow myself to do it on days that I know I haven't eaten much. I've changed my snacks from noodles or fried stuff to salads and healthy sandwiches. I also drink as much water as I can.

    With regards to exercise, I started walking 3km per day, but lately I haven't been. I will start again (hopefully today).

    So far I've lost 6lbs in the past 15 days doing just this, but that's mainly because I just started so the weight loss will be more drastic right now. I expect it to slow down soon, which is when I'll amp up my exercising (probably start C25K as well, which I've been putting off for ages).
  • Low carb, low calorie. I try to stay around 1200 calories. Sometimes it's a little more, sometimes a little less. I don't strictly count though. As far as the low carb part goes, I don't specifically count those either, but I eat no grains and the only sugar I have comes from 1 oz of 70% dark chocolate a day. Otherwise my carbs come from dairy and veggies. I occasionally (1x/wk) eat a serving of berries. I end up around 50 net carbs a day on the few occasions I've counted them up. I'm thinking about trying to lower that though, but we'll see. I weigh daily, even though sometimes it makes me crazy. I love to see the pattern and make graphs and charts and stuff.
  • I'm weighing in every morning after going to the bathroom, skipping breakfast and not eating after 6 PM, unless I'm ravenous which usually only happens the week before my period. I usually don't have snacks between meals either. I don't count calories, carbs, track my food, plan out my meals or exercise. I just don't feel like spending time doing that stuff. I also go out to eat whenever I want - but that usually only happens once or twice a month. For example, tomorrow is my dad's birthday and he wants to order a pizza and then go to DQ for Blizzards. I'm not stressing out at all. I like that what I'm doing doesn't feel like a diet and I don't think it is. It's a lifestyle change and I feel like I could do this forever. This is the longest I've gone without gaining weight. Every time I've joined WW, I've given up after 3-4 months and gained everything back and more. I've been doing this since March and I've lost 30 pounds so far so I must be doing something right. Eventually, I plan on slowly adding exercise to my routine and adding in some fruits and veggies to my diet. Maybe this weekend I'll break out the exercise videos.
  • re:
    calorie counter. I'd like to say i'm on 1200 a day, but that wouldn't be true for the last few months.

    I have way more 2000 days then 1200 these days. Probably why I've not even lost 20 lbs in the last year. /sigh
  • I started with calorie counting. When getting started, I allowed myself 1500 to 1800 calories a day and then gradually dropped the calorie count as I lost weight. The first time I got below 200, I was eating about 1200 calories a day. Then my weight loss was extremely low and I thought about food all the time.

    I regained about 55 pounds and started again.

    This time I have combined calorie counting and low carb on a doctor supervised diet. I started with net carbs below 20 but now my top amount is 40 to 50 net carbs per day with a calorie limit of 1200 calories a day. I find this much easier for me than when I was strictly calorie counting. It is very rare for me to exceed 1200 calories and most days I am under that amount.

    The best part is that I am not hungry and am not tempted by sweets. Before my husband's junk food was a constant temptation if left in sight. Now I barely notice them. This morning I realized that I was walking by the donuts at work and had not noticed them earlier. When I asked, I learned that we had donuts 3 mornings and I had not even noticed. This is huge for me because those work donuts have been a HUGE downfall of mine.