Wondiforous Wednesday

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  • Mornig Ladies!
    ITs goign to be a scorcher today So I'm off to hop in the shower and magic up some coffee bbiaf
  • Well No working out for me today I'm sore from yesterday and I'm not too crazy about leaving my gramma alone in the potential heat and humidity. So at the moment I'm researching Mini Quiche recipes or at least the temp and time to bake them at
    I ws POP yesterday and even had enough carbs to have a cookie
    my sis got these fabu not to sweet cookies from IKEA I'll check the cals and the fat for my WW sisters but theirs 3 g's of carbs in one and they're not icky sweet but very satiating i think Ginger almond Anyway I'll Be Back!
    Off to hunt some recipes
    If i like the one I'm concocting I'll post it
  • Morning Kierie. Can't blame you for not wanting to leave Grandma alone in the heat w/o air-con. It's hot here too today. I can't believe you are willing to cook in this weather! Not me - I already told CB that he is getting sandwhiches and fruit for dinner tonight.

    A week from today we leave on a vacation that has us stopping off at different relatives in northern WI and the U.P. I'm trying to figure out how I can exercise a little. Obviously, I can walk, do push-ups, sit-ups, and yoga without bringing any equipment with me but I don't really want to leave CB alone with my family for long as he's never met them and I don't want him to be uncomfortable. I'm thinking that I'll get up and go for a quick walk before he wakes up in the morning's and then maybe bully him into walking with me again in the evenings.

    Have a good day all. Come out and play!

  • Hello!!
    Good morning, Kier and Laura!! It's another warm, HUMID day here and the A/C is still broken... The guys came last night to look at it and needed a part. It's supposed to get in today so they're going to come back and fix it. Of course, it's supposed to cool down tonight and be really nice tomorrow. This is the story of my life...

    Things as far as eating are not going well. Monday, I planned my day and was going to be OP. I totally blew it. Yesterday, same story. I just don't know what's wrong with me, I just can't stop eating and can't say no to anything. And there are all these reasons that I should be taking care of myself--my sister and I are both good candidates for diabetes, osteoporosis, breast cancer, and heart problems. Seriously, what is wrong with me??

    I did a little thinking last night and it occurred to me that I'm not even trying. I'm making my goals for the day, but not even thinking about them or trying to reach them after that. So, today, I'm going to put some effort into it--when I lost my weight before, it wasn't easy and it didn't come by not working toward it. I go to the Y and walk on the treadmill for an hour over lunch, so working out isn't the problem. The problem is the eating and the not being able to say no. If I could stay OP for just a few days, I know I could get back into doing it again.

    OK, enough whining from me (even though I'm starting to feel a little desperate and really frightened, as well as disappointed in myself)...

    Kier--Way to go staying POP yesterday!! Send me some of your motivation, maybe I'll be able to do it today... Those cookies sound really good, I wish we had an Ikea nearby, I'd go try some out and see what I think--no wait, I can't, I gotta stay OP today and would probably just binge on them. Good luck with the cooking and definitely post the recipe if you like it!!

    Laura--I think the walking in the morning option sounds like a good plan. You might be surprised--CB might even like going with you. In fact, the other day Aaron said "When are we going to go for a walk again?" We took a long, 4-mile walk one night and I didn't think he enjoyed himself, but evidently he did. CB may like it too. Of course, when we went, Aaron must have thought it was going to be some sort of major excursion, because he stuck a bunch of granola bars in his pockets. I don't know if he thought we were going to get lost or be outdoors for a long time or what, but he's such a goof...

    Well, I'm going to do some work. I'll try to stop in again later.
  • Jess - glad your ac will be repaired! You can do this - it took me 7 months to get back on track but eventually I did. And like you - exercise isn't usually my problem - it is how much I eat. After I was OP the first 3 or 4 days it got really easy again (I'm at Day20 today). I'm not sure what clicked again for me - except that I was MISERABLE - I was in tears nearly every day about my weight/way my clothes fit. I don't have advice on the how to make yourself be OP but I'll support you anyway I can.

  • Hey Girls the mini Quiches were a Success! As for the heat I baked em before it got hot out nd promptly put the timer on and headed for the nice cool den
    Our house is 10 degrees cooler than the outside (usually) b/c we have enough trees to choke a horse!
    I'm also getting in alot more Agua than usual and thats no easy task for me (worlds smallest Bladder) and getting some into gram too (she would live on coffee if she could)

    Laura Why not have CB do some of the workin out with you The walks are a v. good Idea I'm going to have BF start walking with me again
    Jess I've been where you are and I'm fighting the urges to cheat but you know what this is what got me I asked myself Do I want to be healthy or do I want to wallow in the shoulds and woulds of not being healthy I'm not preaching Girlie it's just what workd for me You are such a cool Girl I'm shakin my Pompoms for you right now!
  • Happy Wednesday, girls!

    Last night DH and I went out to eat after I went shopping for a bridesmaids dress (more on that later). We went to a seafood place, and although I had a cup of clam chowder, I resisted the urge to order fried stuff and got a grilled shrimp trio. Didn't even finish it because there was so much. So then I get on the scale this morning and I'm up a pound! I just don't get it. Until Monday and yesterday, I was knocking myself out for more than a week, staying OP, exercising, and I've not noticed a difference. I guess I just need to give it more time, right?

    On the bridesmaid dress front. I'm in a wedding in October. Not happy that I've gained 15 lbs since November. Not happy going dress shopping. But I was able to chose the style I wanted at David's Bridal, and I think it'll look OK. I hope. Hopefully I'll lose weight, too.

    Kier: a rangoon is basically like a fried wonton.

    Well, I gotta get back to work. Hi to everyone!
  • Hey girls - I have been MIA with work and getting ready for vacation (we leave on Saturday for 2 weeks!!). But I have been OP this week (eating at the high end and all activity points, mind you) and have ran once and done lots of walking - I am hoping for the best. I am also on TOM so maybe that will make a difference. WI is Friday.

    Hey Kier - your poor Gram!! What are you going to do when you get married and leave home?? You will have to worry all day like I do - I worry about my mom constantly...I have nightmares about her dying even!! Yup, I am a bit of a worrywart.

    Laura - the exersize thing on vacation is always hard, eh? Plus the eating out - we'll be in Montreal and Ottawa for a week, then in Halifax and Saint John - I hope we can eat semi-healthful and I will try like heck to stay OP!! Good luck on your trip!!

    Jess - I think you just wrote all that is in my head. I know in my heart I am not trying as much as I should - I eat all my activity points daily and at the high end of my range. I know cutting back would make teh difference but I can't seem to stop at 24 - I eat a lot and have huge cravings!! I didn't know you had all these risks...I think getting OP for a few days will kickstart you back into WW mode....

    Kim - from your last few posts it sounds like you have really gotten back on track - YAY!!!! I am sure you can lose those pounds by the wedding...you go girl.

    Well, I better get going - 2.5 days to vacation and lots to do in that time...too much, really!
  • Kim It could just be the salt from the food water retention every girls night mare you'll take off the 15
    Belle! your holiday sounds great I'm bad when it comes to being a way from home and eating asa for the worrying yah I've got it but so does my mom an I take care so my mom can have peace of mind.
    I posted the recipe feel free to alter to your hearts content!
  • Well I'm still not 100% today although I'm no longer dizzy & light headed. Basically I have a nasty cough. Now I'm trying to decide if I should go to work today or not. I mean it seems like a dumb question b/c who wants their massage therapist coughing all over the room during the treatment? On the other hand a lot of these people have been waiting to see me for a couple weeks. On the other hand I could give them my cold. On the other hand if I stay home today that means I'll have made zero money this week & in fact will have lost money b/c I still had to pay my rent for my space at work. Argh! I don't know what to do! It would be way wrong for me too work while I could possibly infect my patients right? Its seems so obvious when I put it that way. I just feel so guilty about not amking any money this week especially when we're going away this weekend. Argh! On the other hand I was so dizzy after I shaved my legs in the shower I'm not even sure I could manage the energy to do a massage today. What do you gals think?

    BTW I ate like crap yesterday b/c I was too ill to cook anything & dh was studying for his final exam today so he ended up bringing home burger king. My brother also brought home burger king for another meal in the day. Today I'm feeling better so I think I should be able to manage to scrape something together.

    Laura, I figure if cb doesn't want to be left alone with your family he'll get up & join you. He knows how important your exercise is to you.

    Kim, wtg on making the right choices while eating out! Don't get frustrated the numbers will drop soon enough.

    Kier I love mini quiches. Are these ones healthier than the normal ones? If yes share the recipe girl!

    Jess, you can make the right decisions-you did it before. You just gotta dig deep & when tempted remember what you want to accomplish in the long term not what satifaction you may get short term by eating what calls your name. Look ahead.

    Hey to everyone else. I'll be back later to see what you think if I should go to work or not.
  • Hey belle, you posted while I wrote my monster! I hope you have a super fun vacation! Don't worrry about eating at the high end if you are still losing. Good luck on vacation for eating. I'm totally stressed about eating aways from home for 4 days-I don't think I could handle two weeks!
  • Good morning girls

    I managed to stick to eating everything that I planned yesterday, but I couldn't stick to the no eating after 8 plan. I had grapes around 8:30 and that was it! But the grapes were worked in, so I guess it all worked out. Still, I need to find the willpower back! As for today - got my meals planned & ready. Last Friday I was up one pound, and I'm thinking I'll be lucky if I stay the same this week.

    Kier - ambitious on the cooking! I'm very impressed

    Laura - have a great vacation! good luck on working out while up there. sounds like a great idea to bring CB along.

    Jess - good luck on staying cool. At least once the AC is fixed you won't have to worry about when it gets hot AGAIN ... and it will... I know what you mean about not being able to stick with it. This year has been a struggle for me - last year I was on a roll when I just started to lose weight, then it came to a screeching halt and I've finally managed to lose a little more this spring/summer. It does not take anything at all to just make me fall off the healthy-eating wagon. So we'll all struggle together! We've done it before, we can keep going! [it's okay, the motivational speaker is leaving now....]

    Kim -- mm i love shrimp! now i'm craving seafood for dinner... maybe tomorrow

    Hi Belle and whoever's posted while I have...
  • Kierie - glad the quiches turned out. I'll have to check the recipe.

    Kim - like the others said it is probably water retention - maybe salt or maybe because you've been working out. You'll look fab in the BM gown.

    Belle - have fun on your trip! I am dreading the eating part of mine. I haven't been "home" in a year and really want to stop by all my fav eateries for treats I don't get down here.

    Rina - stay home from work! I know you feel guilty about the money but if I were your client I'd rather miss a massage than catch a cold. Plus if you wear yourself out by going back too soon you'll just end up being sick longe.

    Angie - grapes after 8:30 AM? How could you? J/K. Seriously - I often don't eat dinner until after 8PM. You did a great job yesterday. Keep it up!

    Must work. I have to figure out the rand/USD exchange rate from last week.

  • Jess you sound just like me! I lost 35 lbs last year and maintained that for 8-9 months and just gained back 5! I am starting back at WW tonight at 6:30. I have got to get my focus and determination back like I had before. I want to badly to feel good again and have energy and wear cute clothes and be a good role model for my 5 year old daughter and I want my hubby to give me piggy back rides like he used to and I really want to have another baby and not feel ashamed of my pregnant body and I really really want to lose 45 lbs! UGH! How do we get back on track? Any ideas? lol I am right there with ya!
  • Has anyone heard from Jen L? I haven't noticed anything since she had her baby and I want to see pictures!