Winter Wonderland - One-derland by Christmas Thread

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  • Great to hear you're on your way back to onderland Llilith!!

    What a super-productive day you had cleancowgirl - half your Christmas shopping done before December AND some bargain jeans too! I'm sure your losses will catch up with you after all that walking!

    Doing great TooWicky!!

    Weighed in at 207 today and although I'm super happy to have lost despite it being Thanksgiving, and also super happy to be able to move my ticker down after last week's plateau...I can't help thinking that 8 pounds in three weeks is going to be a tall order as I'm not really making 2 pounds a week and really I need closer to 3...fingers crossed for a whoosh!!
  • It's so cool to see everyone staying or getting back on track after the big food holiday! I'm finally back under 200 - 198.8 this morning. woohoo!!
  • Checking in! Work has been hectic, life has been busy. Managed to get down to 203½ lbs this morning. It will be quite the stretch if I make it under 200 by Christmas tho
  • My official weekly weigh-in was this morning, and I had a woosh - 202 lbs!! I drank a lot of water yesterday hoping to shed some sodium-induced water weight and I guess it worked.
  • Well done Llilith, you're there to stay for sure!

    Well done TooWicky! You're so close now!!

    Normally I weigh in on Mondays but felt very bleurgh yesterday due to bloating and TOM so I put it off until today. I felt much better when I got up and saw 204.4 on the scale!! I think 199 by Christmas will be difficult but I have at least past my half way point and so I will be celebrating that more than worrying about anything I haven't done

    Have a great week everyone!!
  • 206 today, pretty sure it won't stick but it made me happy to see it
  • 198.8 today - I'm happy to see that again, I have been fluctuating between 198 and 202. What a struggle lately with holiday treats around! I set a new goal for myself - 195 by 1/1. I hope I start seeing the 199's consistently soon.

    Yay for everyone working so hard during this really busy and tempting time.
  • I want to play! I was 202.8 this am, but I don't think it will stick either- my officially weigh ins are Monday and I was 204.8 on this past weigh in. I have a chance to hit onederland by New Years. And if I'm REALLY lucky by Christmas!
  • Welcome Appmom!!
  • Hey appmom!! How's the weigh in today?!

    Had such a bad last few days, the whole family were sick including me. I'm starting to get my appetite back but I've hardly eaten these past few days. The good news is I lost 3.2 pounds this week, making me 201.2 a week before the big weigh day, I just really really hope I don't put it on again when I start eating properly again...!!
  • I've had a pretty awesome last couple of real clue why, but I'll take it 202.4 today...I may actually make it by christmas and my goal is just to make it by 12/31, so that would be a huge woohoo!
  • I weighed in at 201.2. Apparently my last weigh in did stick! I'm so close I can almost feel it.

    I've now lost over 30 pounds total in 15 months (my daughter is 16 months old), but 15 pounds of those were when I started getting serious about my weight loss since Oct 16th.

    In the last 3 years I've had 2 children, moved 3 times, started 3 new jobs including a switch to working nights.

    I'm only 4 pounds from my prepregnancy weight with my oldest! I still have a long way to go. I'm 50 pounds higher than when I felt good about myself and was running regularly. But 50 is less than 80! Just one pound at a time.
  • jenny - I hope you are feeling better. I hate being sick!

    HeidiNicole - that's awesome!! You go!

    Appmom - wow you are well on your way!! That's cool that you are getting a handle on it before too much time goes by. I got huge after my two kids, and now they are 23 and 18 - I do wish I'd started this healthy journey earlier. But I am so thankful for how much better I feel now. 4 pounds from pre pregnancy weight with the oldest after two kids is AMAZING.

    I'm 197.6 this morning. I kept seeing the scale flux between 199 and 200+, I'm happy to finally see a lower number because now I know I've really entered onderland LOL.
  • Hey everyone

    Welcome Appmom, and woo hoo on the weight loss!! Great weigh-ins!

    Llilith, you look solidly below 200 these days, you must be so pleased

    HeidiNicole, I'm right there with you, I've decided that any day up to New Year's Eve counts for this challenge, too ;P

    jennybutler357, fantastic weight loss this week, but, oy, sorry about the being sick part! Are you feeling better today?

    Hello, lotsakids, gratz on closing in on One-derland It won't be long now. How have you been doing the last few days?

    I'm still barely in this challenge, but I'm still in it! I'm at 201½ lbs this morning, so there is still a possibility of making it. As I mentioned above, I'm fudging that any day before New Year's Eve is part of this challenge to keep me motivated to try for that brass ring known as One-derland! I also changed my One-derland by Christmas ticker goal weight from 199 to 199½ lbs, lawd, silly, I know, but it makes it look like I'm closer to goal, so I'm rolling with it. My scale only measures to the ½ lbs.
  • TooWicky, HeidiNicole. I agree! I don't want to push and fail then get discouraged, because it's not really a race to the end. I'll be happy with Onederland by New Years as a complete victory too.

    Lilith, your weight loss looks great. I was 200 even this am, but won't consider myself at this mini goal until I'm solidly and regularly under 200 too. You must be so proud of what you've done so far.

    JennyButler357, hope your feeling better! It's tough to be sick let alone have other people in the family sick too.