Binge eating and feeling like a failure

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  • Ive gotten so off track the past few days, I cant believe I was so close and now Ive completely fallen off the wagon. I know I can start again tomorrow, but now after the huge binge I went on today Im going to have to go through probably 2 weeks of withdrawing again off carbs and sugar and its going to suck so much, I wonder if this time I wont even be able to get back into a ketosis state, I feel really doomed and like a total failure, I cant believe I let myself get to this point again, I was doing awesome and Ive just sabotaged myself again.
  • Oh no, I was really sorry to see this as I know you have been working very hard to overcome this! I am sure you have reflected on the "why" behind the binge, so just set your mind on the Very Next Bite and make it 100% OP. then one foot in front of the other making sure each "next bite" is OP.

    YOU can conquer and overcome. You are in charge and committed to finishing what you started.

    Yes, you may have some discomfort getting back in Ketosis, but I don't think it will take you that long!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • If the binge eating was there prior to IP, a diet won't fix binge eating, it only helps with the weight gain (symptoms, rather than root of problem)

    There are myriad approaches to combating binge eating in the long term. Some seem to work for some people and others for other people. For myself, it has been about removing trigger foods and avoiding trigger behaviors (especially realizing when I'm feeling angry, bored, lonely, or tired, and acting accordingly instead of eating)

    There are books, counseling services, Anonymous programs (overeaters or food addicts are two I'm aware of). From my understanding, all appear to have mixed results. Each person needs to find the one thing for success for them

    You haven't blown your diet. You can definitely start again today. Getting back on track won't take as long as you think. Getting into Ketosis didn't take weeks before and it won't take weeks now...

    Get rid of any binge foods that may be left. Start reading on the Internet for ways to combat binge eating until you choose a book or program that feels like a good match for you.

    If you've not had past binge eating history, the above advise isn't for you.
    Then I'd explore why I was afraid of succeeding.
    I know many have found a lot if help in the book, The Beck Diet Solution. I don't own it yet but from everything I've heard, I bet this topic is covered.

    Don't give up! You can do it!
  • I've been there. I agree with Lisa. Get rid of all of the food that causes you to binge. At one point I had to bag up all of the bars I had, legal IP food, because they were causing me to crave sweets. Same with Peanut butter. Another thing I found is that I can't entice myself with even photos of desserts (which is my trigger). You can start over again. Don't lose hope. Today is a new day, a new hour, minute and second.
  • @AlaskanRN - No, you're not doomed and YOU are so NOT a failure. You are human and as people, we need to be easier on ourselves to allow understand that there will be times when we will not be perfect; no one is, really, right?! Right. So, the easiest thing to do at this point is forgive yourself and push forward full steam ahead. So, it takes you a couple of weeks to get back to ketosis, you're still doing your body a world of wonders by staying on plan. The more you wallow in self guilt (believe me, I've been there so many times) the more excuses you will find not to continue your weight loss endeavor. We're here for support and that was your first step; kudos to you for starting this thread. And, may you find the strength and gusto you need to re-boot, be easy on yourself and not put anymore negative thought into this process. You know it works and it WILL work again. Patience and forgiveness is key. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! *Hugs*
  • Quote: Ive gotten so off track the past few days, I cant believe I was so close and now Ive completely fallen off the wagon. I know I can start again tomorrow, but now after the huge binge I went on today Im going to have to go through probably 2 weeks of withdrawing again off carbs and sugar and its going to suck so much, I wonder if this time I wont even be able to get back into a ketosis state, I feel really doomed and like a total failure, I cant believe I let myself get to this point again, I was doing awesome and Ive just sabotaged myself again.
    I don't have any great advice for you but I wanted to stop by and give your a virtual hug. <<<HUG>>>>

    Good luck getting back on track. You can do it!
  • AlaskanRN you are NOT a failure. You are a human being who deserves to be treated with kindness. You will never win a battle with your body with war. While I am not familiar with binge eating behavior, nor can I suggest that your going off program was a result of self-sabatoge, I can say that I have been in your shoes and understand how you feel. While I beleive in the power of introspection and reflection, sometimes I think it's important to not over analyze and beat yourself up. Begin anew now and move forward. The past doesn't have to predict the future and you will move on stronger. Eaach time you make a decision to stay OP and get to goal, the more confidence, will power, etc. you build. You are very close and I am sure you will be back in saddle in no time. HUGS!
  • I feel your pain, AlaskanRN. And I believe in you! You can get back on track. Pull yourself up, get back on track and keep looking to the bright new happy future that a healthy you has in store. And know we are all here for you!
  • AlaskanRN I am in the same boat as you! I have gained 10lbs from bingeing this past month You can do this, getting back on track is hard but after the first couple of days, it's back to it! I have faith in you, getting back on track is all part of the weight loss journey.
  • I think you've gotten some really great advice so far on this thread. So all I'm going to say is that we're here to support you and don't let this one bump derail all of the great progress you've made so far. You can get back on the IP wagon and continue to succeed!
  • I am in recovery from eating disorders, and the most important thing I can think of to tell you is DON'T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW.

    There is absolutely no reason that you can't do the next thing that supports the decisions that you want to make for yourself NOW. Waiting for a new day only ever made me feel powerless and gave me more time to live in the behaviors that made me sick and sad. Whatever the next meal or snack is that you should have, have it. Do that for yourself. Start a positive streak as soon as possible, because now is when you can change something. Now is always when we can change something.
  • i just did that this week too - maybe it's the new moon! my kid took a chocolate bar and hid it - and i had to go find it with her (she sneaks all sweets) and after i found it - i started eating it... just a square here and there - now i am obsessed with the damn thing... so annoying... i am also on a 'i don't want to cook/make/eat lunch fix... which i find so frustrating because i know if i eat i will not be hungry or craving but instead i just sit with my coffee(decaf) and NOT eat (except the chocolate - and sigh yes peanut butter argh)

    wish i knew the answer - i am up 1.6lbs from last week... i WILL get back on track... but i am so mad at myself...
  • you can eat anything you want at any time. you just choose not to.

    it's as simple as that. nothing is off limits. ever. it's all in your mind.

    you decide what to eat to fuel your body. stop classifying things as "bad" or "good". it's just food. once you get past this, and realize you can do whatever you want - whenever you want - life gets so much easier.
  • Quote: Ive gotten so off track the past few days, I cant believe I was so close and now Ive completely fallen off the wagon. I know I can start again tomorrow, but now after the huge binge I went on today Im going to have to go through probably 2 weeks of withdrawing again off carbs and sugar and its going to suck so much, I wonder if this time I wont even be able to get back into a ketosis state, I feel really doomed and like a total failure, I cant believe I let myself get to this point again, I was doing awesome and Ive just sabotaged myself again.
    I feel your pain. But look at the bright side. You are only a few pounds from goal and I still have 100 pounds to lose so at least be appreciative of that! There is always a positive if you look for it. I agree with people that posted above, try to figure out what triggered your binge and try to mitigate that next time. Dieting is not easy, it's a struggle for most of us. But you do have a lot of support here and people that care about you, even if we (I) don't know you.
  • First I want to thank each and one of you for your advice and support, it means soooo much to me. Ive done well today, control wise, but in my head I want to go nuts and eat. I haven't been sleeping well and just feeling down with the crappy weather and financial problems.

    I know Im doing better than I ever have with this binge eating, but I hate that I had a slip up. I am in weekly counseling for this so Im definitely taking steps to work on it. I think I need to re-try the Beck Diet Solution book along with IP.

    Im bored too, that's a lot of it, bored and lonely, I haven't been out on a date since a really painful breakup earlier this year, I have this HUGE fear of being alone the rest of my life and that's when I go and comfort myself with food while watching TV. I curl up with my cats and eat and eat and eat.

    I agree with getting rid of the trigger foods, they just cant be in my home, I live alone so I have no excuse to have them in my apartment.

    Thank you all again! This is really freakin hard, I know if I don't change my ways I wont succeed in the maintenance phase and that's what I want, I want to spend the rest of my life in control of my food and my weight, I just cant keep going up and down in weight if I want to be healthy. Thanks everyone, you are a great virtual family hugs to all of you!!!!