Towel NSV!

  • I know this might sound kind of silly, but I've been waiting for this moment for as long as I can remember. I've been using big/beach towels since I was like 13 because a regular towel just wouldn't close all the way around me at the bottom. Today I went swimming and when I went to get a towel, the only dry one was, you guessed it, a regular one. It looked ridiculously small and I thought no way is this gonna happen, but I gave it a go anyway and it wrapped all the way around me with a few inches to spare!

    I am over the moon excited right now, this is the first thing that's happened so far to make me really see my efforts in something concrete besides a number on the scale. I've been waiting for a big NSV moment, and I couldn't be happier that this was the one!
  • Super yay!!!
  • Congratulations
  • Wonderful! I bet that moment felt so good!

    Are you still wearing the towel (I probably would be!!!)?

  • Thanks guys!

    Haha omg, no I'm not, but not gonna lie I did run around the house and show anyone who was around that the towel covered me lmfao. Still so stoked!
  • Congrats on that magical moment! It takes moments like that to keep me focused on a healthy lifestyle. Hope it gives you renewed faith and motivation to reach your goal weight. I'm here rooting for you. Keep up the good work.
  • way to go!
  • What a great NSV and one we can all relate to......or hope to some day. Any way of wearing it all day as a sarong!
  • awesome for you! i too have a special towel i like to use. congrats!!