Hello all!

  • Hi I'm new here and I know it's customary to introduce yourself

    I am 42 and I run a home-based business. Last year I left my "rat race" corporate job and packed on the pounds. I am supposed to be around 130 pounds and I weigh 158. That might not seem like much for some of you but I walk most of the day and my joints (especially ankles and knees) are hurting a lot. When I am not working, I am icing

    I have been up to 170 before and lost it when I got gallstones, so really mad at myself for putting it back on. Plus I am post-menupausal due to an autoimmune disease (sorry if that is TMI) so all the weight is sitting around my waist.

    So now I am tracking calories, avoiding sugar and tracking my walking. I am allergic to gluten so that is an added challenge. My biggest problem is night snacking and emotinal eating. And there you have it....a boat probably many of you are in.

    Thanks for listening.
  • Oh how I know the effects of weight on the joints. I'm only 30-years-old but can really tell how my knees are affected by this extra weight, especially since I've lost a little (they feel so much better when I go up the stairs, etc.)

    Keep at it. We can do it!
  • Hi, and welcome! You will fit in just fine :-) we all do. Come join a challenge or two and jump in WWF however you like.
  • Hi SHRose! There are many here who have been in your same boat so you are not alone! So now, stop beating yourself up and start being proud of yourself for taking steps to get back to where you want to be! You are going to look and feel great! So browse around the forums and jump right in! Good luck! You can do it!
  • Hi there, and welcome! Make yourself at home, and good luck on your weight loss journey! You are definitely amidst people who understand.