Scales and Heart Rate Monitors

  • Hello!

    I'm not sure if this is even the right pace to post this but I was hoping to get suggestions for good scales and heart rate monitor "watches."

    The scale: I want a basic scale that has maybe 1-3 users, you can program a current weight, goal weight and as you weigh yourself it tells you the change and how much you need to reach your goal. I have a curve one that does this pretty well but I can't find the instructions and don't know how to reprogram it (plus I honestly just want an upgrade)

    The heart rate monitor: I want a watch type that measures your heart rate, calories burned and counts your steps. I don't like the ones that come with the strap you have to put around your chest (even tho I know these are more accurate) so any suggestions without this would be awesome.

    Thanks in advance for your help!!
  • I have no advice for HRMs, I don't use one.

    But I got a cheap digital scale from target and I love it. The brand is called "thinner" I believe.
  • Love my withings scale. A bit pricey but worth it.