Where to start?

  • Well a good place to start is with "Hello." I'm Ally, I am 21 and in my junior year of college. Since high school I gained a good amount of weight, 50lbs to be exact... Now it's hard for me to get started. I used to play sports in high school, so I would be working out for 2 hours, 5 days a week. Considering how active I was, I was still over weight. Even though I worked out a lot, I ate horribly and those bad habits have followed me to college. Sadly I don't play sports anymore, so instead burning off all the junk I was eating, my bad eating habits have caught up to me. I've kept making excuses and waiting for that "moment" to hit me, and now I feel it would just be better to actually get hit upside my head. I've tried to get back into shape a number of times, but I've had no significant reason to lose weight till now. I can't fit into a lot of my clothes and I refuse to keep buying more. So here I am to get some support and hopefully get rid of some weight.
  • hello Ally, welcome! Being here means that you are taking a fantastic first step in the right direction. What I did was not push myself too hard to get started--I began with changing up what I eat, drinking more water, and just making myself get up and move even a little more than I had the day before! It's been working for me so far, and I hope you can find something that works for you
  • Hi Ally! You'll find lots of support here, so browse around and jump right in! Good luck!