I've decided to live "maintenance"

  • I'm probably going to be the biggest person on the maintenance boards, but today I decided this is where I really belong.

    I love my eating plan. It's where my body and I are at peace, and the happiest.

    I love my fitness plan. I do it five days a week, and it helps me feel strong and healthy.

    I love my support system and the changes I've made in my life. I really love how I feel about myself right now and who I am.

    I will very likely continue to lose fat, build muscle and become get healthier. I will also very likely slip up, make poor choices, regain a little when I get off track, then get back on track and continue to lose more fat. Very. Very. Slowly. And some day, while on my maintenance plan as it stands, my body will stop losing fat. I fully intend to remain on "maintenance". Because I'm very happy here, not at all stressed, and ready to focus on the rest of my life for a change.

    Woohoo! I am free from obsessing about my weight! Love it!