Astounding August Running Thread

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  • Hello all sorry for the lateness!!!

    I've been so mad at running I could spit , I had my neuroma removed 5+ weeks ago, STILL Having brutal foot pain, couldn't finish 4 miles last night. I think it's time for a second opinion...hope everyone else is faring better than I am!

    Deva - how are your feet?

    Cherry, I tried to catch up on the last thread, I think that race finish was AWESOME, but I freaking HATE when ppl pass me lol so I understand.

    Hello to everyone else! Please feel free to post any/all running this month!
  • Deva - yay for the hydration vest! It really didn't take long at all to get used to it. I think I'm in love with mine as well!

    Im3898 - That's so frustrating about your feet!!! Did the Dr. who did your procedure say this was normal? A 2nd opinion might not be a bad idea... are you see someone with a sports medicine specialty? Hang in there!

    Cherry - you're so speedy!! I'm still working on increasing my distance... hopefully one day speed will come

    Well, I've been keeping to my running schedule - just over 7 weeks until my first full marathon. About a week and a half ago was my first 15 miler. Long story short, it was going GREAT and then just after I hit 12 miles I tripped and fell. No serious injuries, but badly scraped/bloody knees and palms... and a huge goose egg on my left knee. I was SOOOOOO mad. Plus I still had 3 miles to go to get home! I took 3 days off from any sort of exercise and then tried to ease back into running. So I missed some Crossfit classes and some strength training, and I ended up missing 1 short run (4 miles). My left knee is still scabbed and black/blue, but it is significantly better. I still can't kneel on that knee without a little discomfort, but I hope in another week it should be better.

    I have noticed that my knees have been growing more sore as my milage has been increasing (even before my graceless tumble). I've been slacking on my leg strength training that my physical therapist says I should do 3/week to ward off my runners knees while I'm training. I was hoping that the leg training I do in Crossfit would cover it...but I think not exactly. I need to do the more specific exercises that strengthen my hips. Last night I got really freaked out and was worried my knee soreness would keep increasing and make me wonder if I could do the marathon. So today I skipped Crossfit and went to the gym to do my full board leg session. I also switched to new running shoes today (same model as before, just my old ones were getting to the end of their life). I feel guilty about missing so much crossfit, but I feel a little better about helping out my knees.

    Holy heck this is getting long.

    Long run on Saturday will be for 17 record for me if I make it!

    Hope you all are well
  • Quote: Hello all sorry for the lateness!!!

    I've been so mad at running I could spit , I had my neuroma removed 5+ weeks ago, STILL Having brutal foot pain, couldn't finish 4 miles last night. I think it's time for a second opinion...hope everyone else is faring better than I am!

    Deva - how are your feet?

    Cherry, I tried to catch up on the last thread, I think that race finish was AWESOME, but I freaking HATE when ppl pass me lol so I understand.

    Hello to everyone else! Please feel free to post any/all running this month!
    Bummer--I actually had to read about neuroma--and I've been around a lot of long distance runners and have never heard of that one. Are you doing any physical therapy? Hope you get better soon.
  • Sorry about your fall kinda!!! I've had that happen & it BLOWS lol. My hubby got the super sore knee pain w/ his marathon training & I bought him these IT band straps [] and he said it made all the difference. Not sure if that's related to your knee pain...hope you find relief!

    Thanks Kscott, there's really no physical therapy b/c supposedly it's gone now lol but I'm guessing there residual ugliness in there or something. I go back to my doc Sat. If he has no answers, I'm going elsewhere.

    Only 1.5 miles ran, 2 walked last night lol but that's b/c I started cramping really badly due to painful menstrual cramps so tonight I'll take some tylenol & try again.
  • Quote: Sorry about your fall kinda!!! I've had that happen & it BLOWS lol. My hubby got the super sore knee pain w/ his marathon training & I bought him these IT band straps [] and he said it made all the difference. Not sure if that's related to your knee pain...hope you find relief!

    Thanks Kscott, there's really no physical therapy b/c supposedly it's gone now lol but I'm guessing there residual ugliness in there or something. I go back to my doc Sat. If he has no answers, I'm going elsewhere.

    Only 1.5 miles ran, 2 walked last night lol but that's b/c I started cramping really badly due to painful menstrual cramps so tonight I'll take some tylenol & try again.

    Good Luck--I hope you start to feel better and get back to your normal running routine without pain.
  • SIX miles yesterday - first time in about 2 months lol. Foot hurt a lot but I stopped a few times til it let up. I also went back to my foot doc on Sat. He said I might be one of the 20% that the radiofrequency procedure did not work for & he now advises going back in and cutting out any left over branches etc...not sure how I feel about that so I'm now going for a second opinion for the neuroma.

    How is everybody else doing?
  • Oh lm - how disappointing! I know nothing about the procedure you had, and have no advice, but my thoughts are with you!

    I was really nervous about my run yesterday - I have a 1/2 marathon on September 1 and wanted to get some miles in, but my Achilles tendenitis has been really acting up.

    I headed out to do 13 and felt so AWESOME I ended up running 14. Best of all, my Achilles felt great until about the end of the day and it was really stiff this morning but has already loosened up today and feels good.

    So hopefully the foam rolling and icing is doing what it is supposed to!!

  • Im 3898 Was thinking of PM you on my short run this AM I am sorry but maybe worth it to just get it done and over with
    Cherry You just keep rockin those miles I am so jealous!!

    As for me still having major feet issues on both feet. Have been not running since 1st of the month could barely walk with out screaming. Doing ok it just hurts now. So mainly doing weight and indoor aerobic stuff and hiking on weekends. Had company for a week.
    Have started short 1 mile light jogs with the pup she so needs the exercise the vet say she is fine on short stuff she is a natural..thing is she wants to go way faster than me!
    After her thing I ran 3 this morning does not seem to make it worse so will see....
    Go to 2 specialist at the end of the month in LA . I have sent for several doctors notes from as far back as 2006. Seems like I had...have tarsal tunnel {google it} and also osteoarthritis of both feet and had been being teated for those things,I thought it was the neuopathy thing...who the heck knows...that's why I am seeing top notch PODITRIST and NEUOPATHY specialists...So we will see. My feet are numb and in some form of pain all the time.

  • thanks ladies!! Got 5.75 miles in on Friday - foot hurt [of course lol] but it is what it is.

    Deva, I am SO sorry you are going through this. I remember you diagnosed what I had before anyone else & said you've been plagued with foot issues for a long while. I sincerely hope these docs can fix those feet!

    Cherry, I'm glad your achilles is feeling better...where is your half?

    Kscott - any new runs?

    I know running = issues but I love it too much to give it up!
  • We are a bunch of running wounded ladies, aren't we?!?!

    My 1/2 is local - we are running from Watertown to Sacketts Harbor and end on the battlefield of a major battle in the war of 1812. It's called the 1812 Challenge and people come from all over the US and Canada to run it.

    Since it's going to have a ton of competative racers, I won't finish near the top, but I'm still hoping for a good time. I ran 15 yesterday despite some pain and came in at 2:05 and change so we'll see.

  • Hi runners,

    I'm 3-4 months into an annoying condition (wouldn't call it an injury) brought about by deadlifting too much too fast. Sports doc diagnosed piriformis syndrome - sciatic nerve agitation and pain affected by lifting things off the ground, aggravated by too much running, and basically making squatting/deadlifting impossible. I haven't been on any particularly long or epic runs at all lately - just 2-3 miles here and there, 1-1.5 miles on treadmill as warmups.
  • I am not a runner. I hate running and always have. I have never been good at it. So, about two weeks ago I decided to get on the treadmill (which I hate- would much rather walk outside). I got bored on the treadmill after about 2 minutes, so I decided to start running to see how long it would take me to complete a mile. I did intervals, and now am doing it a few times a week. In that time I have shaved off amost 3 minutes and am running under a 12 minute mile. I know that's still slow, but I am so suprised that I am actually liking it.
  • Tiffkuhn: welcome great time for stating back at out its addicting..just ask us!

    Krampus:I am sorry for your injury I know how painful the piriformis can be ( had some trouble a few years back),It is so frustrating

    Cherry: you keep rockin the miles in spite of it

    Im3898 glad to see you have been getting in a few miles also

    As for me did a big hike lots of elevation and time on my feet on Sat. Paid for it on Sun. But today was able to get 3 1/2 miles in. Still keeping up on my weights.
  • Hi ladies!

    4.25 miles last night - felt pretty good so I'm happy. I waited until 9 p.m. b/c I was just too tired/hungry after work & decided to take care of that first.

    Krampus - sorry about your injury! How's the non-smoking going? I started running when I quit 1.5 years ago & I think we talked about it briefly - congrats to you!!

    Cherry -that race looks awesome, I'm seriously considering running it next year!! I'm doing the Newport, RI half Oct. 13th - hubby is doing the full.

    Deva - 3.5 miles with all your ailments -CONGRATS!! Welcome back into it. The hiking sounds nice too - I have a mud race Sept. 7th that's mostly hiking - too steep to run!

    Welcome Tiffkuhn! I HATE treadmill running more than anything in the world lol - I've run outside in a blizzard before to avoid it lol - nice work doing the intervals!
  • Plugged away at my one mile today during my lunch break. It is getting easier every time. On the upside, the gym in my work building has the treadmills overlooking the Chicago River, so it is really nice view.