50 pounds down, 35 more to go!

  • I've finally hit the 50-pounds lost mark! The first 25 pounds came off slooooowly over the course of a year, then I maintained that loss for another year by sporadically going on and off diets, never being consistent. Then almost 12 weeks ago I started Jenny Craig and quickly lost another 25 pounds.

    I've also just started going for walks Monday-Friday for an hour each day and will be adding The Firm workouts to that soon. I'm recovering from a wrist injury, so I have to slowly work my way up to that.

    Anyway, I'm feeling so much better than I did 50 pounds ago. Back then I was depressed, everything ached, I hated leaving my house to go anywhere for fear of running into someone who hadn't seen me since my "slimmer" days, nothing fit me comfortably and I barely had the energy to do my normal daily chores. Now, I'm not leaping and bounding out of bed at the crack of dawn or anything, but I've got at least 75% more energy and go places with my family. The depression has lifted with each pound that I've lost and I'm wearing cuter clothes to boot.

    Life is good!
  • good job !! keep up the wave
  • Congratulations--you're doing great!
  • Yayyyy, congratulations! It's seeing wonderful things like this that really help me keep going!
  • Wow! That's wonderful! Congratulations!
  • WOOHOO!!!!!!!

    It's taking me almost 5 months to lose 20 lbs because I keep stopping and starting so seeing this is definitely motivational!!!!
  • Thanks everyone! It's motivating and inspirational people like you that helps keep me on track.
  • Keep it up!! Great job!!
  • Congrats!!!
  • Awesome accomplishment and inspiration to the rest of us!
  • That's wonderful! Good for you, Sandy!
  • Congratulations! You got this!