Emotional eater, could use some friends.

  • Hello everyone. I guess this seems like the place to start.

    I'm almost 23, and I've struggled with overeating and "emotional eating" for pretty much my whole life. Even as a little girl, I could sit down and eat an entire box of Mallomars if I felt like it. Things got much worse when I entered my teen years and started dealing with acne, depression.. all those joyous adolescent experiences. I've always been a sensitive and anxious person, and also very insecure and rather afraid of people because of it.

    Basically, I'm here because I've been using food as a replacement friend and love, and I really, really wish to change that. I am not happy with my body or with myself. Over the past few years, I've convinced myself that I'm simply not capable of eating like a "normal person." I hope that posting here will motivate me to finally take the first steps in changing that mindset. Thank you for listening, I can't wait to get to know all of you.
  • Hi!
    I totally know what you mean by not being able to eat like a normal person, but honestly, you just have to motivate yourself. I started last September, and have kept of 2 stone constantly, but my weight has have fluctuated by 10lbs, (up and down, up and down, up and down!) I started being really healthy again last Monday , and I've lost 7 lbs in 7 days, which I'm absolutely thrilled with-I'm only 3lbs off my lowest ever weight. Please believe me when I say, the thrill you get from loosing weight is so much better from the emotional comfort you will get from eating rubbish. The more weight you lose, the more confident you get. I'm a UK size 14 now- from a UK size 20. My friends and family telling me how much better I look motivates me.
    Everyone has bad days- if you have a bad day, DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP. That, I think , is the most important thing to get your head around. If you have eat a box of mallomars, that's okay. Tomorrow is another day!!

    Good luck-I hope it all goes well !!
  • Thank you!! Congratulations on your weight loss, that's great.
  • Oh my god, when I read your post it reminds me so much of me. I'm 23 and, like you, for many years now I made myself believe that I just couldn't live without more food than a normal person. I would want to lose weight, get hungry, order McDonalds (enough for at least two or three people), hate myself when I was done eating, promise myself I would stop, get hungry and order something else, etc etc. It was an unending cycle for years and years.

    What I'm trying to say is, I know exactly what you're going through because I'm just about coming out of that myself. I just started exercising a few days ago, and have been eating a little healthier. Even though it's been only a few days, I feel so much better about myself.

    You've taken the first step, and that's the most important thing. I look forward to seeing your posts here often. Good luck
  • Welcome, and good luck in the future! Now that you've taken the first step, you may just find it easier to keep on going!
  • Hi Eva! Check out the sub-forum "Chicks Up for a Challenge." It usually has active threads and there are daily and monthly accountability challenges in which you state your goals and tell people how you are doing along the way. It's a great way to get feedback and stay motivated. Good luck on your new journey!
  • Thank you so much everyone!! ILoveVegetables, it is really nice to hear that I'm not alone. It's very isolating to feel like everyone around me knows how to eat and exercise and take care of themselves the right way... and I just don't get it. I know the self-hatred eating cycles very well. Here's to a more optimistic outlook.
  • I know exactly how you feel Eva03 and Ilovevegetables! I struggle with depression (untreated) and turn to food for comfort every time I feel stressed/sad. I'm tired of being fine with ordering large quantities of Mcdonalds 4 times a week. I've finally decided that I need to change before I have a heart attack before I am thirty years old or get diabetes.

    I wish you both the best of luck on your weight loss journeys!
  • Thank you very much Sreya. Wish you all the best of luck too. Let's help each other out.