My butt is smaller! :)

  • My husband told me today that my pants are really baggy on my booty!! That was SO exciting to hear! I've been trying really hard to get through a plateau and I haven't gotten below 170 for the longest time. Well, today I weighed myself and I was 169.4!!!!

  • Congrats to you! I just love it when I finally see the scale moving again. I've been stuck for a bit but I know I'm doing all the right things so I'm not too concerned. Nice that your hubby noticed!
  • Congrats!
  • Super yay!!!
  • Exciting! Congrats on your weight loss so far!
  • Awesome!
    I can't wait to have that baggy britches feeling myself!
  • Congrats! I was so happy when I found my pants getting baggy too.
  • Yea to baggy pants!!!
  • Congrats!
  • Congrats !!
  • The dancing banana celebrates your baggy pants!