Atkins-Day 15 Very disappointed. Help!

  • What am I doing wrong? Today is Day 15 and I have only lost 3 lbs and that was in the first 4 days. My ketone stix is not moving past the second from the bottom color. I have probably had around 10-15 grams of carbs each day. The only carbs I have had have come from a 1/2 tablespoon of heavy cream in my decaf, about two tablespoons of brie cheese, a stick of string cheese and the first week I had about a cup of iceburg lettuce with oil and vinegar. Every 3rd night I had diet jello with about a tablespoon of heavy cream. I only drink water.

    Other than that I only eat plain chicken, fish, hamburger, deli ham and turkey and eggs.

    I am so frustrated I am about to throw in the towel. What should I do to get myself into ketosis? The good news is that I have lost that "hungry all the time" feeling. For that reason I want to continue, but I also want to start loosing some weight. Help!
  • Hi MissB and welcome!!

    Iceburg lettuce is all your eating for veggies?? You NEED LOTS of veggies induction says 2 cups a day, so why not try broccoli, brussel sprouts, spaghetti squash, beans, cukes, romaine is even better than iceburg, gives you more vitamins.

    I suspect that if you add more veggies, and cut back on some of your cheese and drink the amount of water your suppose to, you will notice a change.

    Hope this helps
  • Well, first of all, Welcome to 3FC. This is the spot for support, answers to questions and general fun!

    Have you read the book - Atkins, I mean? Your carbs seem way too low and you MUST eat veggies. Lots of us use to check our meals. I spotted the word "probably" in your post and wonder how you are counting. Eggs and cheese DO have carbs too.

    The amount you lose on Atkins Induction is related to how much you need to lose. I believe most folks lose 10% of their extra weight if they follow the Atkins rules. Loss is also reduced according to your age, medications, use of artificial foods and water consumption.

    I suggest you post a daily menu with quantities and let the smart Chickies take a boo at it. I'm sure that will help.

    In the meantime, you NEED veggies which will help you up your carbs. Water is equally important or you will stall bigtime.
  • Check the carbs on your deli ham also. Some of it has sugar and several carbs per serving.
  • What about the salt in the ham?? water retention. that will stall big time with a replacement of water for fat.

    what about your caloric intake what were you doing before you started atkins???

    you need to take in your min caloric intake or you will not lose

    take in 1/2 os of water for each LB you ARE

    increase your vegggies

    I do not use keto sticks as I follow PP but i do not worry about them. many girls will see that it does not make much change but it is nice to watch for fun do not obsess over it

    are your clothes fitting better?? if you had a low protien diet before I have found that when taking in enough protien the body will replace the wated muscle that was used for fuel before. so if you had lost muscle with lack of exercise, low protein diet or muscle wasting, then the boedy will repalce it. so what you will see is no change or even a slight increase on the scale as muscle weights much more than fat 5 times as much so if you see 1 cup of fat and 1 cup of muscle the muscle will weigh 5 times more than the fat. so what you will see is no increase of the weight loss but the clothes will fit better.

    there realy are so many variables also are you on HRT?? or Dx with PCOS??? those 2 things will really throw the woe of eating off and it is the health bennies that you need to reach first then the weight loss will follow.

    the biggest thing to remember is the health is the best bennie you did not gain the weight over night (like I did ) so it will not come off over night!!
  • Thank you so much for all your information. It is really helpful. The main thing I have learned I need to do is eat more veggies.
    The good news is I love them and really missed them!

    I think I started eliminating veggies when my keto stick didn't change color. I figured if 20 grams of carbs is good, 10 must be better! Obviously, I was wrong.

    I will follow all your advice and tips and keep you posted on my results this week.
  • Hi Miss B.

    I read your post and figured that I would throw my two cents in. Now, this is only my opinion.

    If I were you I would not go under the 20 grams of carbs. I would eat them and make everyone of them count. I like to get all of my carbs from veggies. Yea, I eat cheese and sometimes have cream in my coffee....but I get 90% of my carbs from veggies.

    Can you skip the Jell-O ? Some people...myself included are aspertame sensitive. If you look at the Atkins Center web site he talks about not having aspertame at all. I use Splenda. There are even soda's on the market now that are sweetend with Splenda.

    Deli ham and turkey can have alot of fillers. I looked at a package of turkey the other day and it contained potato starch.

    What really helped me out this time around wasn't so much the Atkins book but his web site.

    For me the best way to do Atkins is the KISS method. It's simple and cut and dry. That's how I have to have things.....too much chaos in my life not to keep things simply.

    I hope this helps you out.


  • Atkins Day -Day 10
    I am glad to read your response to the Atkins Diet. I, too, started on June 12th and only lost 6 pounds. I'm on thyroid medication, Zoloft and femhrt. I'm wondering if it is possible for someone like me on all these medications to lose weight this way.

    I am going to set up a doctor's appt. to try to get off the hormones. I just found out the gyn I was seeing has left his pracitce. He has had me on these hormones for almost 10 years. I tried to get off them, but have read that you need a doctor to help you get off them.

    I also know too that sometimes when you exercise you build muscle and that adds weight to you. I wish I had taken my measurements on June 12th. But never thought about it. I just want the weight to some off.

    I, too, know that I have to include more vegetables. I like all that stuff, too. aspargras, brocceli, etc...

    I also joined the Atkins Center on line. However, are there any forums like this on the Atkins web site??? I do need support.

    Thank you to all who respond.
  • wow!! I feel better too! I couldn't figure out why I lost what I thought was so little on induction.. but it was just a hair over the 10% of what I have to lose.

    I'm now down 8 after almost 6 weeks.. I was expecting more, but I also realize I have a very distorted image of the distance between what I am and where I need to be.. in other words, I know the two spots (now and goal) but I am making it much bigger than it really is.........

    I've never tried the stix, but I sure feel the difference in my clothing.... and I got back into my blue jeans yesterday!!! *yippee!!.. haven't been able to for 2 years!

    I love how you gals all jump in with suggestions.. even if they are for someone else, there are others out here who can use them too!

  • Great news judoMom have you done your body fat % Yet?? that ia really the bvest way to measure your fat loss and it can lead to changing your goal weight. such as if your lean mass is higher then you do not want to loose tomuch. your body is considered not overweight if you have a body fat of less than 22% (depending on your age) so the more lean mass you gain the more your goal weight will be. good thing to find out so when your weight does not change but your clothes size does you are lsoing fat and gaining the good stuffl

    Dee You will and can lose weight on low carb. i have even heard of several that have managed to come off thyroid medication doing low carb. having those things will definatly slow weight loss down but it does not mean that you should not try this. you will be very suprised at how great you feel doing low carb. it is wonderful!!! and that is what you should focus on when doing low carb. the weight loss should be secondary. If you do not try where will you be in a year?? not any slimmer nor healthier. if you do try and give it a great shot just imangine the success that you will accomplish!!! Do not try to do too many things at one time like come off HRT nor change the thyriod meds. too many changed in your life at one time will defintaly throw things off and the easiest thing to stop is the diet!!!
  • Well, after reading your suggestions, I started adding more veggies while still basically "not cheating" on Atkins. When I checked my keto stix, I was back to the beige color after only adding a couple cups of green beans daily!! I got afraid eating all that high fat stuff and not being in ketosis, so I have switched from Atkins to the South Beach Diet. I feel like I'm being better to my body with this diet.

    I have finally lost a couple more lbs -- So, for me South Beach is working better.

    Today when I was at the deli getting some turkey cold cuts, the lady behind the counter and I started talking about what is in some of the brands of deli meat. Based on what I learned, Boars Head is tops. She told me there is nothing added--no extra salt, preservatives, fillers, etc. I think one of my problems with Atkins was the salt that was in the non-Boars Head turkey. (which is exactly what one of you warned me about!) I just wanted to pass this on since I think it is important to look for "hidden ingredients" while we're trying to lose weight.
  • Did you ever get a chance to read the book? Did you count your carbs?

    When I read that you added"a couple of cups" of green beans, I know why you went out of ketosis. Veggies are not free. 1/2c cooked plus 2 cups lettuce. You can get alot of carbs in even "good" veggies. Find a carb counter book.

    This is one of the reasons you should read about the diets, if you don't understand and do it wrong, it won't work.
  • Dee (and for anyone else who is interested): I have found a couple of other boards where there are many low carb followers.

    this one has many lo carb boards, along with a specific one for atkins followers

    2) http://www.atkinsdietbulletinboard.c...d32750d53af936
    This is also a great website for Atkins followers


    Have fun!
