Revisiting healthy and desperate to lose weight!

  • Hi everyone! I'm a 40-something who needs to get healthy and lose weight to help get the rest of my relationships in order. My marriage is suffering and I cry when I look in the mirror. If I could afford lipo...I would do it in a sec. I'm desperate to lose 35 pounds and I started by finishing the Tough Mudder at MIS just two weeks ago. I power walked all 12 miles while others ran...but I feel like it's a start. I just had a cortisone shot in my tailbone for an injury that occurred a year ago. I really need someone who has been in my position...a super thin 20 something who ballooned into a 180lb pear by 40. I'm so sick of hearing that it's because I had kids. And I'm so mad that I let myself get this way. I just can't love myself this way. Please hit me up if you have a similar situation going! I really need someone who I can be accountable to and vice versa. Does anyone out there need a weight loss buddy?
  • I could use a weight loss buddy! Please cheer up, Jenni. You're making a wonderful lifestyle choice for yourself!