Kiora, A pissed new member from NZ

  • Hi there everyone,
    What a wonderful site! I feel privileged to be here. Thank you 3 fat chicks
    I have been here a week, and have come here everytime I feel like a munch out. So thank you all for keeping me on the wagon.
    I am doing calorie counting for the first time ever, and it seems to be working.
    I have had a great day, however I have chosen to use 550 of my 1300 points on a bottle of wine. I have found the wine is lasting a longer time as I'm drinking from the bottle.
    Does anyone know how many calories more you use lifting a heavy bottle?
  • Welcome Melissa

    Is a bottle of wine really only 550 calories? One day I might try the two-bottles-a-day-too-smashed-to-find-my-mouth diet, I'm sure it would be a winner.
  • Welcome and baha I am glad I'm not at the counting calories stage because I love my wine! Luckily I have to drive a half hour to find my fav wine, so it's a bit of a deterrent.

    I am new to 3fc and am totally doing the same thing you are (reading the forums whenever I get the urge to head to my pantry and eat unnecessarily.)
  • Thanks Trudiha, and TooWicky for the welcome.
    Yes, wine is 550 calories. Good luck with your two-bottles-a-day-too-smashed-to-find-my-mouth diet. Laugh out loud, and if all fails, at least the vomit will reverse the calories.

    Toowicky, i live in the wop wops too, however only 15mins for me. Hey tell me, what are you doing that is working for you?