Ankle problems and cardio

  • Background:

    I rolled my ankle in gym class while in high school a couple of years ago. SEVERE swelling and bruising, and my dad refused to take me to a hospital, an orthopedic surgeon, or anything for about 2 months. I finally got in to see a surgeon, and the X rays showed that a small piece of my talus chipped off and didn't reattach. I was put in a boot for two months. Two months later and it wasn't fixed, so he ordered an MRI. Severe bruising, so I got 2 more months on the boot. Another MRI. Two months in a cast.. after that it was 4 months in a boot. WTF? Then he didn't bother with physical therapy. This was 2 months after I got tendinitis in both of my feet and had to stop running for 6 months!

    Freshman year of college I decided to undergo additional physical therapy because there is chronic swelling in my ankle. It didn't help. To this day, it's super painful, and there is usually about 4 mm of swelling.

    I wanted to start couch 2 5k to help get me running, but about 5 minutes in with a good brace I was on the verge of tears. I try to walk about 3 miles a day, and about 1 mile in it's super painful. The elliptical kills it too. Bikes (any type, ugh) hurts. I can't swim other than doggy paddling (which is quite the sight, lemme tell ya! lol) so I can't really do that for cardio.

    *Sigh* I give up I'm a fatty mcfat so I don't really have any business skipping cardio exercises, and it's my favorite part!
  • I would get in to see a different Dr if you can, especially one with a background in sports injuries.
  • It has been such a long time since I went in to the doctor, I'm afraid they can't do anything short of surgery to fix it! I miss exercising. Even lunges kill when I lunge on my right leg.

    Any ways around this?
  • I also recommend trying to see a sports doctor. In your case there may not be a quick fix especially since this injury is quite old and never properly healed.

    As for cardio suggestions, could you do a rowing machine? Besides that I'm out of suggestions. Good luck.
  • I would see an orthopedic doctor before hurting yourself. There may be options, besides surgery for you. If surgery is the only option, if finances permit it look into it. I have health issues that only surgery will help. I am working towards getting help, but it takes time to be mentally and financially ready. . Good luck to you!
  • a couple of thoughts:

    1) don't put yourself down with the "fatty" remarks...your photo is GORGEOUS!

    2) you don't need to exercise to lose weight, because that comes almost entirely from what you eat/calorie deficit

    3) I totally second/third/fourth the idea of seeing a sports doctor...yes there may be surgery involved but at least you know what you're looking at, what happened initially and where you need to go from here....

    I took a bad fall on a trampoline when I was about 13....I was being bounced way high (like high enough to see over the first floor roof from outside) and I lost my balance mid-air, tipped sideways and came crashing down with my lower back hitting near or on the metal ring around the parents were SUPER protective of me and I never told them that I got hurt for several then it was too late to do lower back's vertebraes were twisted sideways and collapsed inward and by the grace of God it hadn't affected my nerves in the spinal cord...for most of my young adult life I had issues with discs rupturing and healing in my lower back...finally I addressed the issue with a chiropractor who was able to slowly move my vertebraes back as best it will be....I haven't suffered any more ruptured discs since then (I had treatments from the chiro for about a year total and avoided surgery) back will never be 100% better but I haven't had a major pain incident since then
  • Quote: a couple of thoughts:

    1) don't put yourself down with the "fatty" remarks...your photo is GORGEOUS!

    2) you don't need to exercise to lose weight, because that comes almost entirely from what you eat/calorie deficit
    Thank you alaskan, I guess I'm so used to saying that I never realize when it slips out

    For me it's more than just losing weight I guess... I have a great diet, but to me I like to see my muscles and be all toned. I used to be tiny and athletic before all of these injuries, and it's more of me striving for that toned and sexy look rather than weight loss. It's so hard with the pain though :/ I'll definitely be giving another OS a call before I go hard and heavy with it! I agree that a sports med specialist would be a good call
  • I was similar is where I broke my ankle but had to have surgery with a plate and six pins put in. This was about 16 years ago, and I have swelling still but no pain. After I work out I just put it up and that helps.

    What about trying aqua aerobics or yoga/pilates?
  • I do a LOT of pilates, but I never thought of aqua aerobics! We have a pool here so I can try some aqua jogging, great idea!
  • If you want to tone, then forget the cardio and lift weights! Can you do squats? Deadlifts? Push-ups? Lots of awesome full-body exercises that don't put too much stress on your ankles. I've been doing Mark Lauren's You Are Your Own Gym program for a while and love it--no steady-state cardio but I sure get my heart rate up and I am definitely noticing differences in my body. He has some jumping exercises, but it's easy to substitute something that works better for you.
  • Quote: Background:

    ... my dad refused to take me to a hospital, an orthopedic surgeon, or anything for about 2 months.
    I hope your Dad realizes what an impact his decision has had on your life so far. It angers me to hear that!

    Take your health into your own hands and go see the doctor and get a second opinion. If surgery is the best option then really consider it. You are young, you will need your ankles for a long long time, you must take care of yourself.

    For cardio have you considered swimming?
  • Stella- I'll be checking that out!

    Wannabeskinny- Haha, I can't swim!! I can doggie paddle, but I look so silly! I love being in the water though, so I think even the doggie paddle is effective.

    I lost about 30 pounds during freshman year of college back when I was getting consistent cortisone injections in my ankle, but those dang things HURT! I think it's finally time to bite the bullet and get a consult for surgery