I realized I need to check in here everyday

  • To either post or at least read posts. I havent been checking in here much this week and I have had 4 high calorie days over the past 6 days. I need to get back on track! I did at least log my food, which is a plus, but was well over my calories those 4 days.

    Back on track today with a healthy smoothie for breakfast to be followed up by a run!
  • It's a great way to keep yourself in check plus honestly I'm finding myself feeling guilty even thinking about cheating haha like I'll let people down on here when really it's letting myself down
  • I think its pretty much a given with anyone at some point. I havent been all that great with my calorie intake either to be honest.....Im suffering from depression related to losing my job (I was fired four weeks ago and finally got my paycheque today and a letter from my employer stating that I quit which is so not true....anything I think for her to get out of paying me severance pay and to make me look bad - she couldnt even fire me herself, got another employee to tell me to pack my stuff and leave, meh, but it is what it is) and also I have been dealing with three deaths over the last six weeks.....this has been a horrible month and a half.
  • I have to get better about checking in every day even when I'm out of town--it keeps me more honest and more on track and more connected to my goals.
  • I find that when I've fallen off the wagon so to speak, I avoid this forum. Almost like you all will figure out I've been bad LOL! But honestly, it does keep you on track and its incredibly supportive.
  • I agree - I always do better when I check in at least very other day. It keeps my goal in mind and helps keep me in line
  • I am so sorry you've had such a rough month, Missys Mom! I hope things get better for you.

    I can't believe I completely forgot about this forum for a few years - I think had I come back sooner, I wouldnt have gained back those 30 lbs.