Kicked my soda habit now it's time for a new focus!

  • I mentioned in the chat thread that I kicked my soda habit and now I really feel like it's time for a new habit to kick. So, I'm thinking it's going to be sweets. I LOVE sweets, but they are a huge stumbling block for me. If I allow myself just a little, then it seems that I just can't stop.

    I slowly weaned myself off the soda, and I did pretty well. I had some rough days where I would have more than I should, but for the most part I was pretty good with it. So, I can't decide if I should wean myself off the sweets or if I should cold turkey it.

    What do you do? Do you just stop a bad habit cold turkey, or do you slowly reduce it?
  • Great job on cutting out soda!!
  • WTG!

    My 2 cents... What usually works for me is cutting them out completely unless it is a planned social event thing. If I do have sweets I wait until the end of the day. Have only a small amount and then I have to be done eating everything for the day. Sweets is a big trigger for me. If I go to bed shortly after having sugar I am sleeping during the time cravings for more kick in. Good luck. Let us know what you decide and how it works out for you!
  • Thanks! I'm thinking that I'm just going to try to cut them out completely at least until I feel like I am in control not the sugar.
  • I know back in April when I got really serious about this new LIFESTYLE PLAN I avoided sweets for 2 weeks. Then when we had a dinner at work I had only a small portion. I have continued when the opportunity presents itself to have only a small portion. It makes me feel like I am not being deprived. I do not buy them or bring any into my house though, that way I am not tempted.
  • I cut out sweets completely at the beginning of February. For all of Feb, and March, I was eating clean, no sugar, limited bread/carbs, and I lost 30lbs! In April I went on vacation, and had my B-day. I of course, ate cake, and have not been able to kick the sugar again since. I need to clean every last bit of it from my house, and make a lunch menu for work (where I usually buy a candy bar if I don't pack a clean lunch). I have gained back almost 15lbs of that. I know that I felt SO much better, when I was eating better. Now I just need to get my mind back in the game. Good luck!
  • wooo!
    Soda is my big guilty pleasure, along with bread, sweets, cake, cheese, and pie.. You've done it! maybe I can too.. just maybe
  • I cut soda out completely and just forgot about it. For sweets, I cut them back slowly, and still allow myself to have them once in a while, maybe one or two little pieces a week.